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Tag "Somalia"

The USA has lost yet another war – has anybody noticed?

One of the most inept war launched during the so-called GWOT (Global War on Terror) was the CIA-run war on the Islamic Courts in Somalia. Using a combination of Ethiopian troops, CIA goons and Special Ops, the USA invaded Somalia and took control of Mogadishu. Well, its over. The Ethiopians have left and the Islamic Resistance is back on control. Yet another useless war initiated by the USA ends up

Another Imperial disaster: 90,000 civilians flee Mogadishu

It is often forgotten that besides the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the USraelian Empire has also triggered a war by proxy in Somalia when it ordered its Ethiopian stooges to attack and invade Somalia under the pretext that 3 (three!) Al-Qaeda terrorists were hiding there. Soon thereafter the relative stability provided by the Islamic Courts Union was replaced with chaos and warfare. To paraphrase Madelene Albright’s words, “this was

Somalia: the forgotten front in the US GWOT

Somalia is a mostly forgotten front of the US Global War on Terror. True, only a limited number of US personnel is deployed there or directly involved in the fighting; this is a war by proxy, courtesy of the US backed regime in Ethiopia who invaded Somalia under orders from Washington. After many years of chaos and violence Somalia had finally found a modicum of stability under the Islamic Courts
