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Tag "tanks"

Heavy Metal Q&A – replies by Kakaouskia

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. It is with pleasure that I am doing this Q&A with you. Many interesting questions have been raised by the community – to make this an easier reading I have grouped the questions together by “topic”. Also, some readers where kind enough to answer some of the questions; in those cases I will simply correct thing or add a comment if

Tank expert “Kakaouskia” offers to make a Q&A with Saker readers!

Announcement by “Heavy Metal” Kakaouskia: To all the Saker community, I saw with great pleasure that my article “Heavy Metal – A comparison of Russian and Western armour” generated quite a bit of interesting comments. I wanted to come back with “Heavy Metal – Part II” comparing ammunitions, but as specifications on these are very hard to come by (the real stuff, not what the brochures say) I decided to
