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Tag "Sergey Glazyev"

Sergey Glazyev: For those who still don’t understand

Source: Machine Translation and then checked and finessed by the Saker Blog Translators I will try to briefly explain and justify the necessary measures to achieve Victory A special military operation (SVO) revealed a plan prepared in advance by the US power and financial elite to seize power in Russia. It includes the following components and stages. 1. Wear out the Russian armed forces in a war with well-trained

“Events like this happen once a century”: Sergey Glazyev on the breakdown of epochs and changing ways of life

Original Link: Translated via Yandex “Events like this happen once a century”: Sergey Glazyev on the breakdown of epochs and changing ways of life Is it possible to stabilize the ruble in three days and why don’t the Ukrainian”zombies” give up? “After failing to weaken China head-on through a trade war, the Americans shifted the main blow to Russia, which they see as a weak link in the global
