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Tag "Russian Chinese joint military exercises"

Chinese amphibious force “invades” Russia

The biggest joint maneuvers between Russia and China in history are currently taking place in the Russian Far East right now.  The trained scenario is 100% “politically correct”: defense of civilians against a terrorist attack.  And these must be some formidable terrorists if the Chinese and Russians felt that the best way to deal with them is to launch a full-scale amphibious assault supported by naval aviation and special forces

Yet another very telling sign of the growing military alliance between Russia and China

As foreign leaders have begun to arrive in Sochi, something quite unique happened at the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping.  First, he was greeted by President Putin, like all the other heads of state, but then the two men left of a special communications room to speak with the senior commanders of the Russian and Chinese navies.  The amazing thing was that this was a joint videoconference which saw

Russian and Chinese ground forces practice interoperability in the “Peaceful Mission 2013” joint military exercise

I have recently written about the large scale military exercises conducted by Russia in the Far East and I remember that some clueless commentator (from the BBC I think) wrote that while the maritime component was directed at Japan, the land component was directed at China.  At the time I did not think that it was worth spending any time debunking this silly notion, but today I will mention that
