2019/05/25 12:30:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
… let’s begin softly …
Доктор Живаго Лара-Вальс (Doctor Zhivago – Lara’s Theme)
Thanks for the link Pavel, it was soothing. Btw have you seen any Western MSM report about how rapidly Syria is moving back to normalcy? No?
Here’s a report about a recent trade fair held in Damascus that hosted over 1,000,000 visitors and companies from France, India, China, Iran, Russia, and many other countries. You never get to see positive reports on Syria, this video might cheer you up (the fact that girls of Damascus in this video are really cute is a bonus, but not the main point; the main point being the eagerness of foreign firms to do business in Syria).
Assad said some time ago that those who assisted in the destruction of Syria where excluded from any business with reconstruction. Russia is to be given many first opportunities.
Hi Pavel,
As you watch the video (skip the first 5-6 minutes), you’ll notice that even companies from France, Britain and Spain were at the Syrian business fair. That surprised me too. I was all surprised at absolute liveliness of the Syrians, Damascus is bustling throbbing with a beat and people are defiantly enjoying life and partying.
Now to be fair, it seems that Syrians are rewarding companies and businessmen from Western Europe that defy their criminal or gutless or corrupt governments (yep that covers the traits of western Europe governments, ). Let’s be fair many people in the West are very unhappy with war crimes committed by the West in supporting Islamist terrorists, so those companies from the West that came to Syria were welcomed by the Syrian Government.
Of course, it’s obvious that priority should and will be given to the companies from Russia and Iran first (afterall they sacrificed both blood and treasure). But countries like China and India also will reap benefits because they steadfastly resisted the stupidity of the West in undermining the civilized and secular government of Bashar Assad.
I apologize, I should have mentioned to skip the first 5 minutes.
Has anyone read Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy by Dmitry Adamsky? Thoughts/Review?????
The author is an Israeli, which isn’t necessarily a strike against him. He is, however, a Wilson scuz-alor (scholar) which makes me leery. Could either be a worthwhile read or an exercise in academic onanism. Now I am intrigued.
Good morning, world, you have turned again. Thanks for the ever renewing scenes from this cafe train window, in a ‘window-mirror’ world.
I’m typing this on my word processor, waiting to see when the cafe will turn another page. (Oh, it just did, so I’ll post this rather long missive).
I use the cafe as a kind of high level facebook, social media at its best. I got booted off facebook for violating its rules. A lady ‘friend’ was helping me with my love government project, and convinced me to try fb as a way of promoting my ideas. She gave me her list of friends. I didn’t know I was supposed to know them personally. Some I knew and some I knew not; so I failed the identification test fb sent me; hence the boot. I didn’t care; never liked fb anyway; I still get notices from it, trying to suck me in.
I almost got the boot here a couple of times for violating rules. I don’t want to get the boot, although it wouldn’t really bother me either, so I try to comply. I still promote my love government ideas but I try to stay within the rules. I feel guilty about this but then isn’t everyone sharing their ideas, even the blog itself has an agenda.
This cafe is certainly ‘moveable,’ changing all the time. For me, sometimes it’s a feast and sometimes a beast. I have mixed feelings about it, as I do about myself. The vineyard main pages are fairly predictable but the cafe is more personal and less predictable; although after years I can predict what personalities will say. The cafe is a kind of microcosm of the world at large, with our shared loves and visions, personal issues, general views, family feuds, conflicting emotions and competing ideas.
It’s frustrating because I can’t really say what I think and feel, and still stay within the rules. Rule # 1, as I recall is not to get the Saker angry. The unwritten rule is similar, not to get the community angry. The ship has to run tightly, or human nature would blow the ship down. I understand that. That’s the way the world runs. So I have to run with the world if I want to run at all. Sometimes I don’t; I’m tempted to return to the hermit in a monastery. I get tired of my own talking and silence is so calming in the storms of the world.
I’m not built for this world. Never have been. My heart’s not here but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion it should be, which I suppose is why I hang around so long. How do I know that the world is not the center of the universe, where everything really important is happening; and that the vital transactions are not happening in this cafe? I don’t. I guess that’s why I’m still here.
I have a lot of time on my hands these days and I’m in a comfortable situation, but not all is well. It shows up in my body with minor, so far, ailments like itchy skin on the outside and atrial fib on the inside. Something is itching to get out and my heart ain’t regular. I don’t know quite what to do about it. I don’t know any folks I can talk to like this, so you’ll have to do; I mean you in this here cafe.
This post is long and disjointed because I’ve been playing with it for a few days now, using as a kind of public diary. I hope that’s within the rules. Nobody may read it anyway; but’s that’s ok because it’s also a personal record of where I’ve been and when. Nice archive to have.
A dermatologist once burned some growth off my skin. He said I was lucky that these things grew outward rather than inward. I think that’s true with this cafe; it lets me get things out in an accepting and safe place, as long as I mind my manners. I can hardly believe all the things that go on inside my mind. Like Dylan said: ‘If they could see my thought-dreams, they put my head in a guillotine.’ I’ve learned what to let out and what to keep in according to social circumstances.
I do have outlets that are impossible to define or describe in words. I can only hint at them through prose and poetry. I guess it could be called the fire within which affects my heart and skin; to keep that fire contained, I develop an irregular heart beat and a crusty skin, to protect my wounded heart and thin skin.
I read the post at the last cafe by Bro about Lord Leary, and also the following article:
Satoshi and the Sophists
By Craig Wright | 23 May 2019 | Bitcoin & Blockchain Tech
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louise Brandeis wrote:
I read the whole of Craig Wright’s article carefully. I don’t understand what he is talking about mentally. It seems to be a language used by a ‘meritocracy.’ I can share what I felt about it emotionally and intuitively. On that level, it felt good for themselves. These bitcoin people seem well motivated, intelligent and moral. In their system of ‘merit’, it sounds like it might work for them.
It bothers me that they would be open to the banks and government. I suppose they would have to be because they could not very well hide from them. What would prevent the government from infiltrating them?
I could never invest in it because I don’t understand it and I don’t believe in usury or interest, the making of money with money. The smart ones who know the system would always come out ahead. It would be a sort of ‘mensa’ for money makers in a casino.
Cryptos, obor and usury hang together in my mind. I am no economist, nor would I want to be. Economics has messed up the world. I know enough of crypto, obor and usury economics to stay away from them. Others make different choices. I have no desire to change others or get involved in their karma. No way, Jose.
I am hard on crypto, obor and usury (for convenience, let’s say ‘cou’ for short); it rhymes with cow, which is suggestive of being milked. I think they are the three stooges of Empire. Bitcoin may be the best of crypto but in the end all currencies will be sucked into one giant crypto, called sdr now by the bis bank and its friend imf. I’m no economist or financier but ‘special drawing rights’ sure sounds cryptic.
I’d be surprised if bitcoin, (the best I’m told), can survive in the cleansing holocaust of all currencies except one. That’s one of the end games of empire. Maybe the one currency left standing will be the shekel; it would fit with the way the wind is blowing, for which I do not need a weatherman.
I could be wrong about cou of course, and Bro could be right. It wouldn’t bother me a bitcoin; it would be a relief, in fact. I would not have to try to be right, or clever, or smart, or respected, or loved, or helped, or anything. I could just be dead wrong about everything. The world will go on its merry or scary way no matter what I feel or think about it. ‘Snap out of it,’ says I to myself.
It’s no use. I’ve tried to play the empire’s game but I just can’t do it. I have to play my own. I’ll throw the empire a bone once in a while. Let it chew on that, rather than me. I don’t know if I’m going to win in the end but I know empire will lose. I’m counting on the love army and me to be on the winning side at the final bell.
I know this is no laughing matter, and I shouldn’t make fun but does it do any good to cry? Well, actually it does for me. I am feeling the blues, so I just laid down and had a little cry. It relieves some of the sadness but what does it do to stop Empire? Am I just compulsive about writing and addicted to the boogeyman Empire so I can be against something? Seems like this is a pity party with me playing victim. Embarrassing.
Bro is right about me. He talks bad to me and I don’t get angry back. I think after I post this, I’ll take another long break from blogging because I don’t think it’s doing any good, maybe some harm. I’ll continue reading here but no blogging or self-flogging. I just need time to pray, think and read. Maybe it will work; maybe it won’t. On a different note before I go…
I must thank Bro 93 for the enlightening complements he made regarding yours truly. He said, and I quote, that I had an “erotically driven mind.” That’s one of the nicest things I’ve heard about myself. Let me explain way.
‘Erotic’ comes from Eros, the god of love, lover of Aphrodite/Venus, the goddess of love. My deepest aspiration is to be a true lover. John the Beloved said ‘God is love,’ so I’m in ‘good god’ company. Jesus was quite the lover, too, I’m told, so again I’m in good company. Now Bro adds confirmation, and Bro knows me quite well enough.
I’m glad to hear that my mind is ‘driven’ by love. I was afraid it was driven by fear, power, money, lust, lying, depression, addiction, ego, selfishness, narcissism, solipsism and hypocrisy; just to mention a few of my better qualities. I’m relieved to discover that it might not be so.
Bro also quotes me as saying: ‘obor is Empire.’ I don’t recall saying that but if I did, I’m glad I did. Truer words were never spoken. I believe that individuals are sovereign; that small communities are sovereign; and that a nature respected earth is sovereign. obor violates all these principles imo. It’s anything but small, spanning the planet as it’s planned, with a totalitarian system the reigning sovereign.
obor China is a one party, rule from the top, a do as you’re told impersonal machine behind all the fancy footwork. No messy two party or multi-party democracy in china; it avoids the deplorable free voices of left and right, fighting each other like fools on fire.
Rejoice and be glad! Thanks to obor the chinese one party system, the good news of salvation will spread like a virus to the whole untamed world. The bosses who control all sides love one party nations, because they want a one party world. Welcome to the party. Please check your wallets and purses at the door.
You think I’m being facetious? Then you can’t tell the difference between facetious and fascist. I don’t mean to be hard on Bro, but we’ve got to stop the obor train in its tracks, or there’s going to one heck of train wreck for humanity at the end of the line; according to the ‘obor is Empire’ prognostication. Prove me wrong, if you can.
I’ve been reading the articles and comments. I need to lighten up and lighten my load with a more upbeat style. I don’t mean to be sarcastic or even sardonic, but simply ironic. Here are some of the gems in the rough, whose sparkle caught my eye.
Pepe the china backer says there’s a ‘crisis of civilizations’ in addition to a ‘clash of civilizations.’ The pleasant Xi (former peasant in the propaganda) confirmed Pepe’s thesis at a recent ‘civil save civilization with obor’ conference. Pepe says the US is dividing Russia and China, seducing the former and bluffing the other with tariffs galore. Steve Bannon disagrees.
China is the benevolent godless father and would never persecute Christians, much less execute them, like in the good old days; the west press says otherwise, pointing out the burned churches and missing persons. Who to believe in this age of toothless truth?
Pepe seems to support ‘endless growth obor style.’ I think we know what nature thinks of ‘endless growth.’ Some call it cancer but that’s too kind a word for a dying ecosystem. obor is ‘speedy fast track’ alright; that should add nicely to global economic warming. Like frogs in a pot turning up the heat oh so slowly, we don’t notice how the waters are warming. Oh, the blessings of a top down totalitarian system! So glossy and pretty in these modern times when we long for a savior.
How wonderful that the ‘traders’ cargo have ‘bags of books.’ The better to spread the good news of a workers’ paradise. Forget those pesky whispers that ‘traders’ is code for ‘traitors’ of humanity.
Someone here pointed out that Mao was a Yale man. Indeed, he was but that is just misdirection from all the Jews in China surrounding Mao; with pictures to prove it. Mao’s ‘little red book’ was written by a Jew. You say all that changed with the great leaps forward and cultural revolutions, do you? You say the Jews are mostly gone from China; well, except for stalwarts like Henry Kissinher (sic). Tell me, have you any other obor bridges to sell me?
Remember how the brilliant brits spanned the globe with empire ships, replete with cannons and cannon fodder? That was ‘pre-obor obor.’ Now the globe is scammed by land, sea and air, with airwaves as a bonus. Let’s put this more into focus with an imaginative puzzle question:
Who is the Behemoth by land; the Leviathan by sea (free hint: ‘Levi’ athan); and the Pterosaurus (tyrannosaurus with wings and sharper teeth) encircling the planet now?
Time’s up. No it is not Montenegro, contrary to Mike Murphy, a distant cousin of the Leary’s from Cork County; the mick had too much Irish Mist in his cafe coffee. He’s the bloke who made up Murphy’s Law; I’ll give the lepretard a taste of Leary’s Law with the bottom end of my shillelagh if he doesn’t mind his manners.
Back to Pepe, the defender of china, civilization, 5g, smart cities and Huawei. He can’t wait for ‘made in china 2025′ I might be gone by then so I’ll wish him well when the long planned for day arrives. He’s more than welcome to a tech smart planet and all its smart meters implanted in humans, with social grading. I call it consumerism on steroids; not a crisis or clash of civilizations but a ‘crash of civilizations.’ Sad to say, bit coins won’t be worth two bits on earth or in heaven then.
The bis bankers are not worried. They engineer all crises, clashes and crashes. Make money going up and down in their pump and dump, humpty dumpty world. They monitor crypto and obor; what can I say? Crypto obor? Empires are empires; pyres are pyres; liars are liars. I won’t be around to see the big fire sale for pennies on the dollar like in other collapses. I wonder where the term ‘crypto Jew’ came from? Any connection with crypto currency temple money-changers Jesus took the whip to in his tongue lashing? I wonder what poor carpenters from Nazareth think of obor trains roaring through their former quiet neighborhoods.
I ain’t takin’ no obor train to tech trans hell. I hear me a different bell. I’m getting on board that Love Train to heaven that don’t carry no gamblers or liars. It takes a train to laugh or cry. I can’t help it if your train gets lost. I want to be your lover, not your boss.
I need a change of pace from secular to sacred. It’s fun poking fun but sometimes the joke’s on me.
If I live to be a hundred, there won’t be much of me left. In the meantime, I know where to go. I go from my small monastic cell upstairs to the monastery kitchen downstairs. When I was in the monastery myself, there was usually silence at the meal or hearing of scripture and the rule. On less solemn days we could talk. When I prepare my meal and eat now I listen to the following two sacred chants by men in a Russian monastery and a woman and two men in a Hindu-like temple. Woman and Man; Radha and Krishna; Venus and Mars; Christa and Christos; 0 and 1; Goddess and God; Deva Primal and Mankind Primal.
