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Tag "Ruble"

Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards? Who’s chess game?

by Peter Koenig The world is still hell-bent for hydrocarbon-based energy. Russia is the world’s largest producer of energy. Russia has recently announced that in the future she will no longer trade energy in US dollars, but in rubles and currencies of the trading partners. In fact, this rule will apply to all trading. Russia and China are detaching their economies from that of the West. To confirm this decision,

Supporting the Rouble And Other Energy Exporter’s Currencies

by George Oprisko Earler, you specifically mentioned that currencies of many energy exporters, eg: Venezuela, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, and Ecuador have dropped sharply against the US Dollar. This essay explores the reasons behind the observed sellof(s), and debunks the myth that each currency stands on it’s own, and is a unique case, instead asserting that concerted action by one party is responsible. The party I believe to be responsible
