2019/06/15 09:30:01
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week.
The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post.
The Cafe is now open for business … come on in and have a good time.
Saker Webmaster
JIT MH17 next week to announce suspects they will try to prosecute next week……..
And the fact that Mahatir has rejected the ‘findings’ of the kangaroo court, and stated that Malaysia has NEVER been allowed to see the black box evidence, is not considered worthy of attention by the Western fakestream media presstitute vermin.
Chinese academics in the US fear that they will be rounded up and put in camps like Japanese americans in the past have been treated.
Just move back home. There’s more money there, better institutions and plenty of non-Chinese colleagues. The USA is the past, and China the future.
First Turkey and now India breaking ranks over S-400? why? See below:
“Their deployment in Syria has slowed down the ability of such advanced air forces as those of the United States and Israel to target the country”
Israel continues to strike with impunity. Where is the evidence to substantiate theduran claim?
In my opinion, the threat is compounded of two aspects:
a) There is no kill switch for the US built in. Hence, an S-300 or S-400 system can be used effectively also for air defense against the US and its allies.
b) US arms manufacturers don’t earn a dime.
Taken together, the cost of wealth extraction from nations increases to such a degree, that an attempted future piracy operation might ruin the USA for good. This prospect is a deadly threat to the US business model.
Hypothesis # 1 “Bitcoin” (the catch-all word for All in the Cryptosphere who know no difference between BTC, BCH, BSV, XMR, DASH, ETH, ETC, EOS……….and hundreds more) is silly, I don’t and I won’t understand it…and don’t need to …because it is strategically irrelevant …Good OR Bad….in any case. SO THERE!
Hypothesis # 2 The internet of Money could be either enormously useful, of very much good to Mankind…OR it could go the other way…in the hands of the Cabal and be very EVIL. Let’s do a deep dive and find out!
A tidbit of evidence:
Go on
and see in the header flashing Advertisement for a major Cryptocurrency Conference at the end of this month in San Francisco.
Many known names in finance and in the Bitcoin Core Group (which the BSV group …..my Cockney Buddies Sir Toshi, Bitcoin Tramp and Captain Bitcoin …(real name “Shem”??? and the Serbian? ED…..(defender of socialism) asserts hijacked Bitcoin, departed from its protocol and violate its prospects for global adoption by conceding that “It isn’t for the billions of poor in the world…it’s Digital Gold, A Store of Value…only for the wealthy….) attack 5 days a week on the Bitcoin SV Channel. The fees are very high and BTC (nearing $9000..first coin on the list at the link above…) doesn’t scale?? “Tough!”, say the CARE Cabal members……… “Deal with it!–(You’re not in The Club.) “Or rather, don’t deal with it! WE will hoard it for ourselves. It’s for us, not you!”………..LOL.
But the speaker that caught my eye was……. EDWARD SNOWDEN
Now Q will tell you that Snowden is a Cabal “clown” Fake Whistleblower working for TEAM CIA against NE Patriot Team NSA …but that requires testing a whole bunch of other hypotheses….which is beyond the scope of this comment…..LOL
All its like a man who is riding a stubborn donkey who doesn’t want to go and the rider has a stick in his hand with a candy at the end of it, keeping it always at the same distance from donkey’s eyes, who wants that candy, therefore he walks and walks…but could never get it.
Bitcoin is such a candy. Until there is no international conference with all major actors who conclude, then approve every detail of its use, there will be no real impact only speculations. East and West have to take the decision together, do you see any move in that direction ? Some folks led by own initiative (which is a good thing) came out and created a lot of cryptos, fine. It worked until recently, when the Great Finance intervened and stopped its career. The question is why ? because its not “regulated” they say. The Great World Finance, as a regulated structure stays today in front of a new change or paradigm : return to Gold standard. If the Bitcoin will be approved, it will need to have the same gold standard. Until then…donkey ride.
well, the road is rough
but I don’t mind,
coz the donkey’s under me
and I’m doin’ fine
we move quite slowly
right on out the gate,
I dig in my spurs so sharp
and keep my face so straight
I know you take it gladly,
on your donkey chin,
but I need those legs-a-movin’
on account of this mess we’re in
I know that all’s forgiven
that’s the way of grace,
knowing your donkey’s lot
it ain’t no horse’s race
I’ll tolerate your braying
and your farmyard smell,
and you will go where I lead
as long as need compells…
I like donkeys – they’re not dumb .. its people that are dumb :-)
Christ rode on an ass into Jerusalem, they are holy creatures, patient and stubborn, used for labour for hundreds of years and loved the world over, though treated cruelly by people, like all animals. It’s true people are stupid…
All life is holy.
