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Tag "this and that"

A couple of small items

Dear friends,Two small items I wanted to mention:First, does anybody know what has happened to  All I see on that page is this:   I sure hope that ICH has not been censored.  If you have any info, please let me know. Second, I have not had the time to address the “18 fired generals” canard.  Guys, this is just a normal rotation and there is no special dimension

Dominical audio-visual smörgåsbord

First, an extremely interesting interview of Julian Assange on RT TV. For those who still insist on believing that Assange is an agent of the New World Order and Wikileaks a US government false flag psyop operation, please contact me ASAP. I have a bridge for sale in NY. Next, and totally unrelated to the above – check out the Wahabi crazies in Gaza: Lest anybody think that the only
