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Tag "russian pseudo-spies"

The “fake Russian spies” were not fake at all! (UPDATED!)

Remember the case of the fake Russian spies including the sexy Anna Champan? If not, check out my piece The proof that the 11 Russian spies were not spies at all. Well, turns out that they were real spies after all, very very real spies indeed.  So what was the deal with all the nonsense the FBI fed us about their arrest?  The Russian newspaper Kommersant actually found out what

The proof that the 11 Russian spies were not spies at all

Look what I just found in The Guardian: The youngest and most glamorous of Russia’s 10 self-confessed spies, Anna Chapman, triggered the FBI swoop when she made an anxious phone call to her father in Moscow saying she was worried that her cover had been blown. She did WHAT?!?!?!? An international phone call to *Moscow*?!?!?! That is really the ultimate proof not only that Anna Chapman was no spy, but
