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Tag "Shimon Peres"

Gilad Atzmon – Taking Elder Peres Apart

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Truth must be said, I do admire fierce President Ahmadinejad almost as much as I despise war criminal Shimon Peres. However reading the rant Peres gave Wednesday during the UN’s General Assembly is a rather amusing experience. The man who has more blood on his hands than any living Israeli politician was rather daring. “The Iranian people are not our enemies,” declares Peres.

Reflections on the Israel-Hezbollah Prisoner Swap Deal

by Khalid Amayreh for Palestine Think Tank The latest prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hezbollah is a healthy indicator that at least some Arabs are beginning to understand the depraved Zionist mentality, and act accordingly. Such mentality is based on arrogance, insolence, and religious and ethnic superiority. Israel, a country whose collective mindset views non-Jews as virtual animals or at least lesser human beings, had to face a new
