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Tag "Saker Staff"

Sitrep Operation Z: Two very bad days for the Ukraine & The Big Refuse

For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff This is too good not to be credited to Brian Berletic: The United States (and small collective west) is refusing to choose the option that makes sense. This option is coexistence with the rest of the world. Their objective of maintaining primacy over the rest of the world is no longer attainable. The Big Refuse is of course Lloyd Austin demanding that Russia

Sitrep Operation Z – Where are we?

For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff The main observation which one cannot help but agree with, comes from Andrei Martyanov and I rephrase somewhat: The rate of change is markedly accelerating as the first result of the crumbling and implosion of the Ukraine as a state and the structure of its armed forces. Things will go quicker now and they are, as discussed further! First though, pure fantasy. We

Sitrep Operation Z: Yeah, we have some Big Deals

Prepared by Saker Staff From the Russian Mod:  “Thanks to unprecedented measures taken by the leadership of the Russian Federation, with the active participation of representatives of the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, humanitarian operation to evacuate civilians from Azovstal plant is now complete.” There still are rumors of high level military in the plant but humanitarian corridors are closed.  A group of reportedly about

Sitrep: Russia is too slow, and other canards

For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff Looking back at the bigger picture, i.e., Russia is too slow, and other canards: February 21 president of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR and promised to support the republics. On February 24, President Putin announced a special military operation in Ukraine in response to the appeal of the leaders of the republics of