I continue with my obor mocking (or blocking a la Bro), and review of those gems I referred to. Flying objects are being seen over the us of a. Some think ufo or et; others think it’s psychokinetic projection collective delusion. Want to know what I think? I’ll tell anyway. I think they are the new hi speed aircraft to fly the elites from place to place at night. They scrubbed the concorde as unnecessary for the poor and business class; it’s elite class, baby, all the way to the central bank of central banks.
The nuclear bomb believers pop up all over the articles and comments. It skews and screws up our minds and emotions with fear, as intended by the bombardiers of truth. Without the nuclear scam, the bosses lose their trump in the hole. But you say, everyone of importance says it’s so. That’s just the point, my friend. Everyone of importance is in on he hoax; if they say what they know or are dumb enough not to know, they are no longer of importance, and worse, may no longer be at all.
The empire doesn’t mess around. Either you dance to their tune or you don’t dance at all. Empire wants fear and confusion to rain upon dead men walking; it looks with disfavor on truth tellers talking.
Want to know what else I think? I’ll tell anyway. I think the world has become one big video game. The Jewish Shakespeare writing committee said ‘all the world’s a stage.’ They should know since they wrote Shakes-a-spear and set the stage for the current theater of the absurd. One of their agents sang:
‘I was playing a show…in the theater of divine comedy.’ The full version of ‘hell on wheels’ is following. Them caribbean winds are now blowing down Venezuela way. The full lyrics are a few comments down from the picture.
Dante’s divine comedy has three acts: hell, purgatory and heaven. We are in purgatory now with the option of visiting hell or heaven in the future. Just a word to the wise. When that midnight special comes on down for me, I better know where it’s headed: heaven or hell.
Well, all good and bad things have to end. This is the end of the line for me, at least for now until the next train leaves or the next cafe opens, unless blogging for me is verboten. Oh, the cafe special just pulled in. Time to board the last train bound for glory.
Thats the spirit Dennis, keep on kicking, never give up. But remember, less is more, to paraphrase matters slightly “just saying the essential things is better than saying way too much of superfluous things. It allows you to focus on what matters. A minimalist approach is often more effective.” Don’t respond to every comment, limit yourself to 1 or 2 comments per Moveable Feast Cafe. Maybe in each Cafe just output a collage of short responses to various posts in the previous Cafe, like you used to before. Don’t even respond to this post, it is unnecessary.
The Cafe is for everyone, not just for you. Don’t force your views on others, its impolite. Writing too many long comments per Cafe is akin to forcing your views on others, its overpowering: less is more and does the job better. Allow others plenty of room to express themselves also, some are intimidated by strife, by not responding to every comment you lessen strife. Does Putin respond to everything hurled his way ?
Now go and meditate on “less is more”, fast on it, vegetate on it, sleep on it.
Been reading about the Tibetan issue on the Cafe. Its like people are saying “the Red Indians were savages, they scalped people, so much better the European settlers came along and wiped them out and made America into the great nation it is today”. Such people probably also support the lingua franca in America becoming Spanish, or disclaim that the lingua franca in America is becoming Spanish; support the religion and law in Europe becoming Sharia, or disclaim that the religion and law in Europe is becoming Sharia. They support the extinction of the pale face race. All the above are NeoCon New World Order objectives and tactics as well.
And leave Pepe alone, he is an interesting source of information, and he presents matters in such a benign and beguiling manner, the guy is class act.
There is, in my opinion, no correspondence between the historical treatment and current condition of the Native Americans, and that of the Tibetans, save in Imperial hate-mongering agit-prop.
@Mulga Mumblebrain
True the devil expects the holy to be holier than holy and denounces him at every mishap.
Let’s assume that by some rather malevolent force Tibet had been relocated next to the USA fifty years ago, how would the Bhuddhist Monk ruling have fared ? Wouldn’t it not just be another Crack, man eater s***hole and force fisted to enjoy a very generous trade deal with Uncle Sam, let’s say like Mexico ? If then Chruschtschew chose to help them and for instance start to build a base how would Uncle Sam treat the issue ??? With total embargo and nuclear war ??? Surreal isn’t it, to compare the two China and the US. But then China must make not a single mistake (which I rate Tibet not as one, BECAUSE Uncle Sam had their greedy malevolent fingers in there of course) in order to be accepted as a viable sovereign State (with it’s unique form) which is not to be condemned to fall under US Exceptionalism.
It’s the same old streets full of demons we are led through on and on, it’s really, really getting very, very boring, time for a change !
Sorry bud, scapling is a white man thing, natives only started scapling whites when they found out white man was being paid a paid a ‘bounty’ by the government for the red man scalp. Was the scalping thing from wikilies?
Mao a ‘Yale man’??? The Little Red Book written by a Jew??!! The Jewish Shakespeare writing committee???!! Oh, I see-it’s a piss-take, as they say. Not bad, either.
I don’t have the faintest clue about those aspects of Chinese history or mythology, will get round to researching it one day though.
China is the world’s foremost advocate of Globalization. Globalization is a NeoCon New World Order objective as well, because Globalization is a prerequisite for the One World Government.
It was no coincidence that the West’s production, manufacturing and industrial capacity was all outsourced to China, it was to ensure that Globalization becomes reality, and make some more money at same time, amongst other objectives.
Globalisation is inescapable. We are one humanity living on one planet, so must co-operate or perish. There are several types of globalisation, and the worst is Free Market capitalist globalisation, that invariably produces greater inequality, poverty and debt, and aggressive war, subversion and sanctions and ecological devastation. Chinese globalisation, in contrast, brings economic and social benefits for its people and those of the countries with which it trades. China trades, the West exploits and destroys. Chalk and cheese.
Liberals are the foot soldiers of the NeoCon’s.
Eva Bartlett
Liberate Syria’s Idlib, precisely for the civilians that America fakes concern over
“Western media and politicians are crying for Al-Qaeda in Syria again. It doesn’t get much more absurd than this!
After years of brutal occupation by terrorists from various groups and now overwhelmingly Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (aka Al-Nusra, aka Al-Qaeda in Syria), Idlib governorate will eventually, by political or military means, be liberated. For now, military operations to liberate nearby northern Hama and southern Idlib villages are already under way.”
The Western fakestream presstitute vermin having been barracking for the head-loppers, child-rapists and terrorist scum, and against the Syrian people from day one. You couldn’t expect such odious and Evil liars and hypocrites to change their spots now.
‘Not even White Helmets confirm it’: Russian MoD rubbishes Washington’s Syria chemical attack claims
“Moscow has blasted the US State Department’s claims about an alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib province, saying the allegations totally lack proof and haven’t even been confirmed by Western-backed groups on the ground.
The Russian Defense Ministry said that Washington’s attempts to “impose another lie on this world” about the situation in Syria were “not even surprising anymore” as it denied that any such attack in Idlib took place.
The military also called out the US over the lack of evidence. When the State Department first reported an alleged attack on Tuesday it limited itself to saying that the US saw some “signs” it might have happened while failing to provide any details about the incident, except for the date on which it supposedly took place.”
”The Russian Defense Ministry said that Washington’s attempts to ’impose another lie on this world’ about the situation in Syria were ’not even surprising anymore’ as it denied that any such attack in Idlib took place.”
Agreed. Zionazi propaganda nowadays is just Tourette tics with no professionalism and devotion whatsoever pertaining to them. Why can’t they at least test some new spin on old Assad? ”Vladimir Putin has turned Bashar al-Assad into an alcoholic. Saudi Arabia concerned about the reputation of the Muslim world”.
Caitlin Johnstone
US Accuses Syria Of More Chemical Attacks Just As Chemical Weapons Narrative Crumbles
“The State Department’s release actually reads like a government trying to regain control of an important narrative. It begins with an unsubstantiated allegation of a chlorine gas attack by the Syrian government this past Sunday, and warns that the US and its allies will respond militarily if chemical weapons have been used. It condemns the Syrian government’s offensive to recapture the Al Qaeda-occupied Idlib province, then veers off into sheer narrative management, accusing the Russian government of lying about the White Helmets and citing the OPCW as a trustworthy source of authority.”
Psywar in action. The zionazi-gays simply made the false claim to drown out any news content about the opcw leaked document.
The internet,
is not the place,
to try to save,
the human race.
It’s not the only place to try to save the human race….because it will need a lot of help everywhere, IF it is to be saved…..LOL..
It started out as mostly access to pornography. The lowest form of Eros.
It has come a long way…….and now offers far, far better connectivity for better ideas (and still, pornography) to be accessed by an increasing portion of the world’s population.
But each must choose what they click on, and is responsible for the effect on their mind and soul that thier choices have.
Why on earth would any sane person object to that??
Which are you here for?
It doesnt matter what they say on the internet cause always just the same ole scene.
Kids running the candy store is not a recipe for actual success, its a perceived majority delusion, but if you like your delusion(s), you can keep your delusion(s)
Every word is a seed planted, some seeds take generations to come to fruition. All good gardens require patience. The pen, as a liquid sword, nurtures more than the cold edge of steel.
Years ago one had to wait for National Georaphic to go into the jungle to meet the lost tribes, they’d return with stills and movies and we’d get to see people we didn’t know existed. Today you can talk to the head of the tribe yourself, on his phone, lap top, or tablet, instantly.
Bro, confusingly, in the last cafe, states something about “survival” meaning that it is OK for Russia to supply Saudi with thermobaric MLRS.
He then provides more legitimacy for the sale by saying that it is better for Russia to sell the arms (rather than the US) in order to “woo” the Saudis from the Petro-dollar.
I may have missed it but haven’t seen you request a more detailed analysis for the weapon supply.
Do you still doubt it is happening or do you imagine the Russians are playing the long game and will close the Saudi death machine down once they have control of the system?
Do you have an acceptable number of Houthi deaths, by toasting, in mind in the meantime?
“I may have missed it but haven’t seen you request a more detailed analysis for the weapon supply.”
Quite disrespectfully you told me to go and do the work and research the work that you are interested in. The answer is an unequivocal *no*.
(Hint … Since your stupid links, Southfront published, Marco Marko Marjanović on checkpointasia.net published…)
Do your work anon and if you have a request put it to the Saker. He has an open email address on this site. Don’t attempt to discuss Bro’s work with me because I am not Bro. I am not available to do your work for you or to debate your issue with you because you try to put words in my mouth and that leaves a bad taste. I have no basis to discuss this, because I don’t know shit from shinola on this issue. I do however know what good research looks like. Keep your strawman arguments to yourself and do some work instead of trolling for answers that you like.
Do you also think RT’s sister (Sputnik) is stupid https://sputniknews.com/military/201904101073985275-russia-saudi-arabia-solntsepek/
You might be dreaming,that dream is a nightmare,you better wake up and see the reality of a covered battlefield in which whomever the russian president may be,that country is a target,for obvious reasons.
The tragedy of the people you refer to,is genuine,unjust as of those in palestine,iraq and many other places in present and past times.In politics,everything has another dimension,the simple human being is part of it,taking the prime loses,being a number on the list.If the war ends up having them winning,they themselves forget the losses, accepting it as a price for “liberation” or “freedom”.Russia is targeted for purely economic reasons,there’s no more soviet union.
Unfortunately for western politics, that dimension has been proved to be, politics ruined the human race. This is nothing to be proud of, b/c eventually the consequences have to be paid for by politicians and not the innocent citizens. If you unwittingly take the torch of frauds past,(the federal reserve system) you can’t then claim ignorance as a defense, you and your tribe should have known, or at least been aware of these, soon to be, crimes against humanity(or being proved to be on the wrong side of the laws of nature, and willingly ignoring it).
We have the proof,(in the form of tyranny, arrogance, and hypocrisy) we have been ignored,(over and over again) their is no more sympathy for politics.(on this side of the fence). Once the house of financial cards comes crumbling down, there will be no escaping the consequences or embarrassments of the past fraudulent actions for carrier politicians.
No snowflake ever feels responsible for the avalanche, but the destruction is caused none the less.
Russia needs to be re-Yeltsined so that it can join in the Great Project-the destruction and vivisection of China.
“Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections
“The fact that we are handing over the keys of American democracy to the military-industrial complex — it’s like giving the keys to the henhouse to a fox and saying, ‘here come in and take whatever you want.’ It’s obviously dangerous.” — Investigative journalist Yasha Levine”
“In this investigation, MintPress will reveal how ElectionGuard was developed by companies with deep ties to the U.S. defense and intelligence communities and Israeli military intelligence, as well as the fact that it is far from clear that the technology would prevent foreign or domestic interference with, or the manipulation of, vote totals or other aspects of American election systems.”
In fact Windows itself is malware, spyware and crapware. You should not use it.
the reality is much earth grounded as you may think.whatever os you are using,the hardware is the same,in the sense as a car is produced in many countries,the quintessence of its main functionality is the same.so the hardware for any computer has the same formula of functionality.the difference is in the software.now, even the software can be penetrated,how much the hardware.once you have an,let’s say an open os, for the sake of example let’s name it,linux,and you are connected to the internet for various reasons,your machine,your hardware is being automatically registered and searched.they may ask you if you approve and upgrade for a specific hardware or not,it has no importance,all is being done automatically.i said these things because is futile to believe that you are totally safe with this or that os,.once you want to have an internet connection.why is happening this?not because somebody wants to figure out who you are and what you are doing,there is a general rule to protect the hardware and software in a growing market.
I rather suspect that all these recent election ‘surprises’ like that In Austfailia, where a vicious and criminally incompetent regime was returned to power despite several years of 100% losing public opinion polls, the exit polls and the bookies’ market (they even paid out on wagers of a regime loss the day before), signal some new and sophisticated form of election outcome rigging. It is interesting that the results always favour the Right and, therefore, the more slavishly pro-Israel forces. And the story of the Israel Archimedes operation working for decades to rig the outcomes in African and Latin American elections was dropped, totally (as usual) a day after it was revealed. The stench is growing.
The news anchors in Sweden are catching up! Up to the very last, their soundbite was ”The illegally annexed Crimean peninsula”. Tonight, I was truly elated to finally hear a much yearned for improved rendition: ”The illegally annexed Ukrainian Crimea”. Five years and the barking goes on, LOL.
A preview of a program on ABC TV here, next week, had video of Swedes furiously preparing for a ‘Russian invasion’, apparently imminent. I really do find it highly amusing that Sweden, a far Right sub-fascist vassal of the USA, with added feminazi man-hating fury (as witnessed by the witch-hunt against Assange), is still spoken of as ‘social democratic’ and ‘Leftwing’. That died comprehensively when the USA and Swedish fascists got rid of Olof Palme.
