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Tag "Ramin Mazaheri – Yellow Vests Book."

Postscript: Looking back and looking forward with the Yellow Vests

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog (Now available! This book has just been published in paperback and E-book form, and in French too!) Western culture has been so prevalent for two centuries that I think much of the world assumes that they already intimately know a major European country like France. Many outside of the West may be saying, “We know the West, but the West doesn’t know us!”

What the Yellow Vests can be: a group which can protect Liberalism’s rights, at least

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Now available! This book has just been published in paperback and E-book form, and in French too! “All the chorus of calumny, which the Party of Order never fail, in their orgies of blood, to raise against their victims, only proves that the bourgeois of our days considers himself the legitimate successor to the baron of old, who thought every weapon in his

Yellow Vest Win: Proving that Western Liberal Democracy is the same old autocracy

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog If we say that the Yellow Vests are not socialist revolutionaries even latently, then what are they protesting about? To put it the most simply: they are protesting the end of European Social Democracy, with the limited protections it provided. (This is the seventeenth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Please click here for

Yellow Vest Win: The death of Western parliamentary democracy as the most progressive government

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog The fight against autocracy and monarchy – the dominant theme of progressive politics in human history – has always begun with the fight for a parliament: the creation of a group representing some interest beyond the royal executive decree, and with the power to affect the lawmaking process and general governance. (This is the fifteenth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests:

Yellow Vest Win: Ending the West’s slandering of all popular movements as right-wing xenophobes

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog “The Radicals (Western Liberal Democratic reformists) are the democratic party of French imperialism – any other definition is a lie.” – Trotsky It is too facile to refute the Western Mainstream media’s “manufactured consent”, to use Noam Chomsky’s famous phrase, which gave overwhelming support to the police brutality and legal repression of the Yellow Vests. They did this by a tactic which has

Yellow Vests: At worst, the most important French movement for 100 years

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog At the very worst they will be as forgotten as the sit-ins, factory occupations, strikes and marches of 1936 have been: 1936 was, however, the most important political movement in a century – between 1871 (The Paris Commune) and 1968. This is no small achievement. (This is the twelfth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best

To Yellow Vests he’s the radical: Macron imposes ‘radical centrism’ for Brussels

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog During the only debate featuring the five principal 2017 presidential candidates the National Front’s Marine Le Pen zinged Macron with the night’s best line: “You have a crazy talent: You just managed to speak for seven minutes, and I am incapable of summarising your thoughts – you’ve said nothing. It’s completely empty,” she said, and then turned around to the audience and admired,

The pan-European project wanted a Great Recession, winds up with Yellow Vests

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog Most damning to the claim that the pan-European project is benevolent is that there was no plan to relaunch the Eurozone economy after the 2007 economic crisis, unlike in China and the United States. The reason for that became clear: chaos was fostered in order force through “reforms” which would revert postwar European Social Democracy back to Western Liberal Democracy – that is

Growing up Yellow Vest: Seeing French elites, not French people, conquered by neoliberalism

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog World War II saw massive political gains by the lower classes and average person, but only via their own mass-murder. Many socio-economic demands which go back to 1789 and which animated the Revolutions of 1848 were put in place, finally. (This is the ninth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Please click here for

On Trotsky in ‘Leon Trotsky on France’ in order to reclaim Trotsky from Trotskyists

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog Turning to Trotsky to help analyse the Yellow Vests is indispensable not because I am a Trotskyist but because Trotsky is the foremost socialist architect, describer and critic of the actual waging of political revolution. (This is the seventh chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Please click here for the article which announces this
