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Tag "video with subtitles"

A truly excellent summary of the true nature of the situation in the Ukraine

Ok, I have to admit that I don’t know anything about this guy or about his “Goblin news”, and his choice of metaphors is not always the most delicate but, man, he really “pins” this situation perfectly.  His analysis, simple yet spot on, is much better than 99.99999% of what is written in the western press so I urge you all to listen to what this guys says.  For those

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Speech on Al Quds Day 2013 (HQ video with English subtitles!)

Today I have the huge pleasure to share with you news which I have been awaiting for a long time: somebody has decided to make the speeches of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah available in high quality video and subtitled in English!Check out the YouTube channel ElectronicResistace.  It is a real treasure trove of Hezbollah related videos and, from now on, it will feature the speeches of Hassan Nasrallah with English subtitles.This