Just saw the preview again. A schoolboy, about ten, is asked, ‘Who are you afraid of?’. Loyally he replies, ‘Terrorists and Putin’. God help us all. Mind you, Sweden was always heavily influenced by fascists, and they simply out-waited the Social Democrats, and now are fully in charge.
Interesting list but no surprise here; ….and, they are still free as birds and walking around, in some cases openly mongering for moar war, e.g. bolton and his PAC.
gT gave me some good suggestions. Thanks. He or she thought I should not save my comments and put them in one big bunch, as I just did. I thought it might be more convenient to have them all in one place for those here who scroll on by when they see my name. If I pepper my comments all up and down the line, it might be annoying to keep skipping and hopping over me.
I’ll take the advice and see if it works. gT, can I blame you if it does not? Folks are kind of touchy about changes. You can be my excuse. No need to comment on this. As you can see, I am alaways open to change, although Bro thinks otherwise.
Dear Dennis,
I just want to thank you for the link you provided in one of your comments, one Swedish documentary series ‘ Europa – the last battle’.
I have till now watched 6 out of the 12 episodes, all of it being about 12 hours, and it has blown my mind.
I agree that the victors do write the history, as I am now being a living witness to a total perversion of the recent history of my own country.All is lies, and I have lived long enough to be a witness, and know the usual actors to be evil and distorting the past.
Thank you, and be well.
I thought of a cool way to reduce fear in four easy steps, a la Buddha’s four noble truths.
1. Always love all ways.
2. Understand there are no nuclear weapons.
3. Know all leaders are in on the hoax.
4. Go back to 1 and repeat the process ten times.
The Buddha has an opinion on nuclear weapons?!
Whatever may be the case
I assure you they exist and are in perfect working condition
My 2cts
The Saker
What happened to you that made you think there are no nuclear weapons? I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that there weren’t nuclear weapons, but there they are. Wishing something doesn’t make it so.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all the tests, all the ICBM’s in their silos – it’s all a hoax? All the decades of Cold War politics that flowed from the reality of MAD… Where does this thinking come from? Miles wack-job Mathis? Where?
Nuclear war is hellish to think about. Alas, it is a possibility, and your happy-talk seems, well, I’ll be frank, delusional.
Dennis … World Trade Centre demolitions consisted of three directional nuclear charges equivalent each up to 150 tonnes of TNT and in the aftermath residues prove nuclear events. All radiation was directed upward from seventy metres underground within granite rock and this is why there was no catastrophe with the Hudson River.
In contrast DEW technology … Directed Energy Weapons based on high energy lasers create very high temperatures but have no radioactive residues. DEW does cause electrical interference similar to EMP … Electron Magnetic Pulse. Perhaps these technologies are combined, but these do not result in any nuclear signatures … residues.
I do not live in fear of anything but there are many things I do not like and truth is important as a foundation for everything. Hearing BS repeated infuriates me to the point I watch all news media with headphones I can quickly remove, then if need be look away from the screen. I cannot bear those idiots in Washington and some Europeans included. This Cafe should be a quiet place … dignified.
How you compare this Cafe with Facebook beats me.
Dennis, to be constructive, you could be explaining to folks in this Cafe what you recently found out concerning Ezekiel “wheels within wheels”, and what approach you use would be interesting to see.
The WTC towers turned into dust from the top down. How does a nuke planted in the basement do that?
… the towers were dustified from the ground upward.
Read Khalezov and curb your witty presumptuous statements.
Khalezov’s book in practically unobtainable as physical book, whereas Judy Wood’s Where did the Towers Go? is readily available. As far as I can tell both authors note ‘dustification.’ The value of Wood’s book is not in her conclusions, but in the expostion of the facts.
If that would be true, then the building would also start to collapse from the bottom (not moving up) just like WTC 7 which collapsed at the bottom (how all building demolitions are normally done).
As with many other thing also with 9/11 it’s amusing and depressing at the same time to see that the focus is centered on things which are totally secondary to the case. It might be important during the criminal investigation to bring light into that, BUT it is no way necessary to open a criminal investigation becuase the crime is there for everyone to see – three buildings – two planes => criminal undertaking, official version IS false with absolut certainty.
It was not the Hijackers who brought down all three buildings which leads by necessity to the conclusion that the crime was executed by local forces !!!!!!!!!!! By whom precisely is another question, but we also have the nice finding regarding the Pentagramm haven’t we (a jet traveling through the whole building and killing the Navy staff) in a surgical strike ???
You are part of the conspiracy with that anal fixation on the way two of three towers actually were demolished, and demolished they were with absolut certainty…
Again, one is incapable to see what is there, but wants to see what is not there.
I just returned from Catholic Mass with Barb and Ed. I lit a candle in front of two Russian icons of Mary and Baby Jesus, and one before Virgin Guadeloupe, with a large statue of Jesus near and the Blessed Virgin on an elevated niche looking down on all. I prayed for the Saker and all of us in this Cafe Church of Nonconformity.
I sat in the back with Uncle Fred, part blind with cane at 88. From the back I can view the whole sacred scene. I used to be a priest myself so the memories flow like the holy water that floated Noah’s boat, holy wells in Ireland and the small holy water font at the back of church.
The young man cantor in the choir loft sure had a lofty voice. I was singing Hallelujah like a Protestant and when the preacher was carrying on, felt like shouting ‘praise the Lord, Bro’. We had a woman guest cantor once who sang like an angel; I almost swooned for love. Do I hear an ‘Amen’, or is it an ‘Ah, men?’ Or is it ‘Ah, wo-men?’
There were mostly white heads like me; the babies, children and young ladies turned my head. It’s Memorial Day weekend, so the priest blessed all 30 vets, with two women. I used to work just down the road at the VA.
I got into the Hallelujah like a holy roller. Here’s a couple of quite different versions, the second I like better; Jews do it better than Protestants.
Religions are the most potent force on the planet, which is why the state infiltrates and reverse engineers them. In church, I imagine religious houses of worship down the ages, temples of pagan times and the ceremonies of priest-kings. Awesome. We have a tiny bit left with our robes, candles, chalices, sacred books, holy water, incense, holy oils, stained glass windows, altars, icons and holy water fonts; like the one at Mass over my shoulder, which I dipped into now and then cool to my religious fervor.
In my mind, I go back to the origin of all religions, in nature, doing natural things; no need for the baggage accumulated along the dusty path of history. Jesus was agin all that high mindedness. They tried to make him water down his rhetoric but he told them where they could go.
Coming out of church were two Jewish or mid-east black haired beauties. They give me religion. Bro thinks I think about love all the time; not true, just half the time; the other half I better not mention.
If you really want to feel the power of religion, especially the Jewish kind, listen the psalms of David, and imagine all the lords, kings and priests of history who marched under the banner of the Lord God of Power, with their ‘armies dressed in battle array.’
Jews are showing how it’s done today with modern weapons. Religion is the greatest game going but it’s now gone underground and comes up in many disguises. Tapping into that energy makes your heart tremble and limbs shake.
Jesus takes it to the limit one more time like a saker eagle. A True Orthodox Church (tor) did too and paid the price. Real religion isn’t very nice. “I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how restless I am until it be blazing.” “This wheel’s on fire, rolling down the road; better notify your next of kin; this wheel shall explode.” Eagles long to be sakers.
I’m what they call a ‘lapsed’ Catholic; I think I’m a relaxed Catholic. I relax the outdated rules but keep the eternal ones. I can’t take communion because I’m not in the union. I’d rather commune with the likes of you, you mavericks.
Catholic means universal. Orthodox means straight. Protestant means to protest. Religion means three in one. If they ever get together, Empire watch out. Paul said there are these three; faith, hope and charity; but the greatest of these is love.
Time for beddy-by. I see true believers in nukes have not yet seen the light. I’ll see what I can do to enlighten you tomorrow. To one and all good night; may all your dreams be rainbow white.
a sacred ceremony
painted in running ochres
on a seashell
my lips at your ear
pretending I want to tell
you something
spring thunderstorm
children hiding under beds –
rattling windows
what flattery
and praise cannot achieve,
guile surely will
late at night
dogs barking wildly
fallen drunkard
beauty to the ant
is carrying the seed
back to the garden
sunny but raining
foxes hold their weddings
on days like this
wisdom can neither
be paid for with gold, nor
bought for a song
was made for the
I think Japanese ancient intentions with Haiku were simply manifest perfection, and they did this with three 5,7,5 syllable lines. The meaning behind this was that the count of 17 syllable was the perfect length of time for the duration of flow of one out-breath, and most likely with meditative practice.
The speed of the 17 counts would presumably vary, who knows, but the 17 is significant and relates to the letter Q of the alphabet.
It seems to me now, after some time reflecting, and from your Haiku, that modern consciousness requires a different relationship to meditation than the ancient times, and that this might reflect too in a different and more free Haiku composition. Also of course, the Japanese language syllable count may be differently formed from other languages.
Anyway, your haiku are amazing, they have the secret of simplicity, or bringing the multifarious nature of life into a state of harmony, or perfection, the “perfect moment”, ensō (円相 , “circle”.
Thanks for your note, Ras. I didn’t know about the ideal of the 17 syllable count, that makes perfect sense. There are many reasons for its popularity as a unique poetic form around the world today, but perhaps its simplicity and relative attainability by almost any poetically inclined person is its most attractive feature. I find the ‘tanku’ – an ‘abbreviated haiku’ with syllabic count of 14 or under, another ideal form. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a perfect haiku/tanku, where in just a few words one is able to express so much in an entirely unique way! Btw. speaking of circles, I have you to thank for the inspiration which launched me on the haiku trail close to a year ago. You posted a haiku that made an impression on me. The following lines came to me, which I posted in response;
cloud dragons
hunted by wind and moon
our night by the sea
I’d awakened from a sound sleep, and had been noticing the dragons in the tumultuous night sky outside my window. I went online, came to the Cafe and saw yr haiku. I’ve since written hundreds of haiku. Haiku sequences pose a special challenge, but studying the old Japanese masters and some of their more famous group efforts, like “The Washbasin Sequence” is a great inspirational starting point for anyone interested. Finally, your point re: consciousness is huge. Truth may be ancient, timeless etc. but it does in fact need constant ‘updating’ in order to speak to the consciousness of the day. We still want to maintain that timeless or floating quality, therein lies the challenge of haiku.
Once again, thank you, Ras. for everything you bring to this Cafe. In Spirit, Dimitar.
Awesome. Touches my heart. I wish you’d have amarynth sell these in book form, with accompanying Japanese style minimalist drawings, along with others like Ras. Just my 2cts. You could give some of the income to Saker.
There’s something poignant about those raindrops, like tears running away into the ocean of regret and rueful recollection. Is the cup half full, half empty or twice as big as it needs to be?
Yes, indeed; and that heart shaped saucer.
DW – Deutsche Welle / German Wave
German official warns Jews against wearing kippahs in public
“I cannot advise Jews to wear the kippah everywhere all the time in Germany,” Felix Klein said in an
interview carried by the Fuke media group.
Russian Jewish Congress
First article with Felix Klein’s photo
Felix Klein, the representative of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to combat anti-
Semitism, in his interview with the German media warned Jews against wearing a bale in Germany everywhere. This is primarily due to the weakening of the restraining mechanisms in society and the
increasing cruelty towards practicing Judaism.
According to the Berlin Anti-Semitism Research and Information Center (RIAS), in 2018, 1083 incidents involving anti-Semitism were reported. This is 14 percent more than the year before. RIAS spokesman Benjamin Steinitz noted that anti-Semitism in Germany takes on “threatening forms” and becomes
simply blatant.
Recall that in March 2019, President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier
condemned the growth of anti-Semitism in the country and said that special responsibility in countering
the growing trend of intolerance should go to schools – this is where children are given knowledge of
what fanatical racial hatred can cause.
Felix Klein (* 1968 in Darmstadt) is a German lawyer specialized in international law, diplomat and representative of the Federal Government for Jewish life in Germany and the fight against anti-Semitism.
His father, Hans Klein, in the 1950s violinist in the Philharmonic Orchestra in Sibiu, (Hermannstadt)
Romania, lived with his family since 1967 in Darmstadt. His relatives include the journalist Fritz Klein
and the Marxist historian Fritz Klein.
Felix Klein attended the United World College in Duino near Trieste, added to his studies of law in
Freiburg im Breisgau a master’s degree at the London School of Economics and 1994-1996 in Bonn,
the training for the higher foreign service at the training and education center of the Foreign Office
(diplomatic school). In 2001 he earned his doctorate with the thesis “Marriage and Divorce in Cameroon”
at the University of St. Gallen. iur. In addition to German, he speaks French, English, Italian and Spanish.
He began his career at the Foreign Office in Bonn as a consultant for relations with the South American countries of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, then worked abroad as cultural attaché in Yaoundé / Cameroon
and as deputy consul general in Milan. Since 2007 he has been working in the Berlin headquarters of the Foreign Ministry: Speaker in the HR department of the Foreign Ministry in Berlin, Deputy Consul General
and Officer for Culture and Economics at the German Consulate General in Milan, Deputy Head of the Southeast Europe Department at the Federal Foreign Office, Personal Assistant and Head of the Office of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Peter Ammon and most recently Head of the personnel department
of higher service in the Foreign Office.
Since March 2014 Klein has been Special Representative for Relations with Jewish Organizations and
Anti-Semitism Issues in the Foreign Office. In April 2017, experts and politicians concluded that the
population lacked insight into the problem of anti-Semitism. [1] When the introduction of the position of
anti-Semitism commissioner [2] was adopted in January 2018, the Central Council of Jews suggested
Klein. His office is located in the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Klein wants to help make the problems
of anti-Semitism more visible. He has been in office since May 2018. [3]
1. “Anti-Semitism is not a problem of the Jews, but of society”
2. Press release of the BMI – Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Homeland
3. Martin Niewendick: Government Commissioner Klein: “Jew-hatred also has an ugly Islamist face”.
In: World Online. April 19, 2018, retrieved on April 20, 2018.
