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Tag "SouthFront special report"

Russia 2019+ Military Doctrine

source: Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson The term “Gerasimov Doctrine”, apparently wholly made up Mark Galeotti who, to his credit, owned up to his mistake, has been used by the Western media to the point of obscuring the real work on developing national security doctrines for Russia’s 21st century needs.  In this work, General Valeriy Gerasimov, Chief of General Staff of the Russian Federation

A Network of Power: Gas Pipelines of the European Continent (Infographics)

by SouthFront: Natural gas has limited and expensive transport options. As a result, natural gas pipelines are constantly used as tool of the political pressure and bargaining. One of the most notable battlefields is the European continent, where Russia has exerted its influence through an intricate network of pipelines. Find the text with an additional information about the pipelines below the graphics. (for high resolution image go here: 1. NORD STREAM
