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Tag "refugee crisis"

November 22nd 2015 Germany & EU SITREP by ‘C’

The biggest issue in Germany these days is of course the wave of islamist terror attacks that took place over the last couple of days with the ones in Paris dominating the headlines. In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris there have been numerous police raids in France, Belgium and Germany in which a lot of Daesh supporters including the alleged master mind of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud,

Looking at the fever chart

by Dagmar Henn What is the state of this republic? In former times, the German left observed every development critically; listening to them you could feel the country’s pulse and had a distinct view on bourgeois democracy. Meanwhile they seem to have lost that ability and are satisfied, as long as their headlined sound nice. Sometimes you need to abstract from the mere content and scrutinize the form of an
