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Tag "Vanunu"

Morderchai Vanunu wants his Israeli citizenship revoked

The Israeli Committee for A Middle East Free of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms Press release, May 7, 2011 Morderchai Vanunu demands to apply a recently passed law and revoke his Israeli citizenship. “I have no interest in Israeli citienship, I don’t want to go on living here”. To Mr. Eli Yishai, Minister of the Interior, 2 Kaplan Street, Hakirya, Jerusalem Re: Revocation of Citizenship I am Mordechai Vanunu, who

Israeli TV shows 3D computer simulation of Isareli nuclear weapons site

I am not sure when this was aired, but since this is still highly relevant stuff, I decided to share it with you: Reminder: Presumably, Israeli nuclear forces do not present any threat to the Middle-East. Iran, which is a member in good standing of the IAEA and which is in fully compliance of all its NTP obligations is threatened with war, while Israel, the biggest violator of international law

Three news items from the BBC (updated)

This morning I woke up the following three news items on the BBC website: First, the Imperial High Command continues with its policy of blaming Iran for its defeat in Iraq. Second, the “only democracy in the Middle-East” has sentenced one of its citizens to six months in jail for speaking with the foreign press. Third, Iran has lauched a 24 hour TV news channel in English (with an well
