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Tag "Orthodox Jew"

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Rabbis meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (video)

On Monday Sep. 24, ’07 in the Intercontinental Hotel, at 48th St. and Lexington Ave. New York City at 9:00am anti-Zionist Orthdox Rabbis met with Iranian President Ahmadinejad then participated in a counter demonstration against protestors of the Iranian President in the Dag Hamerskold Plaza at the United Nations followed by a counter demonstration during the speech of the Iranian president at Colombia University. To understand why the Rabbis met

Rabbis meet Ahmadinejad in NY

PRESS TV reports: A number of Jewish rabbis carrying placards of “I’m a Jew, not a Zionist” have met President Ahmadinejad at his residence in New York. The senior Jewish rabbi welcomed the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and called the meeting an extraordinary good fortune for the Jewish rabbis. The senior Jewish rabbi said the memory of this meeting would never fade, adding that the Iranian President understands the Jews,

American Orthodox Jew donates 1,5 million dollars to rebuild Palestinian home

by Tovah Lazaroff for the Jerusalem Post An Orthodox American Jew has donated $1.5 million to fund a campaign against the demolition of Palestinian and Beduin homes throughout Israel and the territories, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions announced on Monday. The committee plans to use those funds to rebuild as many as 300 Palestinians homes it expects to be demolished this year either by the Interior Ministry, the Jerusalem
