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Tag "Wikipedia"

List of monuments damaged by conflict in the Middle East during the 21st century

Thanks to “R” for pointing out this Wikipedia entry to me.  The Saker From Wikipedia: This is a list of monuments suffering damage from conflict in the Middle East during the 21st century. It is sorted by country. Contents 1 Afghanistan 2 Egypt 3 Iraq 4 Lebanon 5 Libya 6 Palestine 7 Syria 8 Yemen 9 See also 10 References Afghanistan The Buddhas of Bamiyan were a spectacular legacy

Open Letter Concerning Wikipedia Suppression of SouthFront Information A few days ago Wikipedia announced intention to remove its entry on SouthFront (more here), explaining an issue by the pro-Russian position of the project and, by way of issuing an official reason, that the information about the project mostly cites the SouthFront site. Wikipedia’s entry on SouthFront on February 26, 2017 In this respect, the SouthFront wants to openly state the following. The SF team is independent, as
