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Tag "Three Stooges"

Jumblatt: Our rivalry with Hezbollah not lasting (he is not kidding!)

Oh, boy, take a look at this: Druze politician Walid Jumblatt has said that the Lebanese government and the majority bloc would support Hezbollah and the resistance. In a meeting with Qatari Premier Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Al-Thani, Jumblatt reportedly sent a message to Hezbollah leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah to announce that hostility between the two sides is temporary and Mount Lebanon would support the resistance movement, al-Jazeera TV reported.

It’s over: the Three (Isareli) Stooges have rolled over and caved in

What is inevitable tends to happen, doesn’t it? This is the novel conclusion which Hariri, Siniora and Jumblatt have (finally!) come to. They have agreed to oficially revoke the anti-Hezbollah decision which had triggered the conflict last week. Which is a good thing, considering that these decisions were not implementable anyway. Hopefully they will soon come to the next inevitable conclusion: its time that they joined their pal Gemayel in

Why don’t the Three Stooges realize that the show is over?

Yesterday President Dubya, in an interview to the BBC, made one of those statements which will enter future history books as among the dumbest ever uttered by any head of state: the USA will send more money to the Lebanese Army to help them to get the weapons they need to defeat Hezbollah. Amazing, isn’t it? Obviously, the great President of the only ‘hyperpower’ on the planet does not read
