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Tag "philosophy"

Medicine as religion

original Italian text by by Giorgio Agamben translated for The Saker Blog by Gulab Bara posted by permission of the author original article here: It is now plainly evident that science has become the religion of our times, the one that humans believe they believe in. In the modern west, three great systems of faith have coexisted, and to some extent continue to coexist—Christianity, capitalism, and science. In the

What is freedom?

by Naresh Jotwani Not many will dispute that ‘freedom’ is one of the more popular words in English language today — in spite of the fact that, as we shall see, this word does not even have a well-defined meaning. Despite lacking a clear meaning, the idea of ‘freedom’ is much loved the world over. Would any human being ever choose ‘not being free’ over ‘being free’? That is unimaginable.
