2018/06/15 02:00:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
“To inspire” comes from a Latin root meaning “to breathe the spirit of life into.” Ive gathered some quotes from far and wide that hopefully will serve as a little inspiration as we all face the relentless daily grind.
“Things done well and with care, exempt themselves from fear.” Shakespeare.
“It is only in the depths of spiritual experience that man attains to God and passes beyond the limits of the natural and physical world.” Nikola Berdyaev, 20th Century Russian Philosopher
“The soul is never born nor dies at any time. Soul is eternal, ever-existing and primeval. Soul is not slain when the body is slain.” Lord Krishna, Bhagavad- Gita
“There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were. Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi.
“One is never so strong as when one is broken.” Hazrat Inayat Khan
“A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to bring one whole heart home.” Rumi.
“1. Forget the past, learn the spiritual lessons of today. 2. Look for a new way to solve a stubborn problem. 3.Whatever you undertake, do it to the best of your ability. If necessary do it even better.
” Harold Klemp, Eckankar
“The father, in praising the son, extolls himsel.” Chinese Proverb.
“Do not dig the grave of your neighbor, lest you fall in yourself.” Macedonian saying.
“What the self describes, describes the self.” Jacob Boehme
“Music seems to be a vehicle – for at least a select group – to mystical experience.” Gloria L. Clarke, “Mysticism and Music”
“Art is never finished, only abandoned” Leonardo da Vinči
“Those who know do not speak
Those who speak do not know
When you are silent ‘It’ speaks
When you speak ‘It’ is silent.” Zen Buddhism
“Ability never changes, but willingness to exert does.” Paul Twitchell, Eckankar
“When we give up the love of power, we will come to understand the power of love.” Jimi Hendrix
“The mystery does not get clearer by repeating the question,
nor is it bought with going to amazing places.
Until you’ve kept your eyes
and your wanting still for fifty years,
you don’t begin to cross over from confusion.” Rumi
“If a thing loves, it is infinite.” William Blake
“There can be no rebirth without… a total annihilation of all that you thought you were and believed in.” Hazrat Inayat Khan.
One morning my friend and colleage – after an all night bender on LSD, knocked on my door, wide eyed and excited: he’d found the secret of the universe. “It is what you think it is!”, he intoned with great self-assurance. In fact, “It is what you think it is”, echoes Descarte; “I think, therefore I am.”
But, who is doing the thinking? I’m not referring here to observance of the river of reactive imagery passing through our heads on a daily basis, but to the act of thinking itself, ie; using the mental faculty to look at a problem and seek its solution etc. And why does Inayat Khan speak of a necessary “annihilation of all that we thought we were and believed in”?
“Postulates are those opinions, ideas and claims laid down for controlling the mind of others by an overwhelming insistence upon a point of view.”
It might be said that many religions, nations, even worlds are the result of postulates. Postulates aren’t necessarily truth, although the best certainly are; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, etc. but that somebody’s postulate struck a common chord and was accepted as such. Often they are imposed by force, such as those of a conquerer. He makes postulates which must be accepted, or else.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, til he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.” Blake.
“I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.” Blake.
Our beautiful planet is
With the love of a God
Alright Baby!
Opening Match of World Cup Russia vs. KSA 5:0
Russia vs. Saudi Arabia 5:0 (2:0). Historical victory and masterfully goals
List of scorers
Yuri Gazinsky 11′:32”
Denis Cheryshev 42′:10”
Artem Dzyuba 70′:49”
Denis Cherishev 90′ + 0′:46”
Alekcandr Golovin 90′ + 3′:56”
Correction: Aleksandr Golovin (ru. c = en. s)
Cheryshev is correct with y but not with i
Russia vs. Saudi Arabia 5:0! All goals!! Volgograd reacts!!!
more of the Donald in Singapur, don’t miss it
it’s short and clear
I kind of concur with Mundo and I show up a bit late to give this lovely Cafe Client in the photo a little company, and keep The Joint from Going Under.
Which it will, at this rate! Guys, we gotta keep the lights on!
That’s # 1.
Anyway, here goes to Cousin Scrappy the Marine Vietnam Vet turned Civilian Auditor of US Military, retired some years now, to Eastern Oklahoma:
Okay, Cousin!
DT and KYU in Singapore, Good or Bad?
Let’s do an audit!
There’s an awful lot of dots to connect here, and I maintain that we will NEVER have all the dots, much less connect them all correctly. Our main goal, in my humble opinion, should be to just connect enough of the biggest, main dots or data points that can be known with a high degree of certainty in a matter of days……. And then refined and checked for accuracy in the remaining years of our lives….. And passed on to succeeding generations….as fruitful methodology for revealing fraud and deception, stopping evil….and expanding truth….and love among human beings inhabiting this earth for generations to come……
That’s how big Singapore is, potentially, if we take the high road and shrug off cynicism.
So that we can proceed with some degree of confidence that we are stepping forward…in the best direction we can ascertain…..and NOT into a minefield of dangerous or fatal error.
So, while I assert that our audit could never account for everything….we have to proceed anyway…..as we are after the main outline or structure in order to have some confidence going forward, on not only of how to think about this passing week’s Main Public Event to most productively quide our subsequent actions….but to soberly consider our responsibility to do so in terms of radiating the benefits of 611 (2018) ….or mitigate its evils (If we decide that Deception was the purpose of that play in Singapore…..GOING FORWARD.
Just as I think we ought to do the SAME with 911 (2001) ……a Mirror Image Main Event that I suggest has as great a usefulness for us, as a litmus test, for various crucial experiments, weighing and auditing the MIND, (truth versus falsity, consistent aspects versus contradictory or inconsistent aspects), the SPIRIT (Freedom and Love, versus Fear and Enslavement) and the BODY (Material effects in wealth and power, for either Good….. or Evil in all the theater and reality of the present day!
This one is going to test ALL of our capacities of intuition, intellectual rigor….and courage.
That may seem too daunting an audit to undertake, but we actually have a lot of help! Millions of other people are working on this, or have done prior work on it that connects to your life and experience as a Marine in Vietnam in 1965, 1966, for example. So you can get personally grounded before we get started, and then you decide for yourself if the answer that Col Fletcher Prouty received from the Harbormaster on Okinawa in early September 1945 (“Stateside? Hell no! Half of this war material is bound for Seoul Korea. The other half is getting shipped to Hanoi.”) is further grounding in historical fact that can augment your personal experience, gut instincts, moral compass…..or not!
In other words, we are not in this “audit” alone. Unless we choose to go it alone and not “interview” any one else involved, living or dead. A fool’s errand, in my personal opinion! (The SOLO route.)
So not only will I cite the deceased Col Prouty, whose testimony we have, which bears fundamentally on this audit subject, but there are a lot of others to help with a lot of different pieces of this audit!
I can’t come anywhere near to a complete list and the quality of data and persons submitting it may vary from extremely useful to practically useless, but I am playing with ideas and hypotheses here in Statement # 1 On Commencing the Singapore Korea Summit Audit……..some of which I candidly admit, may need to be tossed in the waste basket, as we get further into this thing
From the outset, before we get into the supporting and conflicting details, I will be upfront and state that at this juncture, the preponderance of evidence that I have been able to gather tell me that 611, 2018 Singapore is most probably a very, very good thing and a polar opposite 0f 911 2001 Manhattan.
