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Tag "RT TV"

Interview with Andrew Korybko

An American studying in Moscow? That is a fascinating profile that sounds almost unreal. Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you came to study in a country that most Serbs greatly respect and admire, while most of your Serbian peers dream of studying in America? Hi, and thank you for this very privileged opportunity to address your readers, I’m very honored that they’re interested in

The Truthseeker: Who Has Nukes in the Middle East

Daniel Bushell does a stellar job of delivering a blunt expose of the real nature of the “Jewish state of Israel” and interviews plenty of very good people to make his point.  Absolutely brilliant show – MUST WATCH!The SakerPS: does anybody know who Daniel Bushell is and were he comes from?  I am hugely impressed by this short report and I want to know more about the guy who did