Judeophobia, like all such hatreds of all the members of a group simply because they belong to that group, despite all the individual differences of character and behaviour that characterise any group, is stupid and wicked. ‘Antisemitism’, in contrast, is a total sham, a propaganda tactic designed to intimidate and vilify all the critics of Zionazi barbarity and of the bad behaviour of certain Jews. It increasingly works frantically, with unlimited financing and TOTAL Western fakestream media assistance, to outlaw and even criminalise all such acts as the BDS movement, as ‘antisemitic’, ie not motivated by humane outrage at Zionazi crime and Palestinian suffering, but by mere Jew-hatred.
Most so-called acts of ‘antisemitism’ these days are not attacks on Jewish cemeteries or synagogues or bomb threats made to Jewish institutions (so many of which have been revealed as self-inflicted false-flag attacks)but actually expressions of Free Speech and Opinion concerning Israeli barbarity, or even arguments where some impudent goy answers a Zionazi thug back. A veritable pogrom. Meanwhile the Palestinians suffer real barbarous assaults, even child murder and torture, as well as home destruction, land theft, the killing of domesticated animals, poisoning or theft of water and the destruction or theft of centuries old olive trees, day in day out, inflicted, dare one say it, by some Jews acting very badly indeed. And of course, other Jews, acting very much better in my opinion, oppose these atrocities, for which they are denounced as ‘self-hating Jews’.
The phony ‘antisemitism’ campaign is openly aimed at totally destroying Freedom of Opinion and Speech and the USA’s First Amendment in order to solidify the Jews’ position as unquestionable, immaculate, perfected and beyond criticism, so Divine are all their actions-even the child murder. What’s more, the Zionazis are moving onto the logical next step in their ceaseless campaigns-the making of Zionazi hatred of Palestinians, Moslems and Arabs COMPULSORY in the West, and refusal to join in yet another manifestation of ‘antisemitism’.
Well said. The distinction between judeophobia and anti-semitism is also razor sharp cutting edge truth.
@Mulga Mumblebrain
And as always the Tyranny totally skews the meaning of words like ‘Antisemitism’ which in fact it is not what the word means in truth (in fact it’s one of the first moves, to scramble words in wider and wider sophistic cycles until they ‘own’ the subject), it is the same with ‘jew’ which means everything jewish and nothing, it’s neither a race, nor a religion, at best a culture but not really, but then all of it. For a Goy it’s a no go area.
But we are free to use them or not, I use Zionist when I refer to the current pre-dominant faction which is politically active, Talmudism for the specific contemporary culture / religion (it’s both, because as with Islam there has never been a secularisation, which would be totally impossible anyway as with Chritianity) and Judahism for the reference to the root of the jewish contemporary culture / religion as an Anti-God tribal cult as Riley describes.
But they are not THE enemy, the lie is, even if their tribal cult is openly malevolent to all outsiders. We are not fighting them foremost, but the lie in general. Of course in studying their ways one can create defense accordingly, but only rooted in the truth. If this becomes State policy then the system becomes impervious to the lie acting out natural defense – nothing more is needed really, they either convert or become superflous or criminals and have to leave the culture they are in, exactly what every being would do.
To call that names, so what, it’s totally irrelevant – they have their space – we have ours (still). Remind you THEY have a rich culture and in their sense are really cultivated people. We are barbarians, we know nothing, only some know how stuff but we our culture is a non-culture, a big fat heap of lies !
Header photo
Through a glass darkly
When me and thee
Are we,
What is seen does the seeing.
Dr Craig Wright (outed by WIRED Magazine as Satoshi Nakamoto in a 2015 issue…but did not comment then to either confirm or deny….as he was apparently quite uncomfortable with WIRED’s timing) is clearly a huge reader:
It’s amazing how people routinely discuss things without having ANY real idea of what it is that they are discussing. Wild-ass guessing and emoting retards and often aborts cognition, if you allow it to.
Such is the case with “Bitcoin”.
The stupidest cryptocurrency that exists, which is called “Bitcoiin” —-Wright has nothing to do with it……and the reason is that I have not just made a misprint!
This silliest crypto looks like a deliberate misprint, with three letters i in it….but that’s how you spell it!
It’s about 28 cents per B2G versus $8000 for a BTC…..$400+ for a BCH-ABC and $90 for one BSV.
The deliberate misprint tells me Crypto Town has become an unruly mess….and needs a new Sheriff to come to town and at least impose penalties for deliberate spelling mistakes!.LOL
No, worse than stupid spelling is the “brand” dilution of Bitcoin.
Besides “bitcoin” in the name of BTC (“Core”) there is:
BCH (Bitcoin Cash) and
BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision) and
there is also Bitcoin Gold (BTG),
Bitcoin Diamond (BCD)
and Bitcoin Private (BTCP).
There’s probably more that already exist and even more coming!
Frankly, it strikes me as analogous to a crypto kegger party among adolescent crypto geeks when the parents of the teenager who is hosting the party were out of town on a second honeymoon or something..and the kids went wild and played at being adults of legal drinking age….bribing a 21 year old to bring a keg or two when they knew Mom and Dad would not walk in on them.
It’s embarrassing, and I’m not going to defend Crypto-immaturity!
Wright may not be the Sherriff but he sure is a Party Pooper, with BSV’s ….”ONE…..or NONE!” Motto.
I know that Dennis votes for NONE without knowing a shekel or BSV from his elbow…..so he can comment on someone else’s post and make up some more of his silly shit over there designed to abort any track of cognition toward anything….. for the worthy cause of putting his own self promotion back on track.
It may not be One Belt One Road….but it DEFINITELY is……A One Way Street!
Anything going the other direction and wild Catholic Cop Whistling and Waving of arms ensues, aborting any sense countervailing the nonsense on Leary Way.
“Wrong way, wrong way! What about ME??? This is Leary Way! Can’t you read???”
I thought Catholics were supposed to be AGAINST Abortion (Hint, Hint).
Oh, I forgot: Now some of them consider suffocating the late third trimester fetus to be fine and dandy and other’s say it is the mother’s choice to erase a life seconds or minutes after it emerges from her womb…if she expresses the opinion that the little one’s existence oppresses her “rights” or current mood.
It could be that we need those non-existent nukes to sprout like mushrooms, cleanse the planet and do a moral reset ……depending on aboriginal peoples surviving somewhere to resettle the planet within a few millennia
I don’t go into dissociated word association fits of irrationality to propitiate my fellow anti-Zionists here when Wright educates me on the grain measurement origin of either the “talent” or the “shekel”:
“Many thousands of years ago, the creation of money came from the ability to store commodity goods and have a ledger value associated with your holdings. In the Bible and other associated documents, a talent is used as a measurement of stored grain:
Shekel (2 bekahs): 2/5 ounce / 11.34 grams — Exodus 30:23
Talent (60 minas): 75 pounds / 34.02 kg — Ezra 8:26
The farmer would need to keep the best seed as 30lbs/13.5kg of seed was used to seed and plant half an acre of land (0.2 hectares). Modern farming is more intensive, and uses nearly double the amount of seed grain.”
I like to come across a deeper grounding in theory than I possessed before starting to read an article, and “Satoshi”…..(Here come d’ judge, here come d’ judge,,,we should know who is who…by court order… this year..2019..) provides it:
“The coinage that we see in common use in the ancient world, shekels and talents, originated as grain receipts. Farmers and other producers would store large amounts of grain following a harvest. In addition, farmers produced straw that could be used in the production of bricks. It led to the origin of trade and exchange. Ones who were better farmers continued to farm, whereas others who could now specialise in pottery, creating bricks, and other artisan trades would be able to exchange goods and services for part of the stored food. It is the origin of money. Value stems from the consumed goods that we have within society. Money is simply a call on that set of commodities which we all seek.
Money itself was and is not valuable, what can be obtained through the ledger that is money has value. Such is the way to look at money. Not as GDP or a call on what GDP captures, but as a call on the individual items being created within the entire economy. Such is the supply and demand aspect of money and goods. It is a calculation that is too complex for any individual to plan and will always be too complex, no matter how powerful our computers become.If Moore’s law was to go into overdrive and continue doubling every year for a thousand years, we might just start to be at the point where a computer that stores every bit of information about everything occurring in society would be able to calculate better than capitalism. Unfortunately, the storage for such a system would require more atoms than we have in our universe.
Money is thus the call at a point in time of goods and services as society values them. If we have more grain, the value of grain compared to other goods will diminish. In a simple ancient economy, the scenario would have been clear. In such a sort of Robinson Crusoe economy, the limited number of goods allowed people to see the balance.
Importantly, it is not how much is being produced but rather how much is being consumed against what is being produced that sets value. If we have 110 units in a simple economy and we are only consuming 100 units and saving the rest, then the value will deflate. Right now, we have a deflationary economy. Economic growth leads to a scenario where we have more every year. Today, we are in the richest Golden Age of all human history, and there is nothing stopping its richness from increasing further. It won’t stop some people from trying to attack growth, but the reality is that we live in a world that is far richer than people could have imagined 100 years ago. What few people understand is that the amount of wealth for every person on earth has increased, and it has increased at a far higher rate than that of population growth.”
“Inflation is used to balance and hide the fact. There are many, especially in government, who believe that growth is bad. Capitalism and growth are disruptive. They rearrange and reorder the status quo. They allow new people to come into power, and remove such individuals who no longer provide what society desires. Such is the nature of profit.
Money is simply a ledger used to exchange goods and services across time. It allows people to specialise, create, and sell things now or in the future under contract for a promise of a share of the goods that are available at a later time………..”
Some may quibble over concepts or word meanings, but so far, I think I’m learning something of some value
I therefore, I will be reading many more of Wright’s articles to attempt, without prejudice aforethought, to determine whether he might prevail in Bit Wars as he says he intends to do and how that might assist (or hinder??) the fall of the globalist Cabal and their Value of Life and Labor central bank shell games.
In other words, I am pretty sure some study and thinking and further investigation …AND WORK will be required…as opposed to just making up whatever the hell suits my ego and prior ignorant prejudices.
I like how people only look at one side of the balance sheet (growth), and not the corresponding one (debt), and then ignore that they are directly related, borrowing from the future only works if one can afford the future, and most today, cant even afford today. If we can’t afford to pay off the debt, how can we assume that there will be growth in the future, riddle me that.
There is a simple answer to that, but it is also very complicated. The simple answer is that we are in an economy where debt, i.e., the amount that someone will loan to you, is valuable. Now that goes without saying that this is crazy and we are in a crazy economy and also one where the robber baron types are set up to garner incredible riches. This is why there is such stratification between the man on main street and the wall street types, where only a very few owns a disproportionate amount of the wealth in the world, and you and I can be bankrupted with the stroke of a pen making a new law.
There are other ways to do it, but hey .. the robber baron types are happy for the moment. For us ordinary folk, best is to stay out of debt. The world’s debt as a whole now exceeds the world’s income – but then again, that income is stated in so many different ways, GDP being the most common, that one cannot believe anything put in front of your eyes. Best here is to follow Catherine Austin Fitts’ work, where she outlines one of these strokes of a pen, that made a new law, that bankrupts us ordinary people already.
Here is a good outline of her work. https://library.solari.com/solari-core-concepts/
In there you will find a section on Planet Debt – if you want to know the debt story, it is there but in its complicated form.
This is all well and fine until, the laws of gravity take hold of debt and wealth, ie: what goes up must come down, and so either the mechanism to bring this about is applied, or an additional mechanism to balance the wall street wealth effect comes into play, either one are detrimental to an economy or a society at large (And both are relatively secret too, and a secret as to the timing).
Because, if human evolution is only 1/2 done currently on this planet, and it would only take some 50,000 to say 120,000 folks to advance it from here, isn’t the sacrifice of the remainders (and their debt, or wealth) a rather moot point to the people who’s goal it is to advance human evolution? Obviously from there point of view if they never got a chance to advance for some reason, all the debt and wealth in the world is meaningless to them, all they care about is getting the chance to advance the evolution of the human race, and making the best of this chance.
Everything is eventually subject to the laws of gravity, even debt and wealth.
Bro, good stuff to study. With all of that, here is a short critique on the ideas which puts a very different complexion on it.
The first seven tweets on here .. and then there is a book underlying the ideas. In short, Wright is trying to use old and hackneyed principles of ownership and might makes right/wright in an environment that is not suitable for that. We’re moving away from the concept of ownership that can be killed for and made war about.
Anyways … it makes for good thought experiments.
Renault Trucks, “Pioneers since 1894”
… Berliet … برليه …
متحف رينو برليه حسن كتبي ليون فرنسا – اكبر شاحنة في العالم من اكثر من ٥٠ سنة مرعبة فعلا
( with English subtitles )
Павел (Paul), thank you for the interesting videos
Azorka … you also make many interesting posts … thankyou.
I tried to donate for Southfront not easy. Everytime I tried I ve got a reply from Paypal to fill in…Russian language. Not easy indeed. Any similar experiences?
Michael Snyder gives a creepy overview of the dangers of GMO food, including the overlooked spread via insects: http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/after-reading-this-article-about-the-danger-of-gmos-you-will-probably-never-want-to-eat-genetically-modified-food-again
One of the vile actors in the poisoning of our planet. Somehow the film ‘Jurassic Park’ sprang into my mind, trying to fool Mother Nature going terribly wrong.
Just touched in this article are the monopolies on seeds and food components of just a few large companies like Bayer/Monsanto, Cargill and the like.
Don’t underestimate their dark forces behind the screen. On the countries that have forbidden GMO’s are e.g. Syria and Venezuela.
Cheers, Rob
GE crops are overwhelmingly created to be used with glyphosate, particularly Roundup, perhaps the most dangerous of all chemical poisons ever inflicted on Life on Earth. The recombined GE species themselves are potentially bad enough, and the BT toxin is not as benign as made out, but the consequences of soaking the environment, including foods at harvest (ie grains desiccated by Roundup to make harvesting ‘easier’)with glyphosate are horrific.
ELVIS – “A Boy From Tupelo MS” – (Documentary 40th Anniversary – Extended Version) TSOE 2017
My favorite Elvis Presley’s song – Crying in the Chapel
(lyrics under the video)
Basically, Elvis music delivered his interpretations of gospel.
Elvis had turned suffering in to music.
Hallo redoubtable cafe revolutionaries!
I’m a former activist here who left the good fight for quieter pursuits but occasionally I make a surprise appearance and bring greetings. Glad to know the old warriors are still kicking, particularly Dennis, Bro, Bob, Ioan, Mulga, etc. with elan and verve.