However there are those that will assert the contrary, that it is Strategic Deception Not To be Trusted. And I suggest we look at their evidence, methodology and so forth, and not ignore contrary views.
But before starting with my woefully incomplete evidence for having a such an admittedly positive attitude about 611, 2018 Singapore, let me establish a few fundamental points:
POINT # 1: The Deep State Empire of Evil Black Hats that landed you in Vietnam also set up the Division of Korea as a point of leverage over world strategic affairs prior to the end of WWII, as Prouty (among others) suggests, and have no intention of giving up that point of leverage any more than they intend to give up other levers of power and control .
POINT # 2: Eliminating that point of leverage is a serious blow to the capacity of this Cabal of Evil to maintain its grip on humanity.
Point # 3. Whether persons like or dislike any of the main actors in Singapore earlier this week, is of lesser importance than the Strategic Overview of the Usefulness of that event for The White Hats: Those that argue for greater freedom and decentralization of power in a Multi-polar World not enslaved by anyone’s hegemonic monopoly of force or opinion. Dislike of Trump, for example ought to be mitigated by the plain fact that Koreans, both North and South are ecstatic. Since they are the closest persons to this issue, I submit that their thoughts and feelings ought to be near the top of the list, in terms of weight we might give them.
Point # 4: The Same Holds for The Black Hats…the Cabal as many people call them. Does Singapore lessen or increase their EVIL Power???
Point # 5: Everything Is Connected and No Event Of Any Importance Stands in Isolation From Other Main Events In Current History. There is a lot of crosschecking to do!
Point # 6: To save a lot of aggravation and error and wasting of time, people who have lied to us endlessly about almost everything should be almost completely ignored—except to register in our minds that the opposite of what they are saying is far more likely to be the truth than what they are currently saying…or ever said in the past…..if we intend to get anywhere near the truth in this little audit.
As the auditor with the most professional experience, your input is encouraged!
Now Some of The Most Interesting Evidence, in my opinion. Bear with my sense of humor. We gotta loosen up and not tighten up! The more serious, tighter analysis will come in a subsequent email!
EXHIBIT # 1 Basketball Diplomacy
Am I kidding? No! Have a look at this video, because this man Dennis Rodman Broke the Ice on North Korea Five years Ago. In the seventies, it was Ping Pong Diplomacy. Today, This Thing Takes Bigger Balls! Basketballs.
https://youtu.be/dAJLJRRJY3E Dennis Rodman Gets Emotional in Singapore
Now, in my opinion, Dennis’ emotions are actually a good indicator…of the heart. A vital indicator.
Here are some wild, wild speculations:
1) On the internet is the suggestion that Kim studied in Chicago in the Bulls NBA Champions Years. WHAT!!! I do not know. Under a different name/alternative identity???
2) Then, my own speculation: Did White Hats Know This and Were They Behind Rodman Travelling to Pyongyang 5 Years Ago???
3) I am sticking my neck, way way out there, ready to be ridiculed, because my role is not convince anyone of what I don’t even know myself. It is to loosen y’all up! People are too tight. That’s mind control at work. I reject it. LOL
Now let’s get a little more Sirius. I think they have a good overview of the Singapore Summit in Sirius Podcast Episodes 434 & 435. Available by subscription for $4.75 per month. But I took notes from London Paul’s online audio report June 13, a double podcast devoted almost entirely to the events of the prior two days in Singapore:
Singapore Summit June 11 and 12, 2018 A Vital Component In Taking A Wrecking Ball To the Cabal.
These notes are cryptic, but you’ll get the idea:
No vacuous BS by Trump.
Bolton was cut off at the knees—denounced for weeks by NK diplomats —muzzled in Singapore.
The earlier breakdown of the meeting was real….but Trump was pressured to put it back on schedule.
In Essence It Is An Agreement With China. Trump is being realistic with China….wants to work with them, not against them. Trump followed their suggestions…while he admits they violate certain “rules” Trump Sees The Bigger Picture…and endorses China’s leading role in the Korean Peninsula….Wrecking The Cabal and advancing Prospects for Peace and Prosperity.
Russia’s Role: Lavrov was in Pyongyang May 31 preparing Kim for Singapore.
Putin at SPIEF in St Petersburg said “Key to de-nuke of NK is solid security guarantees”—State visit by Putin to Pyongyang is next.
Japan’s Input: Trump not offering blind faith—but offering trade and cooperation….Trump ditching Europe and rotating toward China and Russia, undoing the Cabal.
Singapore was not a win for one side and a loss for another (USA) –it is Common Sense……. and thus a loss for The Cabal (New World Order Black Hats).
South Korea and Russia are cooperating on gas deliveries every bit as much as with NK. Overall, London Paul and The Sirius Report are much encouraged by Trump’s recent foreign policy decisions.
EXHIBIT # 3 Various Links
One thing Paul repeated several times is that all the decisions announced in Singapore were already agreed to weeks if not months before this week we are now ending. The purpose of Singapore was more Show for the US and Korean and World Public to Educate Them To Coming Change…and not shock them too suddenly. There may have been finishing touches added a few days ago, but the main outline was already decided says Paul or others…..In The Forbidden City Beijing…and say more than one source Kim Was Also There, and Met Trump, hosted by XI….in the Forbidden City!!!
Do I know this?? Certainly not. I am reporting on what the internet buzz out there is, as long as it is important if it were true, and as long as it is a possible and not an impossible hypothesis. I am just aggregating these things for further investigation, not claiming (I am in no position to do so!) that I KNOW.
These are hypotheses, not proofs. Now every day, I try to get out of my comfort zone and check out someone new on the Internet. I think I heard it from this Italian Dude with the Total Eclipse you tube channel.
I didn’t much like the look of his whiskers, but I am sketchily investigating the Q Anon Phenomenon and recent events near Tucson that My older sister briefed my on, on the 4th of June at your house. This involves the darkest, hardest to handle (for some) aspect The Cabal is accused of by scores of investigators: Human Trafficking And the Ritual Sexual Abuse and Murder of Small Children.
Since Tucson and Q and Singapore were all covered by this whiskered Italian, “Andy” (Andrei???) I got over my initial negative reaction and gave him a listen. Here is where intuition comes in: Andy covers a lot of things I know to be true and many that I don’t know about. My Intuition told me to stay put and hear him out. I think it was Andy that said Trump and Kim hammered out their deal in the Forbidden City.
That might have been the segment: Q Anon The Scripted Movie Kim & Trump Deal, RR On The Run To FVEY, IG Report, EO, Iran D S
True or not true, I am not looking for the same old, same old when I go on the internet. I am a lot more interested in Alex Jones’ most knowledgeable guests that are telling me something I don’t already know, than I am in Alex Jones’ same old, same old bug eyed rants to Rope in More Deplorables! LOL.
Now, before I leave # 3 a little primer on the Mass Phenomenon of Q Anon is required. Here goes:
QAnon For Beginners
I understand why London Paul, Saker and many others are not interested in Q, at least publically. Since I am no one, I am under no such constraints. It’s a mass phenomenon that yields a lot of noise and some incredibly significant leads about the Trump Enigma, IMHO….So There!
EXHIBIT # 4 The Cabal Is Into Raping And Murdering Small Children….So You Might Want To Find Alternatives to CNN, MSNBC etc. MSM is Owned by the Cabal.
