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Tag "Russian professional dissidents"

The time has come for Putin to make the most important decision of his Presidency

Today I would like to just share two thoughts with you and suggest that each and every one of you come to his/her own conclusions.First, Russia was literally “sucked into” WWI by the Germany.  Russia did not have to enter the war as Russia herself was not attacked.  “Only” Serbia was.  Russia was not ready to enter the war, but the Czar-Martyr Saint Nicholas II decided that it was his

Moscow demonstrations report – basically, a non-event

As promised, here is a short report on what took place today in Moscow.  First, let’s see what the BBC had to say: The caption is priceless!!  Turns out that some heroic freedom fighter & “activist” called Katz is *secretly* filming the protest to get his own crowd count.  I did not find the count, but I am sure that it must run in the millions. But, seriously, is the

Interesting developments in Moscow

You probably have already seen the horrified news reports in the Western corporate media about the “crackdown” on Russian “dissidents” in Moscow.  If not, check this one by AP for a more sober tone.  What is really taking place? Putin = Stalin Is Russian really going back to Stalin’s year 1937 as the local tweeter-freedom-fighters have been posting?  Not quite. What happened is this.  The authorities were investigating the violent
