
Enkei is a big time wheel builder. The Hamamatsu based company was one of four original JWL manufacturers.  On a global scale, they are easily the most recognized Japanese wheel brand, and entered foreign markets in a big way before anyone else from Japan did.  Enkei makes wheels for OEM applications. They make wheels for […]

Mass Appeal Wheel

My spelling is often terrible… but you can’t blame me here.  I’m just trying to accurately portray history. In 1980, if you purchased a set of Rays Engineering Volk, or Xray wheels, they came with a nifty plastic card that insured your wheels against theft.  The translation reads: Volk & Xray […]

Rays Guaranty Card

Vintage catalogs and reader submissions are great, but every once in a while we come across some really unique and interesting resources.  Someone recently advised me to check through old US Patents for vintage wheel design information.  With great excitement and hope, I dug in, did some research… and poured through literally […]

Patented Design