Defensive Move # 1: Turf your television set. It’s not called “The Idiot Box” for nothing.
Now @ April 18 there was a major international conference on Human Trafficking and the (unofficial…there is no state sponsorship of the conference or organization that held it) sitting “judge” or magistrate appointed by the other participants was Robert David Steele. Why include him in this freewheeling analysis of Singapore??
Well very simply, because I heard him say in February or March that he met with another spook in Japan ….and “A Japanese Princess” that that spook introduced him to in Japan, that strongly asserted that Xi, Trump and Putin are all pushing the denuclearization of the ENTIRE Korean Peninsula and reunification of North and South Korea……and it would happen, far, far faster than many are prepared to believe.
Apparently he was on to something, ummm??
Now first the Human Trafficking Conference recently held. I would start (especially if you are adamantly opposed to Robert David Steele, as many are…) with one of its participants who IMHO is for real:
A former Dutch Investment Banker and lower level attempted inductee into The Cabal who was unable to “pass the grade”: Ritually Rape and Murder a Child, Ronald Bernard:
here he is at the International Tribunal for Natural Justice in London recently.
And here, like him or not i, here is RDS wrapping up the Conference:
Use your instincts and tell me whether you think Ronald Bernard is a faker. Here is the first video I ever saw of him, last year:
https://youtu.be/i0hb8dfKN8k Dutch with English Subtitles.
He speaks English and there are also plenty of interviews of him in English, directly.
Now, I know this is just a very preliminary beginning step toward an AUDIT of KJU ….or Trump….. but I put this Exhbit # 4 last, because I know you don’t care much for DJT…and that he mystifies and disappoints even many who want to hope he will do something to End Empire and Restore the Republic…..but in my mind this Question of Exhibit # 4 will be the Critical Test, THE Litmuss Test of Whether Trump is ANY Good (besides the One Time Act of Derailing Hitlery) or whether HE is Just As Bad, as many cynics even among the “Patriot Movement” maintain.
His apologists maintain that his # 1 priority has been to stay alive, but as Q suggests, he is Finally Getting the Upper Hand on the Deep State….which is just the domestic servant class of the International Cabal, The Globalists.
And that a lot of delays and head fakes, and deception have been necessary to get this far. Others are fed up with DJT, Q and pretty much everything, from A to Z. I see no point in digging into that losing foxhole, with so much dynamic change afoot in the world.
I think London Paul is right about Singapore and that we have to sharpen our wits for what comes next. I’ve got a bunch more that I am far more sure of than this “start” to the audit, but this is how I choose to begin it.
Thanks for giving me an initial “hearing” to kick off this AUDIT, which is impossible to conclude in one or two emails.
Your California Cousin
I think I have to intrduce Scrappy to Catherin Austin Fitts next. You know, the missing trillions from the Pentagon.
… this is how I choose to begin it.
This is how I choose to begin it …
Bro 93
Thanks for giving the mike to Cal Cuz Scrappy.
I’m one of the millions who have Q in my audit along with Prouty, Cooper (who I spent a few days with) , RFK (who I met just before he went to Cal) etc etc etc. I’m also a Nam combat vet 66-67 with wounds that affect me to this day. Vets who have “seen the elephant” start looking for other “creatures” and inevitably find what Scrappy has. I retain my cynicism but after you collect enough puzzle pieces, you don’t have to have them all to see the picture. At one time back in the 90’s I had to invent a description to describe my “condition”. “Post Enlightenment Blues”. I just had to accept the world for what it was and go forward. I knew it would take some “White Hats” in positions that COULD do something to DO SOMETHING. For the first time since I “woke up” (Red Pill) I actually feel that there ARE some White Hats doing something. We all can do a part by taking whatever little stand we can against the true evil that exists in the “higher” stratas of human “governance”. I think that the way and pace that things are unfolding fit the task. How and when the population of earth is presented with the truth about the satanists and their servants is key. Q says no “deals”. DJT is not exempt. I think he knows that. I also think we have crossed the tipping point and the speed of events will increase to an eventual reckoning.
I’m ready. Are you?
Steve Pahs aka Wolfhound
Even Alex Jones didn’t believe it – Tommy Robinson’s ‘manager’ uses false stats about Muslim inmates
“Tommy Robinson’s supporters – including InfoWars’ Paul Joseph Watson – have been accused of fake news after claiming he’d been moved to a prison with a 71 percent Muslim population. The claim was then debunked by prison stats.
Robinson’s cameraman and self-styled manager Caolan Robertson made the claim to Alex Jones on US far-right conspiracy website InfoWars. The claims were also reported on Twitter by British InfoWars writer Paul Joseph Watson, who posted that “Tommy Robinson has reportedly been moved to a prison with a 71 percent Muslim population.”
“Inmates were banging on cell walls last night, shouting death threats,” he said. “Protests were ignored. Tommy now fears for his safety.” His tweet was retweeted 13,706 times and liked a on a further 18,477 occasions, at the time of publication.
During his interview with Jones, Robertson told InfoWars that he’d been on the phone to the imprisoned Robinson – whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – and he had been told that the self-styled independent journalist had been moved from HMP Hull to a new prison. Robertson said HMP Hull was “relatively safe,” but Robinson had been relocated to the “main wing” of a new prison.
“We’ve found the statistics of the prison, it’s about 71 percent Muslim,” Robertson said. “Really, really, really disastrous. The last one was close to two percent.”
Infowars also reported on its website that the ex-EDL leader had been moved to a prison located “in the Midlands.” The prison was rumored to be in the vicinity of Leicester.
InfoWars host Alex Jones said that the claims were “surreal, like something out of a fiction novel” – and he was right.
Prison statistics show that, at the most recent inspection of HMP Hull, the Muslim population was 79 prisoners – or 7.4 percent of the 1062 detainees. But what about HMP Leicester? Statistics show that the Muslim population there sits at 44 – 14.3 percent of the 308 prisoners. As it happens, no prison in the country has a 71 percent Muslim population.
This isn’t the first time that Robinson fans have been accused of fake news. Breitbart editor and failed UKIP leadership candidate Raheem Kassam tweeted that the decision to move him from one prison to another was made by the UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid and the Home Office. However, the Ministry of Justice deal with prisoners, not the Home Office.
On March 25, Robinson put a case – which includes 29 charges of child abuse and neglect – at risk of a mistrial by live-streaming within earshot of jurors as they entered the court. He was sentenced to 13 months jail; 10 months for contempt of court and an extra three months for disregarding the terms of his suspended sentence.”
Always great to see zionazi-gay propaganda shot down in flames, especially their assets promoting Islamophobia.
Why was this israeli asset yaxley-lennon trying to wreck the case against those paedos? We’re they operating a service for israel, as well?
The s.w.a.r.m. smears again.
Pink Floyd Legend Roger Waters Demands That Munich Retract Anti-Semitism Claims
“Christian Schertz, a Berlin lawyer representing Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters, has announced that his client wants the city to withdraw a press release which labeled Waters an antisemite, according to DPA.
Earlier this week, Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter issued a statement ahead of the Waters’ concert at the Olympianhalle, stating that the city is unlikely to rent the venue to the musician in the future due to the “increasingly unacceptable antisemitic comments” which he allegedly made.
