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Tag "Tarik in the Vineyard"

What Next?

Tarik in the Vineyard for the Saker Blog I’m not sure even a NATO mosquito could cross the Russian border unmolested. And when a bear is lethally threatened, it doesn’t posture; it charges in a mighty roar. So why the Russian ultimatum? There are many plausible motives, many of which are not mutually exclusive. I’d like to focus on an aspect that hasn’t been discussed yet. The last ten to

Why Russia didn’t shoot anything down yet?

By Tarik in the Vineyard for the Saker Blog If Russia shot down a NATO bomber or ship flying or sailing where it shouldn’t be (or even a US one), who would dare respond in kind? It begs the next question: Why Russia didn’t shoot anything down yet? Things need to be put in perspective. So here is a third question: Why is the West and the US in particular,
