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Tag "Switzerland"

Switzerland Sitrep – “Black Lives Matter” protests

By Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog There were a number of protest marches and rallies in Switzerland, in different cities and with a quite impressive number of participants. Most of the rallies were unauthorized – due to Covid-19 restrictions – but tolerated by the authorities. Apparently, the participants were young, many were „non-white“, but „genuine“ Swiss. The rallies were non-aggressive and I have seen no voices who were

Wanna see the “New European” homo-erotic “culture”?

Frankly, when I saw this I just could not believe my eyes.  Switzerland, the country where I was born, the country of Euler, Piaget, Dunant, Einstein, Paracelsus, Piccard, Dürrenmatt and Barth has now turned to some kind of degenerate form of satanic homo-erotic “art” as an expression of its “culture”.  Sickening.