“It is therefore all the more important to me to clarify unequivocally in advance of the concert that Roger Waters’ antisemitic sentiment is neither welcome nor unchallenged in Munich,” the mayor added.
Schertz however insisted that his client criticized the policies of the state of Israel and not Jewish people.
A spokeswoman for Reiter said that a letter submitted by Waters’s lawyer is currently being reviewed by the city’s legal department.
Previously, Roger Waters also declared his support for whistleblower and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during his concert in Berlin when the neon red text, which read “Resist the attempted silencing of Julian Assange,” was projected onto a black backdrop before the performance.”
Besides being lying scum, this mayor is acting as an agent of a hostile foreign power during wartime and betraying the people of his own country. IE: a traitor in time of war.
As you know, me and my Soul Brother Dennis (Rodman) are Bullish on a United Korea.
Apparently so is The Goddess of The Dawn, EOS.
Now, the idea of a Multipolar World is to Free Humanity from the Centralized Control Of The Luciferian Empire and to disrupt as many levers of their mind control and disinformation as possible.
Wikipedia is sometimes convenient for quick info on something non-controversial….but informed readers here have asserted that it is CIA -MI6 and Satan Rolled Into One.
Well, Blockchain is gonna Disrupt Da Empiah unless Humanity Sits on Its Hands Like a Bunch of Low IQ Retards, ……… and out of Korea comes The Wikipedia Disrupter, Everipedia. a way to get off your butt and get some of your independent research into the hands of the Global Community of Free Thinkers.
Don’t ask me how it works. You tell me, (us) if you want to disrupt Wikipedia and Facebook, instead of just complain about them..
Zuckerface is not going to get too far in China, I don’t think. Their biggest up and coming social media platform (Don’t ask me its name….I just know I saw something on this last week….) is going to be an Application built on the EOS Blockchain. Poor NEO. Don’t wake him up.
Steemit, the most widely used blockchain application is a social media platform almost certainly mainly utilized in English (unlike that up and coming Chinese one on EOS….) and instead of it costing you your privacy like DFacebook does, and having your creative video audio and written output attracting advertisers to hand Zuckerface and the AZ Empire more Luciferian Hegemonic Control…..including profiling every single thing they can collect about you, the originators of well liked content on Steemit EARN “Steem” tokens that can really add up…….without making yourself an Open Book For Five Eyes to Spy On 24/7.
But if you’d rather complain about DFacebook, and maintain your account there and not look into any decentralized alternatives, of course, That Choice Is Yours!!
But I digress.
Oh, yeah Korea. How High is Your Korean IQ???
The crypto-currency token of Everipedia is ( or is going to be…..I think Everipedia is prelaunch, guys…) called “IQ”.
Since the Dawn of Multipolarity Seems To Be Mainly Occurring In The East……(hmmm ya think?? why not the west??? bah! No Fair!) what’s going to happen with a lot of DAPPS (Decentralized Applications) is that they will Arrive In This World In the Wake of the Rosey-Fingered Goddess of the Dawn, the EOS Blockchain Platform.
This may occur with dozens or hundreds or thousands of Dapps. And if Everipedia is any kind of marker of the future…….something VERY interesting may happen to your economic well being if you are an EOS token holder:
According to this announcement in Seoul, IQ and Everipedia will not have any ICO to fund its launch. The IQ tokens will be “airdropped” ONLY…..to EOS token holders:
https://youtu.be/zE_QRexLeco Special Announcement In Seoul: IQ Airdrop Coming For EOS
According to Kent, of EOS San Diego …..this indirect effect of holding EOS (receiving multiple airdrops of Dapps…..should some or many attain wide adoption…) may outweigh the future value of EOS itself, by orders of magnitude:
https://youtu.be/-ebIllCbuf8 EOS Retiring Early from Airdrops
In my case, I will not retire early, since I am already approaching 70 and still working. For myself and my family
But Look on the Bright Side:
If you are a lot younger, you have a lot more time to complain……well at least .Until the Empire of the Worshippers of the Black Sun Sinks in the West….
But I Am Not Complaining, At All. LOL.
Geez. This is the Deadest Café Ever! 11 comments in 3 days, Or Consecutive Nights Without Sun….no musica, no ars poetica
Wake up, NEO! There’s a Red Pill on your bedside table.
May a New Dawn Café of Freedom Rise in the East……..PDQ
Back to work……check in later….Dmitar’s Inspiring Comment Deserves a Livelier Response, IMHO.
It’s Coming, It’s Coming.
Not a Beattles fan…..however this one seems OK on this occasion:
Here Comes The Sun https://youtu.be/WlyPfBrZr3s
“Not a Beattles fan”
Who are they? Never heard of ’em.
Misspellings when tired are not uncommon.
Also, clearly the insect spelling was used with the phonetics of rock “beat” in mind.
Beetles, better??
Still not a fan.
Minimally they were used by the Empire, in Exchange for Their Day in the Sun.
You (plural, not v.t. ) should not do that. Real “soul” price is way too high.
Maybe the lovely in the image is symbolic of a slightly introverted moment the planet is experiencing atm. All good.
I can’t however, let the moment pass without posting a song in memory of the final dismembering of Macedonia, and the Macedonian people, ( at the hands of good ole U.S of A, NATO and EU ). And please, if there are any greeks, albanians, bulgarians reading this, please, let me grieve in peace. Enjoy your “victory”, and May the Blessings Be.
“Zajdi Zajdi”
Fade, fade bright sun
Fade, fade away.
And you, bright moon,
Leave, drown yourself.
Dark forest, grieving sister
Let us cry together.
You for your leaves, dear forest
I for my youth.
Your leaves, sister forest,
Your leaves will return.
But my youth, sister
My youth will never return.
Dragan Dautovski Quartet
“Russian Analyst: The Future is Darker than Ever for the Macedonians” Andrew Korybko. Transl. from Macedonian to English, Dimitar S.
The controversial agreement between Skopje and Athens is nothing more than an instrument to turn the Republic of Macedonia into a postmodern protectorate, enabling Greece to experiment with the Macedonian people like laboratory rats on behalf of the Liberal-Globalist elite. This totalitarian model will then be promoted wherever the aforementioned elite decides, including their own “member states” in order to systematically wipe out “troublesome” national identities. Internal implementation of the imposed doctrine will be overseen by Greek trained specialists, soldiers and police forces, which may include direct intervention on their behalf with “exercises in real time” against the Macedonian populace.
Athens will have the final say in what Macedonian children will learn in school. All politically incorrect phrases and statements will be barred and outlawed. Macedonians will not be allowed to express any kind of patriotic sentiment, whether it is on the internet or in real life, including the mention of the history of Aegean Macedonian families ( where its implicit that Aegean Macedonia was always “Helenistic” and settled with exclusively Greek families from the Ancient/Antique to the modern era ). The World Macedonian Congress will be disbanded with it’s members jailed for promoting Macedonian patriotism with all expressions of the same to be wiped out from the country. Finally, patriotic Macedonians with a public profile will be silenced with the threat of jail in the event that they decide to resist the new draconian measures.
