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Tag "Scott’s rant"

Scott’s rant about things

Russian Orthodox Church gathers all faithful The Holy Synod just added to the ecclesiastical calendar more than a dozen saints who lived in Europe including saint Patriky, the Apostle of Ireland, better known as Saint Patrick. The Holy Synod  considered in part the accounts of Russian Orthodox Christians worshipping in dioceses located in Western Europe. Church officials weighed this information, as well as the absence of particular saints’ names from

Thank you Russia! It’s nice to see what “Mission Accomplished” really means (Scott rant)

Foreword by the Saker: Since I have turned into a dreaming alligator and the blog is taking October maybe not quite “off” but at least in a “minimum service” mode, I have decided that my Director of Research, Scott, should get the opportunity to post a rant once in a while.  Not only that, but since I now post “dreams” in the analysis section, then there is no reason why