Years ago, so it seems, someone here reported a popular Russian joke concerning the Yalta Conference where Stalin stumped the capitalist opposition with his wit and guile. It started with Churchill having a dream or reconstituting the pre-1876 empire, followed by Roosevelt having a similar one to greater effect. But those dreams of imperial grandeur came to naught thanks to Stalin who trashed them while still contained in the subconscious mind. A slight modification of what the WWII was all about.
I saved the tale in a computer that is no more and cannot remember the details and nuances of the joke and the other day, when I tried to retrieve it from memory to score a merry point, I was forced into a humiliating public admission that my memory hole leaks. Any help?
I promise to acknowledge and credit the source and report the outcome of the jocular joust. Thanks friends.
Jumped in for your sake, my old warrior. My mood is not the best now. I can’t remember either that joke, so I can tell you other three jokes related :
1. God came to the Yalta conference. He took a chair and the Heads of the allied powers came to greet him. First Churchill approached God who stood up and shook Churchill’s hand. Then Roosevelt rolled in, in his wheelchair. God stood up and shook Roosevelt’s hand. Finally, Stalin’s turn came. God shook Stalin’s hand without getting out of the chair. Stalin was offended and complained to God, “Why did you single me out and did not get out of your chair?”
“Eh, Yossi, I know you. If I just left my chair for an instant, you would be sitting in it at once.”
2. After WW2 in 1945 the leaders of the Big Three(USA, UK and the Soviet Union) respectively Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met in Yalta for a conference to decide the fate of the world.
After the conference they wanted to have some fun. They decided to try and make the Persian cat in the residence to eat mustard.
Churchill started first. He took a silver spoon with some mustard and tried his best to feed the cat but failed.
-You british people don’t understand, it should be done with democracy – said Roosevelt.
He took some chicken and put some mustard on it. The cat sniffed for a moment but walked away with no interest in the food he offered.
Without any hesitation Stalin took the cat and started to spread mustard on the fluffy tail. The cat started meowing loudly and lickеd the tail to wash out the mustard. Meowed and licked, meowed and licked… Then Stalin said wisely:
-That’s how we do everything in our country, voluntarily and with a song.
3. Roosevelt says, “One beautiful thing about America is that we have freedom of speech. That means that anybody can stand in front of the White House and say, “Roosevelt is a piece of shit” and nobody would pay any attention.
Stalin says, “We have freedom of speech in the Soviet Union too. Anybody can stand in front of the Kremlin and say, “Roosevelt is a piece of shit” and no one would bat an eye.
I got a better one: True story.
I used to be a drug dealer, nothing hard, just weed. My home grown was the best around and the people would pay good money for it for a few weeks during the fall season.
I used to have this one guy come around every six months for a $20 bag, I think he was a coke head. He came around this one time and I said all I have is my high test home grown, he said no problem just give it to me, so I did.
6 months later he’s back for another $20 bag, I says to him I says, all I have is my regular grade right now, he says good, that last stuff F*ed me up.
Hallo Ioan, thank you.
Very kind of you with your generous supply of alternative jokes. The first one, involving divine appearance is quite common in other currencies as well, sometimes with local variations not requiring transfiguration, the conference taking place in heaven. How those three got in is a bit of a mystery though. Perhaps Peter was caught napping…
The one I’m after is, not only very funny, but also appropriate for the occasion and that was quite remarkable. I’ve searched the web but got zilch. Got an idea now – a Russian site!
Cheers my friend. Might come over here more regularly soon – if the mods are less stuffy.
ioan, I’m glad yer back, sad as you’ve been. You made me laugh with those jokes. I hear your mom laughing too. Watcha gonna do now? Don’t jump the cafe ship; we need yer wisdom, wit and tales of woe.
For those who want to do the work. I’m still on usury and trying to answer the deeper question of what it is, and why the prohibitions. There is more shouting about usury, than about infidelity.
If I was going to do a deep study of usury, the principles, the history, the church prohibitions, the why’s and the wherefores, and the modern incarnation of usury, I would use this piece as the first statement of hypothesis, in order to ground and define the scope of work. But I’m not going to spend the next 10 years on this, and one can easily spend 10 years on this and gather a Doctorate or 2.
I’ll use this Historical Critique at the link, for this reason:
Whilst opinions differ on the correctness of doing so differ, the authors have presumed God and Allah to represent the same divine principle though expressed differently in the understanding of respective faiths.
– So, we get that most of the Churches or rather faiths have at one time or another expressed prohibitions against usury. This is list includes Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamism, Christianity, Judaism, Historical Western Political Philosophy and more.
– At a first look, when these prohibitions were expressed, the conditions were very different than today. The economic milieu was generally steady state and the only thing that could affect the price of say a bunch of wheat, was natural phenomena, like excessive rain or drought etc.
– Usuary in those ancient days were prohibited on basically two bases .. a) if someone borrowed 100 xxx’s, the repayment should be 100 xxx’s and not more. b) the prohibitions were slanted toward the lender, and not the borrower, i.e., the borrower was generally thought to be a poor person, otherwise there would be no need to borrow. In this milieu we find that the borrower was frequently told to forgive the debt if it could not be paid back and the lender was the ‘responsible person’. An important issue here was instead of lending to the poor, rather give alms. So far I cannot find in any of these faiths, a good business direction in terms of usury, excepting in Islamism and that is not so simple. But it is the best we have today in terms of how to think on these things.
– So, in that fairly stable economic milieu, if one borrowed 100 xxx’s, the value of that 100 xxx’s was expected to stay stable, until repayment. It is clear that it is not the case today. Nothing stays stable – not cost of lending or borrowing, not the value of that thing that one borrows or lends and neither the value of the work done with that loan.
– In addition, the number of economic methods and structures exploded. Where in old days it was a fairly simple milieu, now the complexity of financial instruments is astounding and something that looks simple, like usury, is not so simple.
– Another notable meta difference is the distribution of wealth today, vs the historical distribution of wealth.
– A most major issue that I found in reading about this (and it has been years, not just now), is that with any of the economic methods, the issue of labor is front and center. The labor vs capital differences in socialism/communism and in capitalism thus have deeper roots in the various faiths and philosophies, than what we generally think. Add labor to any fair transaction and usury becomes truly null and void unless you’re dealing with Mr Scrooge and better not to deal with Mr Scrooge or Señor Midas or King Croesus or someone like that.
So, in our modern thinking about usury, of course Islamism is the go-to faith, because at least they practice this ‘no-usury’ prohibition actively. So, what do they do?
In the simplest form: Say a couple wants to buy a house and they go the bank for a loan. The principle is on profit and loss, and not on just getting a loan at interest. The principle here is buying money and I know that sounds funny. The bank would investigate that house deal, from the point of view that everyone must make a profit. So, as far as I understand it today, if the bank is interested in that specific deal, and everyone involved can make a profit, the bank would purchase the house, and the couple would pay the bank in rent. The couple would pay back more rent than the original purchase price of the house to cover costs and for the bank to make a profit. The couple would make a profit in the increasing value of the house, or the asset. The principle here is that it leads to a more stable state economy with all the stakeholders in any deal equally able to make a profit.
In the form of business, the same would apply. A business consortium would get together (it could be families pooling their assets or money, or a business group), and the same principles would apply … profit or loss and not a premium put on a loan, payable by interest. Yet, there is a cost and the ‘deal includes the cost and the cost has to be paid’.
Very early on in this reading, and in our modern world, one gets to the idea that each transaction, no matter where it takes place, no matter how big or how small, needs to be investigated on an individual basis in order to determine whether something like unfair enrichment, or usury drives that transaction or not. No, not all interest is usury in today’s financials. Interest may as as simple as taking cognizance of the changing value of money. One has to take a look what is included in an interest payment. Where is the cost? What was the value of say 100 xxx’s, vs the repayment required, in other words in terms of faith prohibitions, one has to go an investigate to see of 100 xxx’s paid back, is still 100 xxx’s plus the cost of a transaction.
This would be a study worth much if anyone wants to undertake it.
Finally, when I was young and just moved out of the parent’s home, I needed a piano and of course, I could not afford one. So, off I went to my dad for a loan for a piano. My dad did one of the greatest favors that he did for me ever in my life. Of course he would give me the money, but, he sat me down and worked through … what would be his cost for such a loan, what would be his opportunity cost, what would my real benefit be and so on. End of story, I saved up for my own piano and took the pain of going to the piano school or church by bicycle for practice for a year or two, until I could afford that piano for myself and learned how money works in that process.
Finally, from a moral perspective I would think that the faiths are failing us in this aspect because the prohibitions stand, but not the modern teaching that needs to go with the prohibitions in the modern world. Sure schools are not teaching us like my dad sat me down and showed me how it really works. This is part of the reason that we as a species allow the robber barons to create incredible wealth polarity, and why we do not get to use our earth resources for looking after our species, and we have wars, hunger and terrible conditions for many on our earth. We’re not willing to do the work. There are no free loans (even in Islamism) and so far, there is no free exchange of energy. Somehow we still cannot deal with ‘free’.
Free can be dealt with, what it cant be is competed with, there are 2 things you can not (and should not), complete with, insanity(as with compete for resources with insanity), and free.
In this sentence, I meant the lender .. and not the borrower …
Usuary in those ancient days were prohibited on basically two bases .. a) if someone borrowed 100 xxx’s, the repayment should be 100 xxx’s and not more. b) the prohibitions were slanted toward the lender, and not the borrower, i.e., the borrower was generally thought to be a poor person, otherwise there would be no need to borrow. In this milieu we find that the borrower was frequently told to forgive the debt if it could not be paid back and the lender was the ‘responsible person’.
That bold borrower should be : lender was frequently told to forgive the debt.
This one has and is bringing the Qcultists out of the woodwork; e.g. “Assange is protected”
One of the few fine journalists existing, Caitlin Johnstone, posted this. The US army asked for how serving had affected veterans, and received answered they didn’t expect or hope for:
Serious apologies:
Caitlin Johnstone as author of above linked article, which is important, was not clear!
original link:
175 yrs in jail for revealing war crimes? Where’s MSM outrage over persecution of Assange?
“The news that WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has been indicted on 17 additional charges under the US Espionage Act and could be sentenced to up to 175 years in prison should concern all journalists, the world over.
Some, to their credit, have spoken out against the relentless persecution of the white-haired Australian truth-teller.
But it’s nothing compared to the outrage that could and should be stirred. Most journalists in the west have stayed as silent as Trappist monks with sore throats, or actually taken the side of the authorities acting against Assange.
But who so far has come out in defense of Assange, save for Pamela Anderson and Roger Waters? Where are the great ‘human rights defenders’?
The great ‘crime’ of Julian – and the reason he’ll probably never be at liberty again, was to pull back the curtain to show us what was behind it. To reveal what our governments, which we pay for, were doing in our name. He exposed Western war crimes. He showed us what was really going on. He published information which we, as taxpayers, had every right to know. He was Tobermory, the talking cat, in Saki’s classic short-story.”
This appears to be a nothing burger, these so called charges were simply brought by prosecutors, they STILL need to be approved by a judge in Sweden,(and has yet to be done from what i’ve heard so far) which is doubtful b/c apparently some laws would have to be broken in order for a judge to grant approve of these charges. Its just whipping up a cream for a cake that doesn’t exist.
There are more and more voices protesting Assange’s lynching. Even, God knows, Rachel Madcow. The villainy of the persecution is plain enough, but the bulk of the fakestream media presstitutes are still villainous in their hatred, aping their owners as ever. In particular the feminazis are being particularly vicious, no doubt because of the hideously fraudulent ‘rape charges’, that have never been ‘charges’ and never been ‘rape’ in any meaningful sense save in the deranged man-hating insanity of Nordic feminazis. The latter is particularly odious as it demeans the victims of real sexual assaults solely to serve Uncle Satan in Washington, and it normalises an extreme feminazi doctrine that sees all sexual contact between men and women as suspect, even objectionable.
Good morning from the heartland of the US; here’s hoping your heart is merry and your blood is cherry red.
I want to get right to it and cut to the chase. It’s a new clear day because at long last the nuclear foray into weaponry has come to the surface. It is an honor for us that Saker has given his opinion.
At the outset, let me reiterate what I always say as a disclaimer: this is just my honest opinion, which could be wrong.
This is an important matter; the world hangs in the balance. So hang in there; this conversation could be long. It could turn out to be a short book in length and extend over several cafes. I’m retired with an abundance of time, so I can take my time. There’s no rush. Patience is the word. The tortoise and the hare is the moral.
I compared my four points to Buddha’s four noble truths. My apologies to Buddhists. It was a rhetorical flourish in poor taste for some. And no, Saker, I did not imply that Buddha had an opinion about nuclear weapons; but then you’re probably being rhetorically ironic also.
I have already discussed the issue of nuclear weapons with Paul. Here is what I said in a former cafe:
“I have researched Dimitri Khalezov. I’ll tell you upfront that just by looking at his picture, he strikes me as a crook and spook, paid by empire to muddy the waters about 911; and cause more confusion about it. He thinks nuclear charges took down the towers. I’ve argued elsewhere that nuclear weapons are a global empire hoax to instill fear in the populace and thereby control and rob them. If nuclear bombs exploded under and near the ground, the barriers would have collapsed and the nearby river waters would have flooded Manhattan; plus decimating surrounding buildings. Khalezov is spreading nonsense.
I don’t want to waste my time by providing ‘sources’ since ‘those persuaded against their will have the same opinion still.’ If anyone is interested in discovering the truth about 911 and nuclear weapons, they can do their own research like I do.
I have read Judy Wood’s book on the towers, and unless she’s a paid agent and photo-shopped all those photos of strange fires and pulverization, something was going on that intelligence/cia are not telling us. I think, that besides all the money theft and destruction of records, etc., empire was testing its new weapons; and no, they were not nuclear, contrary to Dimitri.
As for radiation in the oceans, if the reported tests are not skewed by the controlled scientists and media, it could derive from nuclear reactors. I don’t know; I wasn’t there.
As for witnesses who report that they saw atomic bombs explode over those atolls in the Pacific, people can ‘see’ a lot of things if their minds are manipulated, especially if they’re in the military under orders to ‘see correctly,’ or government contractors, just plain paid agents or desirous of seeing what they want to see, primed by programming. Look how we are managed now to ‘see’ 911 in the politically correct way. Some see through that, but not yet about the hoax of nuclear bombs.
I’ve done a fair amount of research on the first atomic bombs; and find the evidence conclusive that they were faked; particularly the pictures of those mushroom clouds. It’s not that difficult to pile up tons of explosives, detonate them, have witnesses see them, and then feed the public with doctored pictures. It’s done all the time, like with men on the moon. Yes, we are that stupid, as a rule. Recall all the false misinformation about the pyramids.