No one’s saying ‘donkey’s are dumb’, in this instance, the donkey symbolizes the mind, so “the donkey under me” is the donkey that is not assuming the role of master, but servant of the soul. The mind is a good servant but a bad master….
Dimitar, the poem – just a very practical thing … one never puts spurs to a donkey. They are actually very different animals from a horse. I do love them. I love the miniature ones specifically. There are so many types. The tiny miniatures come from Sardinia originally, and are only about 1 meter high – like a big dog really. I cannot symbolize the mind with these animals. They are too down on the earth. Its just a silly thing, but I do like these animals.
All good, it’s a spur of the moment poem. What usually happens is that after such a write, if I choose to develop it further, I’ll research the topic as roundly as possible, then go with that. Not every idea gets developed fiurther, sometimes certain lines remain and are used elsewhere, etc. Otherwise, an example of the donkey as a symbol of mind, can be found in Aesop for example, in Rumi it can mean foolishness, stubbornness, the base nature, but persistence too, ‘he who is last is first’, and so on. Same way a crow can symbolize death, or the black arts, but also wisdom etc. Its all a matter of context, and perception and everyone will have different perspectives due to their own experience with all of those aspects.
ioan, Dimitar
and all who chose transport
by foot
by donkey
or by car
I endorse the Reconnaissance Satellite View From 150 Miles Above The Earth ………..offered by ioan!
The wide-angle lens encompassing the whole earth should never be disposed of or forgotten!
HOWEVER: I also endorse the “on the ground” perspective of the rider on the back of the plodding ass. poetically depicted by Dimitar!
And furthermore……although he is British, I also PARTIALLY endorse the “Capitalist Perspective” of Bitcoin SV Channel mainstay Shem (“Captain Bitcoin”….if I don’t err…….it’s either that or “Sir Toshi” ……) because I cannot condemn him or CSW ….YET! (Shem gave an impassioned attack on Rothschilds on the BSV channel last week….quoting from the “I care not who makes the laws of the Empire…..I control the money!” infamous utterance of the psychopath….and claiming his mission is the opposite of Lord Rothschilds….)
Yet I also PARTIALLY endorse ED (the BSV Serbian?? Defender of Socialism…ie Russia, China vs Imperial “capitalist” USA for HIS different perspective…..(Shem chided him for his “socialism”, but neither Shem nor anyone knows………everything! And ED (the Serbian with his own channel…………
https://youtu.be/2i3w_dJImNo October Revolution and how idea of Communism got hijacked
has a broader, global political …and historical perspective than…..Shem!).
The weakness of the 150 miles above, in orbit perspective (other perspectives also have their limitations!) , however,……….. is that it misses “on the ground” anomalies and details (smells, sideways and underneath….lol… views, etc ) from such a high altitude.
One of those details is that ….at this time there is not any such thing as ONE…………. “THE Bitcoin”, as ioan calls it.
There are about a dozen with the name “Bitcoin” in their more complex name…….and there are a few thousand other cryptocurrencies and “tokens” …….that the majority of human beings at this stage in their ken of the subject….all lump under the “bitcoin” rubric.
Maybe it ALL should be disposed of until “the powers that be” issue their decree of what will be accepted by governments ………..and what will be prosecuted ………AS CRIMINAL!
However: Anglos Against Empire……….. like amarynth and myself, for example………..although we have multiple different opinions from our own differing perspectives……….. are a bit more “capitalist”, a bit less conformingly “socialist” in attitude ….a bit more apt to make our own way in the world financially, politically, intellectually …………than to wait around and have some larger societal or governmental group …..or a pouting Dennis Leary … decide for us!
There’s no “profit” ….no discovery……(either financially or intellectually) in either of those ………very, very limited perspectives!
Dennis gravitated immediately toward Hypothesis # 1 (above) in my first comment in this Cafe….as many others among you ……will be prone to do…and got stuck there!
I think that’s rather silly because there is always much more to any question than the Small Ego….”It isn’t ME….so I’m done with it!” self-satisfied perspective can EVER lead one to.