Should any future Macedonian government ( in the event of a future peaceful and democratic patriotic revolution ) decide to prevent the full implication of the imposed diktat, and begins to unencumber its institutions of the post-modern Greek occupation, then Athens will immediately sue at the UN International Court of Law. Also at its disposal will be all manner of sanctions made possible by Greece’s enabler, the Liberal-Global elite. The implemenation of the so-called “agreement over the name issue” with the eradication of the Macedonian identity will therefore condemn Macedonia and the Macedonian people to an eternal existential crisis.
Welcome to post Orwell Europe. Welcome to the Macedonian hell. The destruction of the Macedonian state and people comprises one of the most nefarious and ugly episodes in history. To be sure, there have been plenty of Macedonian Judas’, but the hatred, the cold-blooded cynicism on behalf of the US, NATO and the EU have seldom been matched.
Hi Dimitar, there will be some struggle in the Parliament, they have to approve it…or not. I have doubts they will approve it (as you have probably) because for reaching their target, nothing is too expensive for the Masters…money flows in some pockets. The roots of this plan comes from the middle 80’s, probably much earlier, when Tito died – that was the beginning of the end of Yugoslavia. Then in 1989 begun the partition of the friendly socialist countries in the neighborhood, with the sell-out of USSR as the cream on the cake. Here we are now under the new order, which is pursuing it’s plans, step by step. Who will help Macedonia ? Will Macedonia in the same EU and NATO ? Yes. It would be unbelievable if not real, the tremendous waves of treason which took place in the last 28 years, and is not over yet. Keep your faith strong !
Thank you, Ioan. This is a warring universe and the minions will serve their faceless masters to the end. How does one know one’s enemy? Show him that which that which you treasure and he will immediately begin scheming for ways to take it from you. Macedonians have lost everything, except that which they carry in their hearts. One is never as strong as when one is broken. The onus is on Macedonia’s neighbours to now enforce the new ( same as the old ) fascism. They have dug Macedonia’s grave not realising they have also dug their own. Such is the way of wanting, the way of the world. Pozdrav, friend.
Richard Thompson feat. Danny Thompson, Double Bass
“Ghosts in the Wind” Live in Austin, ’01
Now this old house moves, this old house moves and moans
The tongues of the night, the tongues of the night stir my bones…
I’m old enough to remember when France’s leader General De Gualle made it known to the United States that France would like gold instead of U.S. dollars. That was in 1968, and the Vietnam War was in full force. The Nixon Administration would end the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971, and the dollar would no longer be redeemable in gold. The dollar today is backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The U.S. Dollar is put into circulation via the 22 large banks that purchase bonds, notes, and bills from the Federal Reserve. The basis of these financial instrument allows fiat currency to be introduced into the various markets of the United States. Via these sales, banks can leverage their dollar holdings on the backs of mortgages, bonds, stocks, etc.
I have heard from so many different sources the coming dollar collapse. I’ve been listening to this for over 30 years, just as my father listened to the coming British pound collapse. The pound never collapsed, but grew stronger thru the 1930’s in purchasing power. The reason for this was the pound was the world’s senior currency, and as financial crisis’s of the world increased, world debt was in pounds. In other words, debt needed to be paid, and there was a shortage of pounds. The pound’s purchasing power increased as the world scrambled to find pounds. Where did all the money go? Down the black holes of malinvestment, stock market dreams, compounding interest, and the belief that booms go on forever…..
The new Technology stock in 1929 was RCA. It hit $230. By 1934, RCA was $2.00. Kinda like Nortel, Enron, etc.
Today the U.S. dollar is in a bull market. Debt is exponential, and the world is short of dollars. Hard to believe after years of “quantitative easing.” The dollar will continue to scramble for dollars to pay debt. This is Europe’s ticket to hell.
What makes the U.S. Dollar debt so fascinating is the engineered financial instruments called Credit Default Obligations, or CDO’s, aka derivatives. This is insurance on loans. And then there is insurance on the insurance. And on it goes. The problem is these instruments are not transparent, and nobody knows where it ends. And they have no money to insure, they are simply a financial product to be traded on the futures/options market like a hot potato. Just don’t get caught holding the bag. This is the rule of thumb for all Hedge funds as well.
The Bank of International Settlements (the bankers bank, the BIS) estimates the world owes $100 trillion in U.S. dollars. The BIS acknowledges they are unable to estimate the leverage and credit default “swaps” that certainly amplify this dollar debt.
Karl Marx’s Law of Surplus Value comes into it’s own when depression enters the world. The world is awash with goods and services. The fancy jeans that cost $100 can now be had for under $10. In my neighbourhood people have no room left for the useless garbage that is called luxury goods. It is left on the street for others to collect. Now tickets are handed out by the authorities for dumping.
It took Igor Kondratieff to finally explain to Joseph Stalin, that capitalism never ends. It just goes from boom to bust every 70 to 90 years depending on the amount of debt issued. Joe had Igor cool his heels in Siberia for a while. But it was the Harvard Business dean, Schumpeter, who said the the greatest economic law was Kondratieff’s boom to bust long wave cycle. The U.S. finance/business schools taught Kondratieff’s law up until 1971, and it vanished from the textbooks, along with the gold redeemable dollar.
Taxes are going up, services are going down. Pity for the drug addict, alcoholic, downtrodden is being met with an angry workforce paying for social costs. Rent is sky high, and the inner city’s are ugly.
And the dollar continues to rise.
Take a long look at Bitcoin. To run a stock up you have to have a good story, and an even better promoter. Better yet if you can keep the books invisible, as well as the coin. Bitcoin topped in early December 2017. The market took a hit later in January of 2018. Watch the banking sector in Germany. Deutsche Bank is a breathing lifeless corpse. More will follow as the Fed raises interest rates. The squeeze is on, and Europe, Japan and Canada are the main squeeze. South America/Latin America will be destroyed.
It was Sir Isaac Newton who was asked to become the Exchequer of the London Central Bank. The Bank wanted to issue fiat (paper) currency, and they figured Newton could figure out how to do so, and protect the banks holdings. His answer was simple. He said, “I cannot in good conscience do so, for fiat has neither weight nor measure.” But gold does. And gold doesn’t rust, nor burn very easily.
The Chinese yuan has come late to the currency debt issue game. The Chinese currency will replace the U.S. Dollar as the senior currency, just as the dollar replaced the British pound.
But watch the dollar. As trade tariffs take their toll, and more and more business is lost, debt will become stronger and stronger, overwhelming all. The world will be short of dollars, and the dollar will strengthen. Trump has Europe by the balls, and he will allow interest rates to rise, further increasing the G-6 + 1 pain. He’s hear to take from his vassals, and it won’t cost him a dime.
But he ain’t taking digital. It’s cold hard cash on the barrel head.
‘Prove that you are independent’: Russian MP Poklonskaya invites Trump to Crimea
“Ex-chief Crimean prosecutor and now-Russian MP Natalia Poklonskaya invited President Trump to visit Crimea to see how true his alleged statement – that Crimea is Russian – is.
Poklonskaya made the invitation soon after Buzzfeed quoted two unnamed diplomatic sources as saying that at a recent summit, US President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian.
On Friday, Interfax reported that the press secretary of the US Embassy in Moscow commented on the news by saying that the official position of the US is that Crimea is part of Ukraine and that the US sanctions imposed on Russia over its reunification with the Crimean Republic would remain in place until Russia returns control of the peninsula to Ukraine.