If anyone is really interested, I can provide sites, persons and groups who I have come to trust as truth-tellers; but why should you trust me? You have to follow your own lights.”
Can we directly prove that nuclear weapons exist? No. Can we directly prove nuclear weapons do not exist? No. Can we rely on government authority that they exist? No. Can we rely on other authorities, like the Saker? No. This is a matter that each one of use has to decide, according to reason. This is not a matter of faith or religion; it’s geopolitical. I don’t doubt that God leaves the decision up to us. In the end, my friend, it is probably a decision based on probabilities.
Can we use circumstantial evidence to give probability to one side or the other? Yes. I argue that nuclear weapons probably do not exist. Fair enough?
sgage said:
What happened to you that made you think there are no nuclear weapons? I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that there weren’t nuclear weapons, but there they are. Wishing something doesn’t make it so.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all the tests, all the ICBM’s in their silos – it’s all a hoax? All the decades of Cold War politics that flowed from the reality of MAD… Where does this thinking come from? Miles wack-job Mathis? Where?
Nuclear war is hellish to think about. Alas, it is a possibility, and your happy-talk seems, well, I’ll be frank, delusional.”
Павел (Paul) further said:
“Dennis … World Trade Centre demolitions consisted of three directional nuclear charges equivalent each up to 150 tonnes of TNT and in the aftermath residues prove nuclear events. All radiation was directed upward from seventy metres underground within granite rock and this is why there was no catastrophe with the Hudson River.
In contrast DEW technology … Directed Energy Weapons based on high energy lasers create very high temperatures but have no radioactive residues. DEW does cause electrical interference similar to EMP … Electron Magnetic Pulse. Perhaps these technologies are combined, but these do not result in any nuclear signatures … residues.
I do not live in fear of anything but there are many things I do not like and truth is important as a foundation for everything. Hearing BS repeated infuriates me to the point I watch all news media with headphones I can quickly remove, then if need be look away from the screen. I cannot bear those idiots in Washington and some Europeans included. This Cafe should be a quiet place … dignified.
How you compare this Cafe with Facebook beats me.”
gT had a good point about keeping posts relatively short. That and the possibility on my end that I could mistakenly hit the wrong key and lose all this leads me to divide this conversation into parts. Consider this “Nuclear Weapons? Part 1.”
In the meantime, I need to address some things that are being said by other commentators on this cafe.
“It is an honor for us that Saker has given his opinion. ”
You’re confusing opinion with fact.
You are assuming what is yet to be proved.
Dennis … you are being obstinate in multiple ways on multiple fronts.
Each of those towers collapsed in less than ten seconds and there is only one technology known to be capable of that performance … nuclear demolition.
Thermite, DEW, EMP, TNT, and aviation fuel are all red herrings getting your attention and focus toward the top of the towers when the real culprit was seventy metres beneath … well hidden … this is why aeroplanes were chosen and included through the use of CGI into the deception.
Dennis … you have been well and truly fooled.
The Government’s Indictment of Julian Assange Poses a Clear and Present Danger to Journalism, the Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Speech
“The century-old tradition that the Espionage Act not be used against journalistic activities has now been broken. Seventeen new charges were filed yesterday against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. These new charges make clear that he is being prosecuted for basic journalistic tasks, including being openly available to receive leaked information, expressing interest in publishing information regarding certain otherwise secret operations of government, and then disseminating newsworthy information to the public. The government has now dropped the charade that this prosecution is only about hacking or helping in hacking. Regardless of whether Assange himself is labeled a “journalist,” the indictment targets routine journalistic practices.
But the indictment is also a challenge to fundamental principles of freedom of speech. As the Supreme Court has explained, every person has the right to disseminate truthful information pertaining to matters of public interest, even if that information was obtained by someone else illegally. The indictment purports to evade this protection by repeatedly alleging that Assange simply “encouraged” his sources to provide information to him. This places a fundamental free speech right on uncertain and ambiguous footing.”
A particularly nauseating feature of the lynching of Assange is the role of the bulk of the presstitutes in the fakestream media. In particular their refusal to admit that Assange is a publisher and journalist, while they are the most craven, verminous, scum of power serving presstitutes imaginable, whose every action demeans and debases the term ‘journalist’. Here the Murdoch invertebrates, particularly the feminazis, are the vilest, despite the fact that Assange actually won a Walkley Award for Australian journalism for his revelations, a few years back. Now the cockroaches declare that ‘I didn’t support that award’, despite no evidence of such reticence being produced but ‘the word’ of the presstitute.
Edward Snowden
“The Department of Justice just declared war––not on Wikileaks, but on journalism itself. This is no longer about Julian Assange: This case will decide the future of media”
John Pilger
“The war on Julian #Assange is now a war on all. Eighteen absurd charges including espionage send a burning message to every journalist, every publisher. The target today is #Assange. Tomorrow it will be you on the New York Times, you on the BBC. Modern fascism is breaking cover.”
5:32 PM – May 23, 2019
· May 23, 2019
Replying to @ACLU
“These charges are an extraordinary escalation of the Trump administration’s attacks on journalism, establishing a dangerous precedent that can be used to target all news organizations that hold the government accountable by publishing its secrets”
Glenn Greenwald
“All those who spent the last 2+ years proclaiming to be so very concerned about attacks on a free press will now have to decide whether they really meant it, or whether – due to feelings about Assange – they will cheer the Trump Administration’s frontal assault on press freedom:”
During his prez campaign, “dump” praised both Assange and Wikileaks and didn’t hesitate to quote them as a reliable source. Now look at what trump is doing to Assange. This is the sort of duplicity that comes from an opportunistic criminal with absolutely no moral grounding.
Donald knows Julian will not spend time in a jail, but be secreted to some cia funded hideaway, and paid with your money. Give Trump a little slack; he’s always under attack by sharks; and doing a good job of staying alive. Here’s a toast to Donald Alive, a live wire indeed.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk
Music loud and women warm, I’ve been kicked around
Since I was born
And now it’s alright, it’s okay
And you may look the other way
In advance, I apologize for this macabre “innovation”
In Washington, Composting Humans Is Now a Legal Alternative to Cremation
Recompose — Team Bios
Source: In Washington State, the Human Composting is allowed
Comments visible making – click on (159 or more) hozzàszolàs
Sounds ghoulish and disgusting at first, but the ancients used to leave the bodies out for the buzzards, vultures and other scavengers, with reverent rituals. We can’t do that anymore so this might be a viable alternative for some. Religions which believe in the resurrection of the body would not like it. I wouldn’t mind it myself, but I won’t be around. I’m sure the Catholics in my family would have none of it. They would probably agree to cremation reluctantly. At near 80, the great day is comin’ ’round the bend. Oh, happy day!
The next step would be wall off the area of composted humans as “unclean,” due to the gmo’s in the human diet, mercury amalgam fillings,etc.,not to mention the disdain that seemingly animates many humanists.
Relax. Julian Assange was in on the fake theater hoax from the start. He won’t spend a day in jail. Recall the fake photo of him with the Vidal book in hand, and the yellow jackets in the background; and agent actress Pamela Anderson just coming from a meeting with him, showing no real emotion, and covering it with ‘feeling tired.’ Sure, Pamela. In a previous interview you cried and shed tears. What’s up? Why was only one news company allowed to film the act? One picture was shown over and over, and a fake one at that. Yeah. I think I’ve seen this movie before, called ‘Control the Opposition.’
The Empire/cia managers hire these actors to scare the courage out of truthers. They mess with our minds so we can’t tell truth from fiction. Same for Snowden, aclu and greenwald; I don’t have an opinion about Pilger.
Don’t get so excited. It’s just my opinion, and opinions are like noses; everyone has one. The nose knows by the smell test and a modicum of research.
Bro 93,
I read everything you write and respect much of it — what’s behind the bombast and ‘ad hominems’ anyway; worry not, I am a man. Please don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. But where in heaven did you come up with this: ???
“I thought Catholics were supposed to be AGAINST Abortion (Hint, Hint).
Oh, I forgot: Now some of them consider suffocating the late third trimester fetus to be fine and dandy and other’s say it is the mother’s choice to erase a life seconds or minutes after it emerges from her womb…if she expresses the opinion that the little one’s existence oppresses her “rights” or current mood.”
Catholics are against abortion. You cause confusion and muddy the waters with your slippery “some of them consider…” That’s true in all large organizations; there always will be some who disagree, often because they’re paid to be controlled opposition. ‘Some’ could range from ten to a thousand, or more. Think before you emote.
As it stands, with its false innuendo, your statement smacks of slander. You can at least have the courtesy to reply to this question of mine. Thanks.
Aborted fetus’s are a commodity, bought and sold. If a woman wants to terminate a fetus and collect the reward, why not? Oh, yeah, right, the tax payer pays for the abortion and the abortionist gets to sell the dead baby, nice work, if you can get it. Fuck, what sick bastard would want it? Maybe if the women who abort their babies could charge a little usuary on the fee, it’d be a win win all around, well, except for the dead baby!
I remember the last Sunday ritual I attended. I was 15. A petition was being passed around, and people were signing it. It was Morgantiler time in Canada. The petition was to stop the government changing the laws and making abortion free and accessabile for women. Forty five years ago it sounded sorta knoble, allowing women to have that right to safety. When the petition came to me I quickly read what it was, refused to sign and passed it on. Holy fuck. You’d think I’d committed a cardinal sin. Anyways I told me Ma as a man(15) I was unable to make that decission as I wasn’t a woman and didn’t feel right forcing my views on something I’d never experience. I still stand by that today, except, it’s not last resort medical procedure like it was back then, it has become a convienience for adults who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Who in some instances may even be encouraged to abort for the sake of commerece. That’s sick. Btw, she never brought me to Mass after that.
In hind sight, I should have come out as proabortion when I was much younger, but then, think of all the dogma I’d have missed.
I am delighted that amarynth is investigating usury, and sharing with us. I was getting into: ‘Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury’ by E. Michael Jones when the book got burned up in the California fires. It was long but interesting.
I think crypto, obor and usury are closely related. I teasingly call them ‘cou’ after the first letters, since I consider them milking cows for the bosses of empire. amarynth shows an interest in these three as I do, but I dare not speak for her; she speaks quite well for herself, thank you.
Well, let me dare just a bit by quoting her without context. Quote; “For us ordinary folks, best to stay out of debt.” I concur by refusing interest on my money.
Weird coin trick, since I live close to a Mint. How much money is in your pocket? Drop a magnet into your pocket. Pull it out. Whatever is left in your pocket is real money, made from metal of value. All the stuff stuck to the magnet, is coloured tin.
I will try if when I find an appropriate magnet. You’re right. We live in a fake world, alright. Hard to tell ‘fool’s gold from the ‘true god,’ but it can be done by the magnet or litmus test.
Top of the morning, world, one more time again, to you and all your inhabitants. Some of you are hurting, and some terribly, so my cheery attitude may annoy or anger you; if so, imagine me as some Mother Teresa or Saint Someone, full of compassion, able to bring you relief.
Some are annoyed with me for being so talkative here of late, hogging the space, taking up the spotlight, playing big shot and on and on. Why doesn’t he have his own place to vent, you mutter? I do, I do, but it has a different focus and purpose. The Saker intends to stop Empire, and is doing that with his large audience; I want to defeat the bad guys too. Don’t you?
Today in the US is Memorial Day for living and dead vets of wars. It’s a really big, big deal. It’s a national holiday. We’re having a family get together here on the farm. I don’t agree with war at all so I have mixed feelings about the whole war business. I hate it, in fact. There is no need for it; the bosses have us completely fooled into paying them for it.
War is a world wide addiction. Even Russia is forced into it, for good reasons. Remember a while back that picture of a young Russian boy in a soldier’s cap at Victory Day or something like that? He looked like me at that age: sad at what he knew not what really. He was being indoctrinated into the war already; again, for very good reasons like national survival.
The Empire is behind wars. That’s why we have to stop Empire to stop war itself. That’s why Saker is essential reading; I think there’s a book like that. Russia is the last real country standing. If Russia goes, we’re all toast. That’s the way I feel anyway.
I’m reading Voltaire’s ‘History of Peter the Great.’ I like Voltaire for his wit and style. He lived 1694 to 1778, quite a long time. Peter the Great lived 1672 to 1725; ruled from 1682. Uncle Bob can check. Peter built the Russian Empire, which at the time was the largest empire ever in landmass; twice as large as any other in history: Roman, Khan, Hun, Sino, Ottoman or any of them.
Russia was so big that when the sun was at noon in the west, it was almost midnight in the extreme east. If Russia had not been tricked into giving away Alaska for peanuts, today it would nearly span the globe. In Peter’s Petersburg there were 35 orthodox churches along with mosques and other denominations; Voltaire did not mention synagogues. Petersburg was a swamp but Peter made it into the most beautiful capital in the world at that time. Its waterworks were superior to those of Versailles. It had seven rivers meeting there. There were 400,000 people. Many splendid palaces adorned Petersburg and the surrounding country.
Our Putin seems a bit like Peter the Great; he may someday be called Putin the Great, if not Saint Vladimir Putin. He’s doing a great job under the circumstances, surrounded as he is by Empire sharks smelling blood in the water. Unlike Peter, Putin welcomes Jews. Germany did too until they stabbed Germans in the back. I think you get the point. I’ll let Uncle Bob fact check.
Here at the Vineyard, war is our reason for being; or to stop it, more precisely. There are different ways to do this. Mine is to get as high as I can and see it for what it is. I like to use fictional analyses, since the political world as become so fake. Face it, we live in a fake political world.
The bible said this lying world is run over by the Four Horsemen: War, Disease, Famine and Death. I have adapted that to our times with the four ‘coun’ men, or con-men, or coon men or koan women; whatever — an acronym for Crypto, Obor, Usury and Nuclear. All fake with lying eyes.
There is a real world but it’s hard to find with all the lies buzzing around my eyes like flies. I use fiction, like I said, to cut through the fog. “If the arrow is straight and the point is slick, it can cut through the fog, no matter how thick.”
In my imaginative mind, Count Khazar is the bad guy emperor and Lady Love is the good gal empress on the love express. Another way of saying it is that the Vineyard is the Love Army and the Cafe is the Love Bower. There’s still another way about the Lover Man and Beloved Woman in the bible’s ‘Song of Solomon,’ or ‘Song of Songs.’ Vineyards, gardens and holy wells are the setting; the lovers’ house is the Oasis Cafe.
