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Tag "webmaster"

A new webmaster for the Saker Community!

Dear friends, I am happy to announce that a new webmaster has been chosen.  This is ‘HCS’ who will now be in charge of webmastering for all the Saker blogs.  HCS is not new to our community as he had already participated in the efforts to salvage a lot of the data which had been lost as the result of the problems which happened this winter, and he has participated

Two important fundraisers

Dear friends, Today I want to ask for your support for two fundraisers, one for one of our “brother in arms” and one for my webmaster. Russia Insider crowdfunding campaign Russia Insider is launching its first crowdfunding campaign today.  Please check out Charles Bausman’s appeal ( APPEAL: We’ve Launched Russia Insider’s Crowdfunding on Kickstarter. ) and the campaign’s kickstarter page ( Russia Insider – Challenge the Media. Let’s Push Back!