That is why I have discussed the assessment that London Paul has……….(another different perspective!!!!) has which is that RUSSIA is currently working on a cryptocurrency backed by petroleum in some fashion I don’t quite “get” yet in any detail………that I would probably give more odds of real traction and successful implementation than the one Venezuela tried….apparently without ANY traction forward …or success!
That’s OK! We CAN learn equally much from success OR failure……….
So, ioan, will you dismiss what Socialist Ed has to say on this subject?
Will you also dispose of the (interesting to me!…amarynth is more anarchist…and leans more to Roger Ver than CSW….who…interestingly …ioan….says The Real Bitcoin…………BSV …is NOT about doing away with government…..ALL such attempts WILL fail! Will be shut down…….) lead I have offered from London Paul of the fact that Russia is in the implementation phase of a Petro-cryptocurrency right now……..and also place that fact under the distasteful (to you….lol….and Dennis) rubric of “The Bitcoin” …………….even though I am certain the name of whatever Russia announces will not have that combination of letters B-I-T-C-O-I-N in the name of whatever they unfurl?
I advise neither naive belief and embracing of something one doesn’t understand fully yet (the behaviour of 99.9999% of the crypto-enthusiasts and “believers”) nor such rigid scepticism and closed-mindedness as Dennis’ pouting rejection based on his woefully incomplete and immature emotions and prejudices.
AND…let’s see what Snowden says (by Skype??) in San Francisco in the last week of this month to see who is who and who is doing what…or fighting for what …with and against OTHERS…..in The Cryptosphere.
Because I can only guarantee you ONE thing:
It is NOT so simple as the impression currently expressed by you as “The Bitcoin”….or the emotional impressions that Dennis….simply could not get past…to discover or say anything interesting or strategically relevant about the subject…..OR …of any usefulness to either the individual………or the entire human society…..moving forward.
So even though the free 1 BSV I offered you as a tangible
(as tangible as it gets….pixels on the screen of your smart phone or computer monitor ……lol)
has risen in 2-3 months from the stable low $70 range when I made the offer of collaboration on the exploration of this topic……..after first falling..to under $55….to where I picked up 10 times as much as I did over $70…to today’s $214….
will still be on the table for as long as the topic seems relevant to me
(it won’t be very relevant if BSV goes to ZERO ..lol…it certainly will be if CSW prevails in London court in a few months!)
and I have 1 or two to give away…………to “virgin” collaborative, exploring minds.
I read and understand your email about having to relocate and secure employment for another few years to secure a slightly better pension.
Meanwhile the 1.00000000 (they are all divided to 8 zeros) BSV will stay on the table. Something alien, strange….and incomprehensible for some time longer…or perhaps forever! LOL.
Russia . . . .bitcoin . . . .backed by petroleum . . . . ?
Carbon backing perhaps?
This is what really is happening in Russia. The petroleum backing thing? I’m not so sure.
It seems to me that there are mixed signals coming out of nearly everywhere, including every nation, Jamie Diamond, Warren Buffet (first called it “snake oil”..but .last week met with and reportedly has decided ???? ——take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt! LOL the Creator of the TRON project….) on this subject.
London Paul did not say that a blockchain and a petro-crypto currency unit of account for use by the major oil exporters and importers was the ONLY “asset-backed” cryptocurrency project approved for rapid adoption in Russia.
What he said was…is that the immutable ledger and smart contract tracking capabilities of blockchain would save Russia billions of…..well WHATEVER the unit of account for enormous volume oil markets may be….rubles …dollars….Euros or some crypto we haven’t heard of yet!
Gold, besides petroleum was also mentioned in the latest podcast where I heard LP discuss what Russia is doing. Which LP approves of seemingly…… dismissing ALL of Generation One cryptocurrencies East or West………..as being fundamentally flawed. That’s his Pro-Multi-Polar World pro-Russia China perspective.
It’s a pro-sovereign state anti-individualist/libertarian/anarcho-capitalist perspective.
He’s not interested in Bitcoin (*real” or fake) Etherium……….or anything else Generation One.
Well, that just HIS perspective. There are many more on this subject.
Anonymous says:
“Russia . . . .bitcoin . . . .backed by petroleum . . . . ?
Carbon backing perhaps?
Reply to Anonymous:
First, who said “bitcoin”??
