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Tag "russian government"

 Russian Central Election Commission Publicly Roasted Grudinin and the CPRF

Russian Central Election Commission Publicly Roasted Grudinin and the CPRF (Ruslan Ostashko)  Translated by Scott Humor, subtitled by Leo     The Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC) refused all attempts by the Communist Party to bring a former Presidential candidate, Pavel Grudinin, into the Duma. The CEC did this by adhering to the letter of the law they themselves implemented. The Communist Party has long been called the “Commercial

Vladimir Safronkov: How to become a national hero

By Scott Humor As a story goes, back in the nineteenth-century, a Paris opera house decided to stage a play with insults towards Russia and its monarch, Alexander I. He sent his diplomat to talk to the theater administration and asked them not to stage this sort of Russophobic production; they refused, saying that the French were enjoying freedom of speech and could insult Russians all they wanted. Alexander I

New Russian government: boring, disappointing and uninspiring

The suspense, to the extend that there was any, is over.  Medvedev has presented a list of candidates for the next Russian government and Putin has approved it, and the result is, frankly, rather unimpressive. First, for all the talk of a “new team”, this is a team of hyper-continuity.  The only big change was the replacement of Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev by Vladimir Kolokoltsev.  The good news is that