However, as of Friday afternoon Moscow time, the White House press service has not confirmed or denied the news about Trump’s statement at the G7 summit. Poklonskaya described the lack of confirmation as “cowardice.”
“So it turns out that the US politicians have gone pretty far from their president, Donald Trump, and the generally accepted principles of law and justice. Today, they are afraid to comment on their president’s statement about Crimea – in particular, his words that Crimea is a part of Russia. But this is an obvious thing and pretending to be deaf and mute is a coward’s reaction,” she wrote on Facebook.
“We are inviting US President Donald Trump to Crimea where he can personally testify that his words were correct. By making the trip… President Trump would show the whole world that he is an independent and trustworthy politician, the leader of America who is not unacquainted with words like ‘democracy,’ ‘justice,’ or ‘courage,’” Poklonskaya stated.”
Trump has a habit of using psywar, of saying things because they further specific psychological goals in the targeted audience. What he says is almost invariably misdirection, and diametrically opposite of what his zionazi-gay handlers are actually pursuing. This duplicious behaviour is standard operating procedure in zionazia.
What Poklonskaya has done is called trump out, and that of his duplicious handlers, in a very Russian way. She may be young, relatively, but she sure is no lightweight.
You too can gag or weep as you see fit over this:
Link at bottom of this random page:
Why you can trust BBC News Leading to this:
It seems a mother’s cooking can be an instantaneous remedy to counteract “depression”. The wind-farm and Elon Musk’s wind-farm battery installation is on my doorstep, so I will be having a look around in due course. Cold Antarctic gusts are blowing, slamming open doors shut, chilling our bodies but turning those wind-mills with gusto. For the past couple of hours Brooklyn FM radio has been coming through a pair of quality speakers … it’s a smooth sound … a mix of English and Russian, maybe something else, like Spanish, now and then.
(click on the green play button)
There are no commercial ads, only station jingles and announcements.
For mp3 recording of this station … Streamtuner2 can be installed in Windows and Linux … go to Sourceforge for the installation you require. If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 download streamtuner2 for Debian and do not allow software updater to update, because it will cause it to be non operational. If the updater has made Streamtuner2 non operational, reinstall from the Debian download. The installation folder … streamtuner2 2.2.0 deb … is copied to my desktop for quick re-installation anytime required. Audacious or vlc can be used to record any radio station in streamtuner2. Transfer the recordings to a thumb-drive flash memory for the car radio and have the radio you want to listen to anywhere … in outback places where radio reception is non-existent. Tunapie in Linux does work … click the icecast directory in preferences and wait for it to load and use Audacious or vlc to record the stream. Can use a streamripper terminal also. The address of Brooklyn FM (BFM) Russian radio in Streamtuner2 is … Shoutcast.com … International … Russian. Happy listening with “easy on the ear” good music.
Glad to see that the good cooking has effect, Paul.
Eating is one of the basic “consumptive behaviors”, and memories of food and ritual surrounding this activity run to the womb…
Is obviously of a transient nature, but provides the thin edge of the wedge, ie you’ve got him somewhat loosened from his situation, I think.
A receptive condition.
Crypto movie very cool, gracias!
Raising retirement age can affect acceleration of economic growth — Central Bank
(why is Russian following Western World fashion ? … sad to see)
See an article linked to the one you posted.
Russian government approves bill to raise retirement age
“Currently, the retirement age for men and women is 60 and 55 years, respectively. According to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the bill “proposes to introduce a sufficiently long transition period – to start from 2019 to gradually reach retirement age of 65 for men in 2028 and 63 years for women in 2034.”
Looks reasonable to me. Current retirement age is quite low in Russia.
let people retire. im 40ish and it feels i already did enough work for a lifetime. why keep grinding?
society should work less, and enjoy the joys of pursuing other interests than the non stopping grind for bucks!
Before 1989, the retirement age for men was 55 and for women 52, as for Romania, but hey, back then there was autochton industry, no unemployment, social housing programs and a lot of things which I will not repeat at nausea – who lived then know and can compare (if they’re not blinded by today’s handy’s and free porn).
To add to this, that the elderly had free social care assistance and free rehabilitation and medical treatment in many such profiled centers in the country (today many are closed, not functioning because of lack of money – lack of investment). Yes, many can work until the age of 65 – 70 but where are those kind of benefits which I talked above, for all workers, without exceptions ? No, they aren’t, if you have money yes, if not…
Movie Time … a clever comedy …
Sebastian (1968)
A British mathematician, working on code decryption, unexpectedly falls in love with another decrypter.
This leads them to a complicated intrigue within the code-breakers.
cute little game…
Useful, maybe, for breaking into dreamlanidia captured minds…
Is that a kindness?
I suspect that it’s genetic bias, based on an intrinsic postulate…tell truth shame devil is an assumption? I think so, alas.
Anyway corbett posted pretty
Just South of the Border – If anyone has listened to the interview with Pepe Escobar posted just a few days ago, you will remember that he said that the full spectrum dominance attempts across Latin America are not yet fully successful. I watch Latin America as I like the people. In Mexico, a crucial election is looming. Joseph P Farrell makes cogent comments.
It is interesting to contrast the Q information about this. There is this thing where the Patriots are truly trying to own the AMLO astroturf for Trump. AMLO, the frontrunner in the election, would not be where he is in this upcoming election, they say, if it was not for Trump. That is one of the problems that I have with the Q phenomenon … the nonsense being spouted all over the landscape.
AMLO has a very colorful political career. He is center leftist and fits very well into the mode that Ramin calls Latin Socialism. AMLO during his political career, has lost more times than what he has won, and he has fought on the streets like a freedom fighter and in the courts like a man possessed for what he believes is right. There is an iconic pic of him bloodsoaked after leading protests against the breakup of PEMEX, the national oil company.
This piece also makes sense (warning .. its Bloomberg) … https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-05-09/business-hates-mexico-s-presidential-front-runner-so-will-trump
At the opening match of the 2018 World Cup in Russia in the VIP box from left to riight
Mohammed bin Salman, Gianni Infantino FIFA president and Vladimir Putin
Everything about the 2018 World Cup in Russia: matches, teams, groups, players and so on
‘Stayin’ Alive ‘ – DRPK-style :
Ha ha ha… they’ll have the last laugh yet.
Europoodle yip-yap indignation at the discovery Europe’s ‘best friend’ actually owns them… I would have paid good money to see it.
Quel horreur!
(or ‘gott im himmel’ from the mini – dachshund in the skirt..)
Wonder what ‘Shinzo’ had to say to Trumpstein’s offer to send him 25 million sombrero-sporting Mexicans, all singing ‘Lá Curacacha’?