I said and explained in my comment that “bitcoin” …whether it carries positive or negative emotional content for the reader is too undifferentiated a term to be used in anything other than a sort of clumsy imprecision..
It’s like calling someone’s Chihuahua “wolf” because all dog varieties are descended from among the 38 subspecies of Canis Lupus.
Second, the important thing to try to understand is that the “blockchain technology” ..inherent in real bitcoin (which is real,,,which fake?….investigate!.) supplies immutable and transparent, permanent public or private ledger and what THAT can mean if it is adhered to……..or deviated from.
“Carbon backing?”
What does THAT mean? There’s carbon in petroleum. There’s carbon in a tree. There’s carbon in you and me. It one of the basic building blocks of life……So what???
Why? How?
Manipulation of ignorance can be sinister. So, it were better for ignorance and superstition to be dispelled!
A new comment will go into that.
First I have to read amarynth’s link on what Russia is said to be up to in the Cryptoverse and compare that perspective to the only other perspective I have on that subject right now….the one offered by London Paul…in one of his podcasts from the last 2-4 weeks….
@ Bro 93 : here is something about BSV :
” Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (BSV) is a fork of Bitcoin Cash that emerged on November 15, 2018. The most significant technical difference between BCH and BSV is that the SV variant has a 128MB block size, in contrast to the current 32MB BCH block size.
This might allow for some additional features in the future, and in the event of BSV becoming much more widely used than BTC and BCH today, it might allow for higher transaction throughput.Currently, however, the larger block size has no functional impact on how the coin can be used.”
” A step-by-step guide to buying BSV
You can buy BSV with fiat currency as well as cryptocurrency.
– Buying BSV with fiat currency
Here’s an example of one way to buy BSV with US dollars on Bittrex :
Step 1. Register for an account with Bittrex
Step 2. Deposit funds into your account
Step 3. Buy BSV ”
” Disclaimer: Cryptocurrencies are speculative, complex and involve significant risks – they are highly volatile and sensitive to secondary activity. Performance is unpredictable and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Consider your own circumstances, and obtain your own advice, before relying on this information. You should also verify the nature of any product or service (including its legal status and relevant regulatory requirements) and consult the relevant Regulators’ websites before making any decision. Finder, or the author, may have holdings in the cryptocurrencies discussed.”
All these have been copied from this site : https://www.finder.com/how-to-buy-bitcoin-sv
Here you can read much more. I also read the following : ” There are two ways you can get bitcoins:
Quickly purchase a substantial amount of bitcoins on the internet or in person.
Slowly earn a substantial amount of bitcoins for free through bitcoin faucets, like playing mobile or online games, completing tasks on websites, or writing about cryptocurrency.”
and : https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bcv
So, as I told you, I did a lot of research and made my own opinion and that is : volatility – at least at this stage. In fact is an investment, not in work but in exchange rates based on volatility. The volatility means instability and less predictability. You can gain and you can lose, you must pay attention to the cryptomarket – which is very time consuming – or hire some specialists to do that for you and give advise, obviously not for free. Why ? because you have to chose the best opportunity when to buy and when to sale (or exchange your cryptos with other one) and/or spend your gain on goods.
well, the road is rough
but I don’t mind
coz my donkey’s under me
and we’re doin’ fine
we’ve learnt to move together
every day our task reborn,
spurred on by loving trust
apples, carrots and corn
I hope you bear it gladly
the weight you’ve come to know,
but i need those legs a-movin
for there’s still aways to go
I hope that all’s forgiven
for that’s the way of grace,
acceptance of our own true lot
means finding perfect pace
I’ll tolerate your braying
and all those farmyard smells,
if you will go where I lead
as long as need compells
Ideas for false flags tend to be fiction based and “American” …
Superman III – ship repair scene – John Williams LSO music
A Google search for “silver ebola” produced 10,200,000 hits, including the following web site.
there’s an empty space
and I’m wondering aloud,
but answers are scarce
did the spirit train
call in the depths of night
while everyone slept?
overripe fruit rots
children carelessly playing
chasing dragonflies
compost of the mind
an ever-present alchemy;
soul biding its time
where art thou, dennis?
