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Tag "Tymoshenko"

Yulia Tymoshenko wants to nuke 8 million Russians in the Ukraine

As I have mentioned before, Tymoshenko really appears to have suffered a great deal in Yanukovich’s dungeon and now she is clearly “gone fishing”.  The latest telephone leak (thanks SVR, and keep up the great work!) shows her actually suggesting that the Banderites *nuke* the 8 million Russians living in the Ukraine.  She also proposes to make Russia a scorched field.  Let me immediately reassure everybody – the Ukraine does

I smell a rat

Call my paranoid (I am). Call me distrustful (I am). Call me cynical (I am). But I still smell a rat and the stench of that rat is getting stronger every minute. Take a look at this BBC article about the election results in the Ukraine. Observers from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) were unusually blunt, warning the country’s political leaders they should listen to the