(‘ Nó Thanks Donny-san, ‘Los Trio Amigos’ was enough…We’re still recovering… ‘)
Grandma’s introduction: First I have given a link to an interesting article posted over at International Clearing House, the one aggregation site that I check on a regular basis. This does not mean that I think all reports/opinions posted there are good, only that it is a site I can depend on for a few good things that Saker does not post, because the Vineyard is NOT an aggregation site, but a wonderful web log with lots of original writings by himself and a few others he deems worthy of reading. Secondly, under that link, I have quoted the entirety of a comment posted by a commenter going by the name of “guest,” which I think deserves consideration. I am so frequently “stung” by Vineyard commenters who insist on casting blame in rather nasty ways — using always terms such as Pindo, the Americans, etc., when in fact I have spent a rather long-now life on my working, raising kids, being wife mother housekeeper and mentor to any who will pay attention to me, trying always to promote goodness, fairness, love for family and friends and dogs and cats and trees and gardens and even rocks…yes, even rocks (I plan for my collection of beautiful rocks to be returned to nature before my death). In spite of my efforts to live lovingly and frugally, I am insulted frequently by people who don[t even know me. And this has had me thinking along the lines, lately, of how one might change “social media,” of which the Vineyard is but one small example, to make it more efficient at making a huge change in this violent and nasty world. So I want you to read here what “guest” wrote over at ICH, which is a general comment in response to Jonathan Cook’s piece on what may be coming as a “Trump administration” peace proposal for Israel/Palestine. I think both will be of benefit and are worth thinking about.
What’s in Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’? The Answers are in Plain Sight
The White House’s peace plan is said to be days away. Meanwhile, Israel is getting a US nod as it carries on seizing Palestinian land.
By Jonathan Cook
June 15, 2018 “Information Clearing House” – There are mounting signals that Donald Trump’s much-delayed Middle East peace plan – billed as the “deal….
Jonathan Cook, a British journalist based in Nazareth since 2001, is the the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is a past winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net
This article was originally published by “ME
guest · 9 hours ago
While Palestine and Gaza are under attack..
An attempted genocide under cover of war is happening in Yemen.. Invading forces there are trying to block millions of people from eating, the poorest nation of nearly all, has had its entire infra structure destroyed by outside invaders. While the invaders shoot the Yemeni to death, the invaders block the ways that the surviving Yemenis can eat, the invaders bomb the homeland of the Yemeni, the invaders intend to starve those Yemeni it cannot kill by use of its powerful weapons. http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/06/17/565221/Y…
Instead of Nation X or Nation Y did this or that “maybe it should be” Wealthy X, and Wealthy Y and their two privately owned corporations MagnamousCorporationX and Mr. MagnamousCorporationY did this or that. https://www.globalresearch.ca/hewlett-packard-to-… An Effective way to do something useful..
No people governed by one national government (the offending nation state) have voted to have its leaders attack and kill, starve, steal or destroy the assets or enslave the people or destroy the infra structure of a target nation[the target nation to be attacked]!.
Humanity has left its fate to the whims of those who control the nations. Claim to the right to govern has never been backed up by proof of the right to govern. Once in power, the tools of the nation are used to prevent the presentation of such facts, because a factual showing would prove there is no right to govern; there is only the power strong enough to govern.
Why has humanity failed to defend itself from abuse?
Humanity is generally unaware of the suffering inflicted by nations against the humanity of the world, because private interest control the media, and because there are so many unheard of places that it is impossible to describe them all?
The wealthy have divided the world population into little prisons. They call these prisons nations, and the people imprisoned there are classed as either citizen or non citizen. The wealthy and their corporations then use scientific methods, psychology, propaganda, lies, false news, fake news, rule of law and brutal force to keep the governed people in the dark by completely regulating the environment in which the people are able to get information.
Dividing people into opposing groups is a very effective strategy to weaken the majority rule and to limit the right of humanity to self determination; the people of both groups are the losers. Division into opposed groups (physically or ideologically) allows opportunity for a weak third party to control and to abuse. Opposed groups are easier to control than mass crowds seeking a common fair justice.
Nefarious in charge [the wealthy] can easily use the resources of a nation to abuse the people in any target group, but when all of the people collectively defend any human against unjust abuse there is no abuse. (Together we stand, opposed we separately fall). Leadership is rendered powerless when all of the people stand against human abuse. (The people of the entire world have been caged, placed in national prisons (called nation states). Those caged are citizens as well as non citizens. The cages have been given names. The named cages have been made into teams (like football or soccer teams) and the people of each named cage a proud team member. The wealthy and their corporations hold sporting events, in which the team members in cage 1 are pitted against the team members in cage 2. Modern day Roman Theatre Event? But what would happen if the people in cage 2 and cage 1 decided not to play the game? Games cancelled!
3. Grandma here:
Perhaps that is too long and too serious for Cafe conversation, but then listen to Jason Lanier as he explains the “addiction” code of Facebook and what it is doing to human brains and thinking. It is not “social media” itself that is dangerous, but the “manipulation design,” as it were. And yes, I do believe him. And there is no doubt in my own mind that the manipulation codes are intentional; and yes, Virginia, there ARE conpiracies and yes, we need to determine who the real conspirators are and not be afraid to call out their names. These are persons, as “guest” points out, and their aggregation into “corporations,” and the masses (the billions of “little people”) simply cannot be expected to “know” what to do about it.
My kids use Facebook only to keep up with old friends who are spread about far and wide, and in a few instances to organize local people into rescue squads during flood and hurricane emergencies. Still, they are supporting the manipulation code. What to do?
[I am not a fan of Ms Amanpour, but in this case she does let the man talk.]
One sure way to stop the world of wars is for billions of “little peoples” to all, at the same minute of the same day, to just stand and say “NO, we will no longer fight, kill and die, in your games. You want to fight? Go do it yourself!” We all know that the manipulators themselves are cowards of the first order.
Such coordination is not probable now, but with a real world-wide-web and “social media” connections of some sort, it would be possible.
A good and decent comment.
I second that!
hear ye hear ye
“No, we will no longer fight, kill and die, in your games. You want to fight? Go do it yourself!”
thats it. funny thing, that is the sentiment across europe. And that is the reason for all demonization and games.
Its a clear manipulation effort to bootstart wwiii.
but in the end, me and thousands like me, will pick arms to defend my house and my family, but will never walk a mile to meet other people defending their families.
I will never fight in their games. Make sure to do the same, and we will meet when the games are over.
I posted this on a European blog, but it needs more recognition. A dog saved my life when I ran away from home as a very small child. The Lord starts from the bottom when He works. He hauled me in.
Собаки и дети, лучшие друзья. Dogs and Baby, the best video.
Just read this, over at the community site:
Before speaking to the content, I should that that I don’t really understand the organization of the community site and it’s not drawing me in. Just regarding the discussion of cryptos, there seems to be (1) a commons, (2) a forum, and (3) articles like the one I just read that are filed under “uncategorized”. So it seems that I need to visit three different places(?) on a different site in order to try and follow the discussion of cryptos that started here and is now mostly in this cafe.
If there were just one url that I could visit and get articles/comments related to cryptos (or whatever), that would make it a lot easier. Maybe using tags instead of categories, and then if I could visit one url and see the latest, or else get notifications? I understand a lot of work has gone into this, and maybe I’m simply not seeing in yet, so please forgive me if I don’t sign up for the new site yet. I’m trying to feel less overwhelmed by this, not more.
Now, as for the substance of the article, I have a mixed reaction.
The first few paragraphs make a case for why we should warm up to the SEC embracing cryptos, while I thought one of the main reasons cryptos became a discussion here in the first place was that they beckoned towards a massive disintermediation of the financial system which the Empire uses to exercise its power. If so, then why should we welcome moves to make the whole crypto space safe for the big investment banks, Wall Street, HFT algos, etc.?