I heard it on the grapevine
you’d gone with the wind
the measure of man;
allowing others to be –
your gift overlooked
but not forgotten,
I’ll miss your foolish courage
and your tender heart
if the rumour’s true
godspeed old fellow, old friend
if not, please come back…
Rail of Life
by ioan
The train is moving, leaves the station
My heart stands still in hesitation,
I had to do it, jumping in
Against my conscience, against my will
I leave behind the well-known place
With sorrow and with hope,
Shall I survive the killing fields,
Shall I survive the bloody slope ?
The train is moving, beating time
The wheels are singing on their rhyme,
Counting the miles on roads of steel
Relentless, without thoughts and feel,
I leave behind the past for present
Everything, which was so dear,
Space and time plays with my mind
Anguish in soul, sounds in my ears,
The train is moving, crossing rivers
Clouds of dust behind it triggers,
Led by forces in their might,
Welcome, to the Rail of Life.
Ribbons and Rivers of Steel
It was McKinley and not Old Abe
I learned in Glendale yesterday…
That proposed to “Girdle the Globe”
With “Ribbons (artificial rivers) of Steel!
Germany had already crisscrossed
Itself by McKinley’s time in office
And the Trans-Siberian was started,
But only completed in nineteen o four.
The Chinese Consul spoke yesterday
In Glendale on Belt and Road Initiative.
Billions more will journey like ioan
to his new work and his new home!
Billions more will journey and think
Their Soul-Thoughts like Dennis has…
From Ojai to Wisconsin and back…
And forth. Last Stop? Who knows!
If I were a ribbon or river of steel,
I’d listen to the rhythm of the wheels
I’d hear the stories typed above me
On laptops, notepads and diaries.
I’d weep and smile and I’d reflect
On billions of journeys on other rails.
I’d throb with the vibrations of so…
So many hearts, minds… and souls!
Oh, to feel the passions of a Pasternak
The insights of a Goethe or a Carl Jung!
Man Made Rivers, Ye Ribbons of Steel,
Listen! And resonate with Mankind. Feel!
Great poem….real or wishful thinking….sounds like you have “moved on “……
I don’t think so, not Bro93 moved on, he seems set not to desert his job to stand guard against all possible besmirchers of the bitcoin project. It is the gauge he competed with which was moved on or thrown out, whatever may have happened exactly, a cruel blow to Bro93, suddenly forced to fight against the unreachable ideal or secret love of his life, the one mentioned again and again in sad remembrance of days past forever… and duty is all that’s left: Oh Kaffehaus, magst ruhig sein! Fest steht und treu die Wacht am Rhein!
Yes, Goethe must have felt the same, and his final insight was:
Rucke die Kuh: Blut ist im Schuh!
Warte nur, balde … ruhest auch Du!
Google Translation,MOD:
Coffee house, please be quiet! The guard on the Rhine stands firm and loyal!
Rucke the cow: Blood is in the shoe!
Just wait, balde … you rest too
In the link below, the author explains how publishers of comic books and video games, as well as internet forums and social media pages that cover such hobbies, are being co-opted by social justice warriors:
Now, for a non-cryptographic perspective on Trump-Flynn-Q and all of that confusing as hell, convoluted Empire….(or is it Anti-Empire) shit:
Take Aim, Sakerites!
But bear in mind, this is not a SIMPLE……”Turkey Shoot”
NR writes:
“To add insult to injury, American taxpayers are helping finance Gülen’s 160 charter schools in the United States. These schools have been granted more H1-B visas than Google. It is inconceivable that our visa officers have approved thousands of visas for English teachers whose English is incomprehensible. A CBS “60 Minutes” program documented a conversation with one such imported English teacher from Turkey. Several lawsuits, including some in Ohio and Texas, point to irregularities in the operation of these schools.
(Emphasis mine). (NR’s)
More H1-B visas than GOOGLE.
Can you believe that? And who would have the ability to grant such an extraordinary amount of Visas?
Why, the State Department, of course – headed by none other than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the time. Quelle Suprise.
I can totally understand why Erdogan would want this guy’s extradition from the US, however. Gulen literally tried to overthrow the whole government and establish a radical Islamic Caliphate in Turkey – which remember, is one of our most strategic allies in the region, and a NATO member state.
Flynn then proceeds to drop a bomb in his op-ed:
“However, funding seems to be no problem for Gülen’s network. Hired attorneys work to keep the lucrative government source of income for Gülen and his network going. Influential charities such as Cosmos Foundation continue their support for Gulen’s charter schools.
