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Tag "Tariq Marzbaan"

Afghanistan – A Cursed Construct (PART II)

by Tariq Marzbaan for the Saker blog Subsequent to Part I of this essay on Afghanistan and the Taleban, I would like to embark on a brief history of “Afghanistan” leading up to Pashtun nationalism and the rise of the Taleban, through which one might better understand the “Taleban phenomenon” and which will also offer a view on the 3rd and final perspective (“from the perspective of Pashtun tribal structures

Afghanistan: A Cursed Construct

by Tariq Marzbaan for the Saker blog PART I Without a knowledge of history, one cannot understand the world today… For most people, especially Westerners, “Afghanistan” remains a dark enigma. But the enigmatic nature of this construct was cultivated… and still is today, because it suitably represents the enduring colonialist romantic myth of a wilderness populated by swashbuckling barbarians. And today this bleeding crossroads, at the heart of the Heartland,

DENAZIFICATION – ACT I… The Great Patriotic War as Seen Through Soviet Cinema

Notes and reflections by Nora Hoppe with contributions by Tariq Marzbaan for the Saker blog DENAZIFICATION – ACT I… The Great Patriotic War as Seen Through Soviet Cinema – for Today’s Battle against Amnesia As the western world descends ever deeper into a morass of ignorance, stupidity, obliviousness and inanity, accelerated by wilful amnesia and the cancellation of history and Russian culture, we feel it is indispensable to rekindle, commemorate

Guo Xi and the Great Emptiness – in Times of the Collapse of the West

by Nora Hoppe and Tariq Marzbaan for the Saker blog Notes and reflections by Nora Hoppe and Tariq Marzbaan Foreword: This contribution does not intend to provide a profound analysis or exhaustive essay on the complex and rich history of Song Dynasty painting. It intends to offer a modest, cursory glimpse into classical Chinese thought… which can offer us valuable lessons for our views of the world and the cosmos