Next, Amarynth observes that “there are too many mega-corporations that have been investing heavily in their own blockchains and distributed ledger technology (DLT), and those companies have far too much political clout to be shut down by the SEC”. I won’t argue with this, of course. However, it strikes me that the important point is not the SEC, but all of the mega-corporations that are investing in DLT, and how they are working to take ownership of the technology. Personally, I find that a lot more worrisome than whether or not the SEC is friendly or hostile to cryptos.
Next, the analogy between Bitcoin and gopher makes sense, and Amarynth’s take on this rings true. We don’t know yet how things will play out, but we can indeed probably count on a lot of this tech becoming obsolete in the next five to ten years.
Next, we’re introduced to Hyperledger, a project run by the Linux Foundation, and all of the big companies working on it, e.g., IBM, Accenture, Cisco, Deutsche Bank, Intel, American Express, etc. Linux means open source, but the partners are all companies that evidently wish to use it to rationalize their products and services, I.e., use open source tech to make tens or probably hundreds of thousands of their employees redundant. Why I’m supposed to be excited about a bunch of corporations gearing up to sack 100,000 of their employees is unclear.
And then we move on to some American politician who wants to use blockchain to further prop up the illusion of “democracy” in the Imperial homeland *yawn*, and JP Morgan launching an open source platform to “modernize global banking infrastructure“ (I.e., which means… what, exactly? One of the biggest US investment banks is suddenly “giving back to the community” and we can expect them to begin dissolving their whole business model as Wall Sreet embraces full on freetardia in an open-source code-fest love-in?). Forgive me for being a little skeptical here.
At this point, we arrive at the final point of the article, where Amarynth points to where we can expect “the real opportunity”. This part of her analysis also strikes me as correct, but following the narrative arc of the article it suggests that the real opportunities are for the big corporations to build the Facebook, Amazon, Uber, Novartis, Blue Cross, UPS, Wells Fargo, etc. of tomorrow, while telling us how it’s all gonna be fan-tastic because it will be built on some open-source Linuxy DLT goodness.
Again, pardon me if I remain a wee bit skeptical in the face of all this megabuck corporate investor name dropping.
That is exactly what is happening in the space at the moment. That is what it looks like and one is is not sure what is happening in terms of all the hot air, but we know what we see.
– we’re seeing the regulation (which is the government’s way to levy a charge on something that they appropriated and are now charging us for),
– we’re seeing the private blockchains with big conglomerates and megabusiness and megabucks,
– we’re seeing blockchain intermediating current business,
– we see new business standing up on top of blockchain technology
. we’re seeing banks changing their way of doing business
– we’re seeing States entering cryptocurrencies,
. we’re seeing naked greed .
It may be that only a very few coins or tokens currently known to us, survive into the future. You know Microsoft is buying or has bought for example the GitHub, which has been the home for open source development and fierce independence for a long time now. The majors will get in there, whether we hate it or like it, and we have to understand that fact and it is nothing that I get enthusiastic about. Activism is not over against all that is wrong in our world. You know, at the last Consensus conference, the whole bloody lot turned up in lambos and they had more bloody fashion articles about the event and almost nothing about technology. That is the sign that the majors are stepping in. There was nobody there that I know from long years in crypto, and that I wanted to even know what they were doing.
Besides the fact that some of us are enthusiastic about all of the potential and all of the new technology and all of the threat to the banksters, I think what we need to learn, is that even in cryptos, humans do what they know best … and at this stage, it is all about the money and trading potential. It’s all about quick money. We are seeing a repeat of what happened with the early internet. I don’t like it, but we have to acknowledge that cryptos will change the way we handle money in our world and it will be all of the world, not just the enthusiasts.
I’ll write a little later about how the community site is structured.
Hmmm. I will catch up with the article Mujo references later today, I hope.
Haven’t had time to familiarize myself with the Community Site yet, and I don’t have a sense of whether there are just 3 Vineyard people (Mujo, me, Amarynth) that comprehend The Internet Of Money Ain’t Going Away, Like It or Not….or whether there are any others in any significant 3 digits (hundreds at least) that even allot a few minutes of their time to explore what IMHO (for the umpteenth time!) is “up for grabs”.
And I don’t just mean personal monetary advantage or disadvantage.
I mean slavery or freedom, development or stagnation for 1) Individuals 2) smaller local communities 3) larger worldwide communities that can gain strength in numbers by efficient fraud proff linkage 4) nations 5) Aliiances of nations such as BRICS.
Of course if the greedy controllers overwhelm the entire field of endeavor, because 99% of humanity can not comprehend the new topography that presents itself to their stubbornly set in their ways way, the exploiters will certainly grab what’s up for grabs as the masses whine and say, “See: I told you so!”
But I don’t think that will be the result.
Just look at the internet and Darth Vader’s (Evil Dickhead Cheney” comment that “The Most Serious Mistake We Made Was Alllowing the Internet Into the Hands of the People.”
Yeah, but how many squander the opportunity?? I guarantee you: MOST OF THEM!!!
But What Else Is New??
How many got the Message of Jesus straight??? In AD 27-33 AD 300-400?? 1300-1400?? 1900-2018???
It’s a messy process. Deal with it without apprehension, without complaint.
There is more maneuvering room for the individual and like minded freedom lovers in every corner of the world to link up their efforts and effectively prosper and resist than ever before in history.
So, yeah, it’s messy and scary. SO WHAT???
Look on the Bright Side…….and get your mind moving! Don’t just sit there quivering with apprehension.
“Before speaking to the content, I should that that I don’t really understand the organization of the community site and it’s not drawing me in. Just regarding the discussion of cryptos, there seems to be (1) a commons, (2) a forum, and (3) articles like the one I just read that are filed under “uncategorized”. So it seems that I need to visit three different places(?) on a different site in order to try and follow the discussion of cryptos that started here and is now mostly in this cafe.”
I fixed the uncategorized .. thanks! … my error.
Saker.Community is a blog, as well as a forum.
Anyone can send me articles for the blog, and if it is a lasting thing with much discussion, I’ll send the discussion to the forum.
If it is short term, like the article that you reference, the discussion can take place at the end of the article, like a normal blog.
You gotto follow the menus .. they tell the story.
Commons is everything that everyone contributes in terms of blogs or posted articles without its own menu. Health for example has its own menu.
Forum is everything that everyone contributes in terms of discussion, without a blog or a posted article. You may even have your own space in the forum – if you go there, like the forum that I opened for Ioan’s collection of art.
Look on the right hand side of the home page … you will see Recent Posts, which are formal blog posts.
Just underneath there, you will see Recent Forum Topics, which is a whole bunch of stuff, not necessarily connected to formal blog posts.
And then, underneath there, you will see Recent Forum Comments, all the comments on the Forum Topics.
So, you will see formal crypto blog posts, but also you will see discussion not connected to a formal blog post in the Forum itself.
If you want to open a specific forum discussion, long term on say a specific crypto, you do it in the Forum – it is yours, you hold the discussion and look after it.
If you go to the Commons Menu and choose cryptocurrency, you will find all the formal articles or blog posts.
The forum is more free wheeling and free style and you can open a thread there under cryptocurrency if there is not one there already.
All I can say is that life is not easy to structure and it comes at you from many directions lol. Cryptocurrencies is a very big topic and if I have to write everything in the Cafe, I will overburden the Cafe and chase everyone away.