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Tag "Vladimir Shamanov"

Russia prepares for the worst in Syria

The commander in chief of the Russian Airborne Forces, General Vladimir Shamanov, has confirmed rumors that the Airborne Forces have adopted a plan to evacuate Russian citizens from Syria.  While this does most definitely not mean that Russia believes that the Assad regime will fall, this does show that this is an outcome for which the Kremlin is making all necessary contingency plans. General Shamanov For a while already a

Only in Russia…

Sergei Mironov I was just watching the Russian TV news (Channel One) when I heard the leader of the Russian “liberal” opposition, Sergei Mironov, declare that if he becomes President he would name General Vladimir Shamanov, the current Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces,  as Minister of Defense.  If the most pro-Western (relatively speaking) candidate to the post of President openly nominates a “super-hawk” (according to the Jamestown Foundation) it