Saint Francis of Assisi gave another Way with the first great Italian poem: the Song of the Creatures; or ‘Brother Sun and Sister Moon.’
Lord make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O divine master grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled as to console
to be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born to eternal life
Do I hear an ‘Amen’?
Correction. That poem was attributed to him. I’ll find his real poem later.
I thank you for your wonderfully synchronous and manly challenge!
My fondest wish is that the sort of debate you have so far accepted (Did I leave you any choice….if you ARE a man…or want to consider yourself one??? ………) will “make or break” not only millions of Catholics but also millions of other Christians and Non-Christian westerners whose naïve hearts may be in the right place, part of the time………but whose clerical and secular leaders and shepherds……..have led them very, very, very far astray….politically, morally and also spiritually.
I know this sort of debate, which I am not alone in issuing the call to, will break the vast majority that briefly consider the issue at stake. They will NOT be able to handle it and WILL retire from it…and possibly, at best…weep…and then pray….and then watch TV to dull the pain and hope it goes away
However, the only way that better leadership emerges from the sort of moral crisis gripping Western Civilization, is through these sorts of tough challenges…that might “make” a few better leaders out of those that this crisis doesn’t essentially break and scare away, back into the comforts of “personal” life and a mostly “normal” (ie: banal….) existence…but “makes” them far, far better.
I say “wonderfully synchronous” because the issue of late term abortions supported by Catholic “leaders” came up, in person less than 24 hours ago, yesterday afternoon down in San Diego between my sister’s Catholic husband, myself, my sister and three younger family members.
The Catholic husband (the only Catholic in that living room in San Diego yesterday afternoon, reacted with outrage at the very idea you react with outrage to. It is ok, indeed very fortunate (I might escalate and up the ante way too fast and high for him to handle….) that his wife, my sister, and not I, then intervened and calmly explained to him that legislation permitting third term of pregnancy abortion….down to and including the day of expected delivery…including DURING LABOR has recently passed the state legislatures both in the State of New York……….and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Governor Cuomo of New York, an Italian-American Catholic pushed for that recently passed legislation….HARD!
Deal with it, Dennis. If you can.
It’s all over the internet. Did you miss it because you want to miss it, you want to avoid taking the bull (or Vatican Goat) by the horns and just continue the phoney goody two shoes posturing about your laughably ineffective and meaningless foregoing of some absolutely pitifully low interest on your checking account, and your indulging your continued strategic incompetence on BRI or anything else that wasn’t already dear to your heart (er…silly ego), many, many decades ago??
Like the Catholic Church, no matter what the evidence of it going literally to hell with moral and spiritual rottenness at the top, especially since Vatican II???
But Frankly….(pun intended) there has been other majorly Empire Evil (such as Vatican backing for fascism in Germany and Italy in the 1930s and 1940s….AND later…)….down to today. AND…this is a deep subject which some Catholics, who I CAN love and respect the actions and the judgment of and can count on being far, far tougher, and more manly than you (from what I’ve seen so far) ARE facing, much to their credit…and .can be pointed to for having the spiritual and political guts to act effectively…instead of merely posture and deflect …and continue to grievously err…by having too much of their hearts dedicated to soothing their own eternally needful egos…rather than considering the requirements of advancing civilization as a whole, more effectively and more meaningfully.
I am not saying that all Catholics are bad people or anything of the sort. But there’s the flock, and then there are very, very evil shepherds that keep the flock blind and deluded, and disoriented ….for the Empire.
“Just the facts, ma’m.”
Until you straighten out that softness and blindness in yourself, all you will be able to do is morally posture and make extremely regrettable strategic blunders.
End of Part ONE.
Part TWO…. will feature a Catholic that is,,,shall we say… a little more “woke” to the problem…..than you are. So Far.
Part THREE will feature a woman who has studied deeply arguably the greatest Catholic Cardinal in history ….whose thinking ANY serious person, anywhere on earth, from whatever background or faith they have…. can draw wisdom from…to arrive at more effective solutions to the general moral and political-strategic crisis of our time.
It ain’t just Catholics that have some serious, serious problems, folks!
However, we can learn a great deal about our problems and our solutions to those problems from carefully examining their problems…and how those problems were really intensified by the Vatican taking a huge loan in 1832 and paying the Devil’s Interest ever since…apparently without Dennis Leary facing that fact (which is slightly bigger and more significant than his silly posturing with what goes on with his checking account)…just quite yet.
After a couple of errands I will get to Part Two, Dennis. I promise you.
It probably gets more to an ideology problem than a religious one. Catholics are of the frame of mind that children(or child birth) is necessary mostly b/c you have to have youth to tend to the elders, and the best mechanism of this is a pro life platform.
Senseable people on the flip side, would want parents to prove they are capable of raising and affording said children before they are conceived, or if unable, the state would then pick up the burden.
But since the state is not able to be that responsible to properly educate and raise said offspring, they legislate a save the child and kill the parents ideology which ends up reproducing retards( in addition to creating a hostile environment) faster than the system can afford them.
All this over time leads to lower quality citizens while the emphisis and attention is placed on those few who beat the odds and aquire (possibly perceived) success, leading to a continued approval of said system.
My other Bro, my priest brother, just arrived for the family dinner. I need to run; but I did skim your gauntlet missive and picked it up. Ya better be on yer best game, mate, or suffer the consequences, if ya know what I mean; and yer big sister ain’t gonna be able to save ye. It’s OK Corral time, man, St. Crispin’s Day at Agincourt; I don’t have time to link the speech or the movie, but you know how, if you please.
Don’t mind me, I’m just scrolling along from the top, having a fine time with you all.
HDan has a great simile with 50 years ago Tibet next to US. Would US do like China? 50 years past would be like 1970, post hippie time when US could no longer hide from Nam atrocities. No way could USA get away with what clandestine china is doing; totalitarianism works best in the dark; democracy with all its faults works best in the light.
I’ll go for two in one. Sean, that’s an eye-opener about scalps in America Indian history.
Time for breakfast. If the mood suits, I’ll keep on scrolling and cruising down the cafe river of comments extraordinaire. I was a nine year kid then.
What IS ‘clandestine China’ doing? Lifting more people out of poverty than any other country in history, not just in Tibet and the rest of China, but in Africa and elsewhere as well. In Tibet, ending feudal theocratic tyranny, serfdom and brutal punishments. In Tibet bringing education and ending illiteracy, and healthcare, modern transportation and communications. Emancipating women for the first time in Tibetan history, etc.
Trump Regime Demand for Palestinian Surrender. Washington’s “Peace Process” is a Colossal Hoax
“Trump’s so-called “deal of the century” has nothing to do with peace, nothing to do with resolving irreconcilable Israeli/Palestinian differences — everything to do with serving Israeli interests at their expense.
Throughout his tenure, Trump waged war on Palestinian rights, one-sidedly benefitting Israel at their expense.
During a Wednesday Security Council session on the Middle East, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia addressed the issue of Palestinian rights.
He called for the “terminat(ion) (of) Israel’s occupation of Arab territories that began in 1967 and establish(ment) of an independent, viable and integral Palestinian State that would peacefully exist side-by-side with Israel, have safe and acknowledged borders, and have a capital in Eastern Jerusalem. At the same time, Western Jerusalem would be the capital of the State of Israel,” adding:
“We see no alternative to the two-state solution. We believe it is the only realistic prospect to put an end to the confrontation and reciprocal claims of Palestine and Israel.”
“Other concepts only mislead and obscure prospects to resume political process. We do not think that Palestinians will abandon their legitimate claims to obtain statehood, no matter what they might be promised in return. Attempts to impose a ready-made solution on the sides will fail.”
Trump regime hardliners have other ideas, polar opposite of majority of world community nations.”
So, the ‘peace plan of the century’ is now a secret plan? Get prepared to be bamboozled world!
It’s time for BDS action against the US.
‘They make a desert and call it peace’. What do you expect from religious fanatics who see their victims as a type of insect, and openly brag of that opinion, and hold the entire goy world in utter contempt and hatred, and one of their most odious Sabbat Goy lickspittles? The logic of Zionazism ends in a Final Solution for the Palestinian Problem-either genocide or expulsion, or a combination of both.
Sputnik news reports …
“Khufu’s Ship is an ancient Egyptian vessel which was discovered near the Great Pyramid of Giza; its original purpose has baffled the imagination of archaeologists for decades.”
… The answer is very simple … it was Pharaoh Khufu’s personal small river boat and it was buried within his temple complex for him to use in his afterlife … that’s it !
… and Khufu’s lightweight river boat had nothing to do with Giza Pyramid construction.
This subject was mentioned in a couple of articles featured at Saker’s last week, this article goes into more detail about israel’s american colony’s dependence upon the import of rare earth materials from China.
Are Rare Earths China’s Ultimate Weapon?
“Many have suggested that China should limit rare-earth exports to the US as a countermeasure to the US decision to slap tariffs on Chinese goods and cut supplies of semiconductors for Chinese companies.”
The question is how serious would it impact the US economy were China to ban exports of rare earths to the USA? Short answer, very serious.
In addition to its use in most electronic devices such as smart phones or laptops, rare earth minerals are absolutely essential to the Pentagon and the US military forces.
Now the next question is to what degree is the US economy, especially its defense industrial base dependent on imports of China rare earths? The answer is almost 100%.
Shortly before the report was made public last December, Ellen Lord, Pentagon Undersecretary for Acquisition and Sustainment, said that once they looked in detail at the reliance the American defense industry has placed on China for critical minerals, the results were “quite alarming…we have an amazing amount of dependency on China. They are sole sources for rare earth minerals, some energetics, different things. This is a problem for us as we move forward.”
“move forward”, eh. This is weasel wording for aggression planning, in which China is one of a primary targets of economic war.
“In terms of known reserves, the USGS estimates that China has 55 million metric tons of REEs, most in Inner Mongolia. Global REE reserves are calculated at some 130 million metric tons led by, in decreasing order of reserves, China, Brazil, Australia, and India.”
Three of those members of BRICS. The zionazi-gays already fully control australia. They recently gained more control in brazil, though their hold is not total, like in australia. India remains independent, working with both the multipolar and zionazi (unipolar) sides. Of these Chinese alternative sources, the only one zionazia can fully count on is australia. Expect greatly expanded rare earth mining there.
Three (to my mind) very important and current articles to set the proper tone on this day which is used to memorialize America’s endless wars and their effect upon the cannon fodder who are recruited from the inner cities, the farm belts and rural areas. To emphasize the point in Becevich’s article, these endless wars are not about FREEDOM but are about the obscene profits looted by the war profiteers and their sychophants in congress.
Caitlin Johnston on effects of war on the cannon fodder:
Warning: Strong stomach required to review pence’s comments to west point graduates (gad, this guy is as dumb as a box of rocks but he goes on stage to mouth the warmongering mantra for war EVERYWHERE):
Becevich’s article about burying a monument to America’s mindless folly in the mideast and the evidence of the cost in terms of human casualties:
I’m back on track nine, just in time to keep on rollin’ and scrolling’.
Hey, gT, how am I doing with your suggestions? I laid off Pepe, as you said. I’m breaking my posts into small bit bite bytes. I suspect you’d chide me at so many, but my Muses, all nine of them, insist on talking at the same time. What’s a muse a man to do with all those women?
You’re as wise as a woman (maybe you are); I know it’s taking up space but allow me to quote you on something that I think bears repeating:
[“China is the world’s foremost advocate of Globalization. Globalization is a NeoCon New World Order objective as well, because Globalization is a prerequisite for the One World Government.
It was no coincidence that the West’s production, manufacturing and industrial capacity was all outsourced to China, it was to ensure that Globalization becomes reality, and make some more money at same time, amongst other objectives.”]
We’ve got to drum that into our thick skulls. I have to add that Israel is behind China and the Trillionaire Totalitarian Bosses are behind the Jewish Facade; and Count Khazar and his bloodline are behind Empire. Jews, God bless ’em, have the motive, means and opportunity to do whatever is necessary, driven by the Talmud and the Temple ideology.
As soon as the Love Army trains us to kick Fear in the you know what, it’s gonna be the beginning of the end for Empire. You know what I mean; the Fear underneath ‘coun’: fear under crypto, fear under obor, fear under usury and fear over nuclear weapons — all fakes on the make. ‘Love casts out fear.’ There’s nothin’ to fear but fear itself. Someone else said that. I say: to hell with fear, or at least to purgatory. I’m shakin’ with fear but so what? It might shake me out of my fear; fight fear with fear and fire with fire.
A comment by one Ellen said: “Went to China and played this for an old uncle who didn’t speak a word of English and had never been to the United States. His face lit up with recognition: “Johnny Cash!”
Common china people know freedom when they hear bells of freedom ring or sing. Their ‘dear leaders’ turn them into worker bees and drones in a hive mind queendom; mark my word — I may not be around to see but you young’uns might.
Sakers are lining up against Empire which is nothing but a paper tiger like China. Sakers live on rats; and that’s what scares Empire because it knows deep down that it is a rat. That’s why Maga Empire has infiltrated the vineyard with trolls, moles and false polls. I’m a troll myself but an anti-Empire one, hungry for rats and starvin’ for love. Lady Love sings it like it is; the world is starvin’ for love, Vineyard style; cafe love’s comin’, baby, believe it.
The Chinese, in numerous pollings of public opinion, including by Westerners, express high satisfaction with their lot in life and their Government. Certainly higher than Americans. And why not? Under CCP rule China has accomplished the greatest leap in economic production and infrastructure building and advances in education, higher education, life expectancy, culture, science and technology, of any country in history. Meanwhile the USA sinks ever more rapidly into the sewer.
Thinking BRI is globalization is not getting the meaning of multi polarity. People do not understand it as they’ve never seen in, so, they get mucked up in old concepts that are the only ones that they know. They cannot think outside the box. The level of thinking is really sad.
Man, I’m never going to get to the end of the line at this pace. I can’t help giving gems a second voice. I’m a lepretard but I’ve been smitten with leprechauns.
sean the leprechaun:
“Every word is a seed planted, some seeds take generations to come to fruition. All good gardens require patience. The pen, as a liquid sword, nurtures more than the cold edge of steel.
Years ago one had to wait for National Geographic to go into the jungle to meet the lost tribes, they’d return with stills and movies and we’d get to see people we didn’t know existed. Today you can talk to the head of the tribe yourself, on his phone, lap top, or tablet, instantly.”