Incidentally, Cosmos Foundation is a major donor to Clinton Foundation. No wonder Bill Clinton calls Mullah Gülen “his friend.” It is now no secret that Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s close aide and confidante, worked for 12 years as the associate editor for a journal published by the London-based Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs. This institute has promoted the thoughts of radical Muslim thinkers such as Qutb, al Bana and others.
The American public is being lulled into believing that Gülen is a Sufi scholar who promotes the teachings of Rumi, the Persian poet, works to expand interfaith dialogue and does a great job of providing American youth high-quality education in math and science as well as English.
Voices of concern about this shady character are quickly muffled by his vast network of public relations and legal professionals. He has established a false façade that he is a moderate at odds with Turkey’s autocratic leader.”
END of excerpt from Flynn’s Op-Ed
“Flynn gives us a direct connection between a Muslim terror organization that not only tried to overthrow the Turkish government, but has a network of 160 taxpayer-funded schools here in the US, and which donates heavily to the Clinton Foundation.
Tell me again that Flynn wasn’t running a sting operation on the Clinton Foundation and these Islamic terror networks.”
and references a linked article by “an Anon”…………on Gulen’s “Harmony” Schools:
From the article Anon cites:
“TDM Contracting was only a month old when it won its first job, an $8.2 million contract to build the Harmony School of Innovation, a publicly financed charter school that opened last fall in San Antonio.
It was one of six big charter school contracts TDM and another upstart company have shared since January 2009, a total of $50 million in construction business. Other companies scrambling for work in a poor economy wondered: How had they qualified for such big jobs so fast?
The secret lay in the meteoric rise and financial clout of the Cosmos Foundation, a charter school operator founded a decade ago by a group of professors and businessmen from Turkey. Operating under the name Harmony Schools, Cosmos has moved quickly to become the largest charter school operator in Texas, with 33 schools receiving more than $100 million a year in taxpayer funds.”
and a video is linked in the Flynn Op-ed and also by NR:
https://youtu.be/ktl–IDnM7I 60 Minutes….actually 13 minutes …ON 60 Minutes.
Flynn would also reference this video in his article, but notable about is that the whistleblower interviewed within states that the Turkish teachers being imported into the country via the H1-B visa program were required to give 40% of their paychecks back to Gulen as donations.
In other words, taxpayers fund the school system.
The school abuses the H1-B visa program to import “teachers.”
The “teachers” get paid by taxpayers.
The “teachers” then donate 40% of their paychecks BACK to the Gulen Movement.
And Gulen goes and donates a chunk of this change back to the Clinton Foundation… while also trying to subvert and overthrow the Turkish government.
Keep in mind, this is largely a puff-piece on the school system, but there still is some important information contained within:
(the 60 Minutes video) https://youtu.be/ktl–IDnM7I
And we’re not talking about minor sums here. We’re talking about millions of dollars – even coming from those within the Gulen Movement network, such as Recep Ozkan, who donated upwards of 500,000 dollars alone).
Reported the Daily Caller in 2015:
But with an estimated 8 million followers and $50 billion in assets, Gulenists do hope to influence both the U.S. and Turkish political system through a worldwide network of businesses, nonprofit organizations, media companies and charter schools, Yesilada and others familiar with the group have claimed.
Gulenists’ contributions to congressional campaigns have been known for some time, as Buzzfeed reported last year. Texas Reps. Sheila Jackson-Lee, and Henry Cuellar, both Democrats, are among the biggest benefactors of Gulen contributions.
USA Today reported last month that the House ethics committee has investigated more than 200 trips taken by members of Congress since 2008 that were secretly funded by Gulen groups.
Clinton has been the biggest recipient of Gulenist donations of any presidential candidate this cycle, federal election records show.
Besides his massive Clinton Foundation donation, Recep Ozkan, who is listed on various campaign finance disclosures as an executive at JIG Corp., Everglobe Partners, and Baharu Inc., gave $25,000 to the pro-Clinton Ready PAC in 2014. He contributed an additional $5,400 to her campaign this year.
NR ends the article:
Now Dyer over at Liberty Unyeilding thinks that Alptekin approaching Flynn in August of 2016 smacks of a set-up – especially considering as it was one-month after the start of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation… and when taken in with the context of George Papadopolous, I can see why one might think that. After all, as Dyer notes, George was working for the-
Hudson Institute, which involved framing a proposal for the U.S. to promote an oil and gas consortium in the Eastern Mediterranean uniting Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, and Israel.
