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Tag "zelaya"

Bogus Honduran Elections Today: Hypocrites Washington, Costa Rica, Panama, Perú, Colombia & Israel the only nations to recognize the illegal elections

by Eva Golinger “What are we going to do, sit for four years and just condemn the coup?” a senior U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told reporters in Washington. The true divides in Latin America – between justice and injustice, democracy and dictatorship, human rights and corporate rights, people’s power and imperial domination – have never been more visible than today. People’s movements throughout the region to

President Zelaya makes an important statement on DemocracyNow

I have just listened to President Zelaya talking to Amy Goodman on Democray Now. Here is the exchange which concluded the interview: AMY GOODMAN: We have ten seconds. What would bring you, your side, back to the negotiating table? PRESIDENT MANUEL ZELAYA: [translated] After four months, I cannot go back to negotiation with the coup regime at all. AMY GOODMAN: Five seconds. Translate? PRESIDENT MANUEL ZELAYA: [translated] This is now

Another setback for the US Empire?

It appears that President Zelaya has won something of a victory in his struggle to return to the Presidency of his country: the putchistas have agreed to let him return to power to complete his mandate. President Zelaya reportedly expressed “satisfaction and optimism“. Does that mean that all is well in Honduras now? Absolutely not. While I don’t have any details about this, I am confident that the deal between
