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Tag "UN General Assembly"

Russia’s position at the seventy-sixth session of the UN General Assembly 1.      The goal of the 76-th session of the UN General Assembly (GA) is to reaffirm the central and coordinating role of the Organization in international affairs. Owing to its representativeness and universality, the UN is rightfully viewed as a unique platform for an equitable dialogue aimed at reaching compromise solutions with due regard to different opinions. Attempts to undermine the authority and legitimacy of the UN are, in

What the quasi-unanimous adoption of UNGA resolution on “The Situation in Syria” really means for the free world

On August 3rd of this year, something truly remarkable happened at the United Nations: the UNGA passed a resolution formally condemning the Syrian regime and the UN Security Council but which everybody understood was really a condemnation of Russia and China over their triple veto of Western sponsored anti-Syria resolutions.  The vote was 133 to 12.  The 12 who voted “no” are:  Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Myanmar,

UN vote shows weakening of USraelian Empire

The United Nations General Assembly voted yesterday overwhelmingly in favour of endorsing the Goldstone Report. In total, 114 states voted to adopt the report and 18 objected. It is interesting to look at the list of countries who actually voted against it. We can split them into the following groups: A) Core members of the USraelian Empire: Israel, the United States, Canada B) Core members of NATO and the Echelon