That’s a trucker’s bumper sticker and a trumper’s fridge memo. Keepers all. For those that still read, cafes chronicles will never die, just fade away until that new day arrives unsullied. Better yet, is the invisible, untraceable ‘heard it on the grape vine’ vineyard free vibe line. Marvin, you get a better honey, one with real money that lasts forever. Know what I mean, man. I know ya do.
Gotta run. My brother, the priest, is coming to the Memorial Day party. I’ll be thinkin’ of ya; you can join the party by the vineyard grapevine. You’re family too, you know.
Part Two…especially for Dennis.
Bill Smith says:
“ I have already done a video on ….I don’t know… of just the level of Satanism within the Catholic Church.
Now, full disclosure: I was born Catholic. I went to Catholic school. It just doesn’t make any sense to me, I mean I like the morals, I like the values, but the logic just has gaping holes in it, so, I’m a Christian, I meditate every day, I pray every night. I really try to think about what God wants me to do and what God wants for the rest of us………..so let’s get right into it:
I’m going to introduce you to Nervi Hall (in Vatican City). Now even from the outside you can see that Nervi Hall is shaped like a snake’s head. And this building was built back in the 1970’s after Vatican II..about 12 or 14 years after Vatican II. And Vatican II ..it’s a lot of minor nuances and, to the casual observer it looks like it’s all good stuff…it’s “modernizing “ the church. But when you look at the impact that that document had, a lot of people really disagree with it.
This is the inside of it:
and ugh! It just gives me the creeps, you know, it just freaks me out. Scaled skin on the roof, two snake eyes on the side, you see fangs up front….
and then right there in the middle (of the snake’s mouth, between the fangs) is this horrendous Pope’s chair!
My, good golly, look at this:
It is the most evil thing I could imagine you sitting behind. And I’m speechless when I look at this stuff…it escapes me how this went unnoticed by so many people for so long. I’ve known about this for maybe five or six years….but you’d think people all over the world would have pictures of this. It’s just the most evil building I could imagine.
That is something of nightmares. It is not something that makes me feel good……….”
(Hint for Bill and Dennis: It’s not supposed to make YOU feel good. It’s not for tourists to take pictures of. It’s Rothschild commissioned “art” to indoctrinate powerful EVIL members of the Catholic hierarchy to do Empire Bidding, including the practice of peadophilia to compromise themselves and others in one big Slave System.)
And if you can’t see that, you end up like silly unconscious troll carping about how China treats CIA instigated discontents and terrorists in its borderlands and opposing the infrastructure that a few billion people need built to overcome shortened, stunted lives of hunger, hard labor, ignorance and want.)
Bill continues: “Look at the way these people are dressed…in black and red……it’s a disgusting building..it truly is a monstrosity of a place to be. To think that popes have been giving personal masses here, since the seventies, that long, unnoticed, just blows my mind. And let’s not even get into this other thing……ok fine, let’s get into it: (various pictures of the Cross behind the Pope….upside down) and I’m not going to bother showing it (The Temple Mount, in Jerusalem) but it is well known that Satanists wear the cross upside down, like Chelsea Clinton does……….to mock Jesus Christ”
Bill wraps his video up with emails (from Wikileaks and Assange) showing Sandy Newman correspondence with John Podesta regarding the Catholic Church….and the need for a “Catholic Spring”.
Smith: “We know what ‘springs’ are about. They are overthrows. They are funded by Soros and this one was also (the forced resignation of Benedict and his replacement with the “Last Pope”…prophesied to be a “Black Pope” ….not African….but Jesuit).
Podesta writes: “We created Catholics For The Common Good for a moment like this.”
Smith ends with the darkest stuff of all in the Catholic Church and in the Blood Libel tradition in both Talmudic (The Babylonian Captivity was not good! They learned some dark shit there…) Judaism…and hypothesizes the cause of the well known blood drinking (Adrenochrome) habits of the NWO Elites and their acolytes in politics and entertainment, banking and “business”.
Better clean up that garbage up before you go mucking around China’s borders, in your mind, pretending to be righteous and feeling so good about yourself but unwilling, unable to see what even increasing numbers of others raised Catholic decades ago …..now CAN see.
That’s on the negative side: What NOT to do or tolerate.
Part Three is on the more positive side.
Later today.
“and ugh! It just gives me the creeps, you know, it just freaks me out. Scaled skin on the roof, two snake eyes on the side, you see fangs up front….
and then right there in the middle (of the snake’s mouth, between the fangs) is this horrendous Pope’s chair!”
Perspectives my friend. Wide angle lens distortion.
Looky here: https://steemitimages.com/p/2gsjgna1uruvUuS7ndh9YqVwYGPLVszbFLwwpAYXZxprMxYQGj4y5ZiKGS81CKVzvLnvD1vUHUNmbzdwfEbpc4LPmMPZWDPtamGTMMrTCGKErk5B8z?format=match&mode=fit
Do we need a wide angle camera lens, or does the eye perceive the whole at a glance and wide angle inner perception do the rest ?
Of course it is slightly masked, Kent.
But the different serpentine elements are clearly there ……and the power of the designers and the commissioners of such symbolism derives from the unconscious dullness of the Catholic persons that can’t see it….nor imagine themselves doing anything about it. thus giving evil their tacit unconscious consent….the same as dumb Americans and beaten down economically or morally British subjects have done …en masse for far, far too long.
Another example of “preferring not to see” is the role of “Planned Parenthood” in assisting the eugenics agenda of the Anglo-Americans in the 1920’s and 1930s……and still TODAY.
Not that parenthood shouldn’t be planned. It should! But not by people with evil agendas including selling parts of aborted fetuses
Crossing one’s fingers at the baptism of one’s Catholic children by priests of such a Rothschild owned institution does NOT quite “cut the mustard” ….and they are most definitely in danger of being sexually abused by that system until the Empire loses and this particular instrument of Empire….is rehabilitated to some of its prior, better principles from earlier centuries.
Which were not exactly totally free from spiritual blight either.
Dante knew. And he was Catholic.
The Magdalene Sisters
Full movie – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0aMLkfV84w
You can change the subtitles to English
Kyle Bass closed out his short on the Chinese financial system once he found out that the Chinese were keeping two sets of books: one for Wall Street and another set for Rothschild Central.
Turns out that Wall Street was broke while RC was supplying China with unlimited funds to grow and buy the world, and store Rothschild’s gold.
Winners always control the gold.
The lunacy that the Chinese, the longest continuous civilization on Earth, after 200 years of struggle against Western imperialism and Japanese barbarism, is somehow controlled by the omnipresent ‘Rothschilds’ is, in my opinion, not just bizarre and racially and culturally contemptuous, but truly hilarious.
Agree 100% MM. The duplicity of the guardianista and related zionazi-gay propaganda machine knows no boundries of rationality. The things work on psychological warfare, not reality. The modern day wizards of oz.
Tide of Public Opinion is Turning in Assange’s Favor
Now that the main stream journalists are realizing that they can be hit with the same charges, suddenly they are talking for Assange and against the charges. It is self-serving yes, but at least someone is realizing something.
… European BS … paid slavery
Anyone who legislates a twelve hour working day is a complete idiot and traitor to the human race.
Let’s take a closer look at Sebastian Kurz …
… (extracted) … Kurz fronted his campaign for the seat of chancellor under the slogan “putting Austrians first”, appearing to make good on his promise.
He claimed credit for closing the Balkan migrant trail in 2016.
His government cracked down on immigration, tightening access to apprenticeships for asylum-seekers.
It also carried out its agenda of tax cuts and raised the maximum working day to 12 hours, in what was seen as a concession to business.
Kurz had remained popular in his country, earning a reputation for being a man of action, “without hounding and polemics,” as Der Standard wrote in 2017.
( on the twelve hour day issue Australia is no better … the state of Western Australia allows 10 hr working days if required and all other states and territories allow 12 hr working days if required. )
The zionazi-gays are not after Kurtz because of a 12 hour work day. They want him gone because he is too friendly to Russia. Full stop. Especially Nordstream 2. Kurtz’s rightwing policies suit zionazia just fine (they would love to see a return to a morph of the 19th century robber baron/colonial days, with an unhealthy injection of medieval intolerance as reinforcement), it is his independent views regarding the “designated bad guys” that brought on this obvious zionazi-gay assassination. The zionazi-gay regime change ops don’t always involve paid maidan protests, you know.
BTW, let’s take a look at that 12 hour work day. Ever try it, paul? I have. It is allowed in israel’s prima usa colony, btw. The Sputnik article you linked doesn’t list particulars of how this Austian 12 hour day works into a weekly, biweekly or monthly schedule. So how this is applied in Austria remains unknown.
As I wrote, I’ve worked 12 hour shifts before. Had a job, in electronics, where we worked 4 x 12 hour days one week, 3 x 12 hour days the next week. That is 7 days out of 14, 84 hour over 2 weeks, or averaging 42 per week. Compare this with 40 hour, 5 days on, 2 days off standard now in the capitalist west. That works out to 10 days on, 4 off over the course of 2 weeks.
One would think working 12 hours left one exhasted, with no free time to take care of business or have time to chill. That wasn’t the case. The work was light work, so whether one was there 12 or 8 hours made no real difference physically. 12 work days in heavy or stressful work obviously wouldn’t apply, and would be exploitation that should be prevented.
The capitalists would rather people didn’t realize this, but days where one has to go to work, especially for a full day, are not free days, but days where one is generally not free to pursue personal interests to any satisfactory extent (television addicted couch potatoes aside). Having those extra 3 days free every 2 weeks way more than compensated for the extra hours worked per day and those 4 hours less free time on those work days. One did what was needed on work days and planned the rest for days off. Having 3 days off one week, and 4 days off the next was literally like getting 1 or 2 holidays every week.
As I noted, the details of the Austrian 12 hour work day are not reported here, but if they are similar to the situation I described above, this isn’t a bad thing.
vot tak … you observation that Kurz was becoming friendly with the Russians is really what all this is about, as you correctly point out.
On the twelve hour working day issue there is plenty to be negative about. Some of the serious issues are the effects on families, social interactions and health. My next door neighbor worked 12 hour shifts for twenty years. Ten months back he was airlifted for immediate medical attention and now has a pace maker fitted. The effects on health are well known but kept quiet about … even by Unions. I happened across the truth while writing a university paper in 2005. Basically the heart goes out of phase accompanied by some odd symptoms which did baffle doctors who asked about working time lastly … now they ask firstly.
Neighbour bragged about his “millions” a few times … now he is exhausted driving for just one hour.
Good health is paramount.
The ILO … International Labor Office in Geneva have many papers concerning “work time” and the long term consequences.
I think you’re both right but vot tak is more right.
The macro-consideration regarding exposing and countering the selection of any little issue for political advantage in favor of Evil Empire infinitely outweighs the ideal work conditions affecting even a million 12 hour a day workers.
I lived 4 years of the most extreme example of long work hours that I know of.
Speaking as part of a four man crabbing crew that once spent 30 hours straight in their “oil skins” (rain gear) without any bunk time………just cat naps of 20-30 minutes between strings of gear, lying on the galley floor…with rubber boots on.
As soon as the captains hits the buzzer…..back out on deck in rough seas or calm….more or less instantly…..a minute or two before approaching the buoys of the first pot.
About 12 weeks of mostly 19-20 hour days (except steaming into port to unload…and back out to the gear, empty….@ 14 hours each way every 5-10 days in which to recuperate) then at season’s end….months off.
Not really recommended for health and safety. Men in their twenties can be that hungry. Men in their thirties, still on deck and not in the pilot house …are to be pitied…no matter how much they earn.
… Americium … an energy source …
The rare element americium is not found in nature but is a by-product of the decay of plutonium, which itself is produced during the operation of nuclear reactors.
… video link …
( could this free us of the electricity power grid ? )
Its dubious, people have been trying for many decades to reuse spent rods in different reactors and have come up short every time, and its not as if they havent had the time to be successful, it was something else.
… a bunch of weaklings … or am I missing something ? …
According to Rahim Zare, who is a member of the economic commission of the Iranian parliament, China, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey, which were previously granted waivers, purchased from Iran a total of 1.6 million barrels of oil daily in March, but have ceased purchases since.
… about 12 hour work days …
Here is one of the ILO papers I studied … read the conclusions at least.
Working time arrangements in the Australian mining industry
Trends and implications with particular reference to occupational health and safety
Kathryn Heiler … Richard Pickersgill … Chris Briggs (all professors)
International Labour Office Geneva October 2000
Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training, The University of Sydney
I agree with you that long work hours are detrimental to both physical and mental health where the work is stressful or strenuous. It’s not black and white, though, as I showed above.
… words fail me … shame on us …
‘We will not be world’s dumping ground’
Malaysia to return 3,000 tonnes of waste
“Malaysia will not be a dumping ground to the world … we will fight back.
Even though we are a small country, we can’t be bullied by developed countries,” Yeo said, as cited by the AP.
… as many suspected …
German Ex-Spy Chief: Mossad Behind Video Leak That Led to Austria Gov’t Collapse
( so … now reinstate the government ! )
Well the event of the “meeting” between these persons is not being disputed…but has been delayed in its publicity until just recently purposely…
Hail I- salaam-Just tried to get some news out of Iran via PressTv.com-2019-May-28 / 10:22am. It seem as though PressTV-has been thrown overboard into the gulf of fake by the “GOD at GOOGLE”- for “Fake News”.Is this ah censorship of the “Press Freedom” kind or PressTv is not MSM enough.
You can go directly to the ip address, but it seems they’ve been throttled as well, so, it is very slow. Let’s hope it is a temporary issue.
A very apt quote from The Sirius Report this morning:
The Sirius Report
I find it perplexing how on the one hand countless people on social media assert their western nations repeatedly lie to them and yet in turn believe everything they say about e.g. China, Russia, Syria and Iran.
Good point. I will keep it in mind. The vineyard helps to keep a balance. Keep up the fine work.
Yesterdays Haiku
Swept away by waves of time
Pearls in the ocean
So this is what happens when you dont get your way with international allies.
Nice to read that I’m not the only one who understands the ‘art’ of the boycott. Decent article at The Duran. A Tibbetian monk with some interesting insights. Although, if everything is as God wishes, then Climate Change is just part of his plan. Not saying we don’t need to get a handle on waste and pollution, that make sence. But where is all the money going. Scheckles is what I smell. With a huge sprinkle of usury on top.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese monk, not Tibetan. There is quite a difference in approach between the two, though both are Buddhist.