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Tag "Russian naval task force in the eastern Mediterranean"

The Russian Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Naval Briefing November 9th, 2016 by LeDahu

Source: Extract from infographic – Source: Extract from infographic – Latest information is that the Russian fleet off the coast of Syria is going to carry out military strikes in the Aleppo region including seaborne missiles launches.  This is not surprising since the main elements of the Russian Navy force have at last converged off Cyprus & Syria. The Kuznetsov carrier has been on the receiving end of

Northrop Grumman on a collision path with Yaroslav the Wise, by Scott Humor

On June 17th, US destroyer cut off Russian patrol frigate that was fighting Islamic terrorists ISIS in Syria, by sailing a little too close to the wind. About 55ft or 180 meters to be correct. Russia’s defense news TV channel Zvezda cites at least two violations of the international maritime laws broken by the US ship captain.   Russian patrol frigate Yaroslav Mudry or Yaroslav the Wise is a submarine

Russia officially confirms that the heavy missile cruiser Variag will join the Russian Navy task force in the Mediterranean

So far, this was only an unconfirmed rumor but now it has received an official confirmation:  heavy missile cruiser Variag will join the Russian Navy task force in the Mediterranean where he will replace the Moskva.  In other words, the Russians want to keep a heavy missile cruiser on station for the foreseeable future.  The rotation of heavy amphibious assault ships is continuing (see here for context).The Saker Heavy missile

Russia is continuing to increase the sized of its naval task force of the Syrian coast

That is interesting.  The US appears to have accepted Putin’s “Russian Gambit”, Kerry and Lavrov are reported to be immersed in complex technical discussions, the risks of war seem to be averted, and yet the Russian Navy is continuing to strengthen its task force off the Syrian coast.  According to Russian sources the following ships are being sent to reinforce the task force: Large amphibious assault ship Nikolai Filchenkov Guard

Russia is sending two large amphibious assault ships to the eastern Mediterranean

Anonymous Lurker has just drawn my attention to a most interesting piece of information (thanks!):  Russia is sending two large amphibious assault ships – the Novocherkassk and the Minsk – to the eastern Mediterranean. Novocherkassk Minsk This type of ship can carry 10 main battle tanks and 200 troops or 12 armored personnel carriers and 340 troops or 3 main battle tanks, plus some artillery and air defense systems.  In
