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Tag "Saker Sandbox"

What I like to listen to when I miss my beloved Brazil (UPDATED)

Last month I published a short post I entitled “What I like to listen to when I miss my beloved Argentina?” featuring a beautiful Argentinian zamba interpreted by Pedro Aznar and Abel Pintos.  Today I want to make something very similar and share with you the kind of music I listen to when I miss my (also beloved) Brazil: the song “Jack Soul Brazileiro” in two version: one by Lenine,

“Anthem” by Ralph Towner

Ralph Towner is definitely one of the most talented composers and guitarists of our time.  His solo career and his career with the group “Oregon” has produced some of the most beautiful and original music written in our times.  Today I want to share with you one of his compositions for solo acoustic guitar called “Anthem”.  The main reason I love it is because of its immense lyrical beauty, but