The plan was to build a pipeline bypassing Turkey entirely, the reason being that they were fickle and unpredictable. Stefan Halper was talking energy with PapaD the whole time, and you’ll also recall the attempted seduction of George by one “Azra Turk,” Halper’s supposed assistant, who was more-than-likely working for the CIA, a foreign intelligence service – or both!
And while I’m not sure I agree that Flynn was “set up” as much as he was the one doing the setting-up.. at the very least, the targeting of PapaD looks far less random, considering Flynn’s involvement in the region.
So… what to make of all this?
I think we’re beginning to see the anatomy of this sting operation Flynn was running, and how much of a long-term play this has been.
To put it succinctly: I firmly believe that Flynn was running a government-sanctioned sting against the Clinton Foundation and the Obama administration.
By working with the “white hats” (if you can call them that) aligned with Erdogan, Flynn gained intel on the joint operation/dark money kickback scheme perpetrated by the Clinton Foundation and this radical Islamic cleric Fetulleh Gulen.
I believe Flynn was bound by an NDA, and therefore couldn’t defend himself/had to lie when questioned in order to protect the sensitive info obtained by this operation.
And when it comes time to testify “against’ his former partner, Bijan Kian, Flynn’s testimony will actually end up exonerating both Kian, Flynn himself, and end up implicating the Clinton Foundation in this vast terror-related scandal which will help bring the behemoth down once and for all.
At least… barring any other developments, that’s how I read the situation right now. Obviously, it’s hard to say with 100% certainty one way or another, but one thing is clear: following that most recent court doc, the clock is now ticking down.
We’ve got less than 60 days now before we pass this major milestone, and Flynn’s cooperation with the government will be over.
I also expect many other developments to begin dovetailing with this testimony, further bolstering the case against the Clinton Foundation and damning it in the public eye. What those will be specifically, I can’t say, but it’s clear to me that for Spookmaster General Flynn, this has been a long-term play, and a long-time coming.
Keep an eye on this Bijan Kian case, and Flynn’s testimony. It’s sure to bring the #BOOMS!
God bless, General.”
END of article
So round up all the usual suspects you’re saying?
No, we may be watching a movie….but I don’t think it’s Casablanca we’re watching. Do you?.
Hard to say, there are a lot of derivatives plus their is too much money in the pulpit and not enough money in the pews.
Russian Folktale
Grandfather planted a small turnip and said:
– Grow, grow small turnip,become sweet!
– Grow, grow small turnip, become strong!
The small turnip has grown, become sweet and strong,
big-very big.
Went grandfather the turnip to tear: he pulls-pulls,
he cannot pull it out.
Grandfather called the grandmother.
Grandmother behind grandfather,
Grandfather behind turnip –
They pull-pull, they cannot pull it out.
Grandmother called the granddaughter.
Granddaughter behind grandmother,
Grandmother behind grandfather,
Grandfather behind turnip –
They pull-pull, they cannot pull it out.
Granddaughter called the dog.
Dog behind granddaughter,
Granddaughter behind grandmother,
Grandmother behind grandfather,
Grandfather behind turnip –
They pull-pull, they cannot pull it out.
Dog called the cat.
Cat behind dog,
Dog behind Granddaughter,
Granddaughter behind grandmother.
Grandmother behind grandfather,
Grandfather behind turnip –
They pull-pull, they cannot pull it out.
Cat called the mouse.
Mouse behind cat,
Cat behind dog,
Dog behind granddaughter,
Granddaughter behind grandmother,
Grandmother behind grandfather,
Grandfather behind turnip –
They pull-pull – and they pulled the turnip out
Day of Russia 2019. Festive concert on Red Square on June 12, 2019
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h36Ewir1IUM – you can change the subtitles to English
Cass Meurig chats about the medieval bowed lyre from Wales, how it works, and how it is used today.
… Crwth …
Trump Accuses New York Times Of Treason For Story On U.S. Attacks On Russian Power Grid
President Donald Trump on Saturday accused The New York Times of a “virtual act of treason” for
publishing a story about U.S. digital incursions into Russia’s electrical power grid as part of an effort
to battle the Kremlin’s cyber warfare.
