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Tag "United States"

Syrian War Report – May 11, 2017: Syrian Army Renews Operation Against ISIS In Eastern Aleppo   If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover On May 10th, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces fully liberated the important town of Tabqah and the Tabqah dam from ISIS terrorists in the province of Raqqah. The town of Tabqah is located within

Syrian War Report – May 4, 2017: Rebel Civil War In Eastern Ghouta If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover Clashes continued between Jaish al-Islam and the joint forces of the Al-Rahman Corps and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus. The Al-Rahman Corps

Syrian War Report – May 3, 2017: Russia Expands Advise And Assist Mission In Syria If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: A Russian military adviser, Alexei Buchelnikov, was killed in Syria by a sniper from the ranks of militants, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on May 2. Buchelnikov was “a member of the group that had been training personnel of

Syrian War Report – May 1, 2017: Government Troops Launch New Offensive In Eastern Homs If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Last weekend, the 5th Assault Corps and the National Defense Forces, supported by the Russian air power, began an operation against ISIS in the eastern Homs countryside. By Monday, government forces have retook the villages of Jibab Hamad, Tadmuria,

Syrian War Report – April 26, 2017: Syrian Army Makes Important Gains In Homs Province If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover On April 26, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate Gen. Sergei Rudskoi announced that Russia had withdrawn half of its warplanes from the Hmeymim Airbase in Syria. Rudskoi said that the number of Russian aircraft

Syrian War Report – April 26, 2017: Turkey Bombing US-backed Forces In Syria If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: The Syrian Republican Guard has repelled another ISIS offensive in Deir Ezzor. The fighting took place near the Deir Ezzor Airbase, the Tamin Brigade base and in the cemetery area. Earlier this month, ISIS allegedly transferred its self-proclaimed capital

Syrian War Report – April 18, 2017: Turkish-Kurdish Tensions Increase In Northern Aleppo If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover Last night, pro-Turkish militants attacked the predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in a number of areas, including Semuqa, Zewyan, Hasiya, Om Hosh, and Sayd Ali in the northern part of the Aleppo province. Pro-Kurdish

Charles Bausman’s courageous stance against a US propagandist

Foreword by The Saker: I wanted to share with you a remarkable moment on Russian TV.  During the talkshow Special Correspondent Charles Bausman, Editor and Publisher of Russia Insider, had the courage to contradict a fellow American journalist, Michael Bohm, and denounce the propaganda the latter was spewing. Bohm, who is fluent in Russian, is known all over Russia the THE mouthpiece of US propaganda.  Every time a Russian talkshow
