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Tag "spying"

Hezbollah dismantles two major CIA spy rings in Lebanon and Iran

Haaretz reports: Report: Dozens of U.S. spies captured in Lebanon and Iran Dozens of spies working for the CIA were captured recently in Lebanon and Iran, current and former U.S. officials told The Associated Press and ABC News on Monday. The CIA’s operations in Lebanon have been badly damaged after Hezbollah identified and captured a number of the U.S. spies, officials told The Associated Press. Hezbollah’s longtime leader, Sheik Hassan

U.S. Arrests Ex-NASA Scientist over Bid to Spy for Israel

al-Manar reports: A top American scientist who once worked for the Pentagon and the US space agency NASA was arrested Monday and charged with attempted spying for Israel, the Department of Justice said. The Justice Department said Stewart David Nozette, 52, of suburban Chevy Chase, Maryland, was charged in a criminal complaint with attempting to communicate, deliver and transmit classified information to an individual he believed to be an Israeli

Feds drop charges against AIPAC spies

If there was any doubt at all that the USA is an Israeli colony, here is the proof: (AP via Yahoo): ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Federal prosecutors moved Friday to dismiss espionage-related charges against two former pro-Israel lobbyists accused of disclosing classified U.S. defense information, ending a tortuous inside-the-Beltway legal battle rife with national security intrigue. Critics of the prosecution of Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman of the American Israel Public