Theme : Female Vocalists
and to change it up, a little older classic
A sharp but also gloomy analysis by Elijah J. Magnier about the tensions in the Gulf: https://ejmagnier.com/2019/06/16/the-gulf-is-facing-a-small-scale-war-scenario-no-obvious-solution/
Bottom line: expect more to come. Magnier suggests mediation by a Gulf state, but I doubt whether Trump has the spine. His overlords are *screaming*, and even when he has the opportunity, there’s always the reliable Bolton to screw things up.
Magnier is usually well-informed in Iran. Dangerous times ahead…
Cheers, Rob
It is a Completely Unstated yet Thoroughly Understood Clause, by those who Participate in the Boomerang Money Scheme.
Boomerang Money is a percentage of Money that is Discreet Bribes or Commission that the Recipient of Government Money Gives back to certain Members of the Government of England that gives Taxpayers’ Money for alternative energy, and for England’s Military Industrial Complex.
For America, it is a percentage of Money that Discreetly finds its way back to certain Members of Both House of Congress and possibly even the Presidential Administration of America that may give Taxpayers’ Money for alternative energy, and that Certainly gives Taxpayers’ for America’s Military Industrial Complex.
Anyone who receives those Government Subsidies has to Discreetly give Boomerang Money back to the Governmental Provider that was a Coconspirator to Embezzle Taxpayers’ Money for Unnecessary alternative energy. or they will Not receive Government Subsidies in the future.
They will also Not receive any future Government Contracts, and they may be Audited by the Taxation Department, and Harassed and Set Up on False Charges by Corrupt Police and Corrupt Security Agency Personnel, unless they Pay Tribute to the Government, and this is what has happened to the Innocent Julian Assange, and that is how the Corrupt, Criminal, and Undemocratic Boomerang Money Scheme works.
Julian Assange’s work as a Journalist and as a Whistleblower and a Public Servant, Affected the Boomerang Pounds and Dollars Scheme of certain English and American Politicians, and their Military Industrial Complexes.
This Proves a Person does Not have to be a wayward Co Conspirator in the Boomerang Money Scheme who have had a Change of Conscience, and who will Not Pay Boomerang Bribe Money to the Government, that they Could then be Harassed and Set Up on Obviously False Charges, but if they were Never a Co Conspirator in the Boomerang Money Scheme, but if they Interfered with those Corrupt Practices in some way, then they too Could become a Victim, as we have seen with Julian Assange who is Innocent, and the Australian Vietnam Veterans and Julian Assange Know that America has Committed War Crimes on an Industrial Scale.
The English Empire would Prefer a Democrat as President, with either having the current President impeached, or for him to lose the next Presidential Election over the Mythical Freedom of the Press that does Not even exist in America.
We have seen this with the English Citizen Christopher Steele, who was Deliberately Helping the Clinton campaign, in the 2016 Election, with his Lying Slanderous dossier, and where the Technical Australian of English Heritage, and the former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, set up George Papadopoulos, who was working for the Trump Campaign, and I Only mention the English Ethnicity of those People so that People Know where those People’s Loyalties are, and that is that their Loyalty to England, and with England’s Interfering in the American Elections, and even though Everyone Knows these Facts, America will keep that Secret, and Wrongly blame some other Country to try to deflect attention away from England’s Undemocratic Activities.
This is because the Democrats Know that they would rather Prefer Not to have to campaign on Economic Management, and that is Why England wants to Interfere in the American Election, by Cynically Luring the American Administration into a Julian Assange Stalinist Show Trial for Assange, with its Kangaroo Court, and its Carefully Crafted Fabricated Evidence and False Witnesses who Would be Bribed or Threatened and Not permitted to Plead the Fifth Amendment, Probably with the Collusion from senior Democrats.
If a Democratic Presidential Candidate or a Republican Presidential Candidate, other than Donald Trump, for the 2020 Election Promises to Pardon Julian Assange, or to drop All charges against Julian Assange, then a Different Republican Presidential Candidate, and Especially the Democrats would think that it is a small price to pay for Not having to Campaign on Economic Management.
This is because the Only way for America to try to regain respect in the World and make America Great Again after a Stalinist Show Trial for Assange, with its Kangaroo Court, and its Carefully Crafted Fabricated Evidence and False Witnesses who Would be Bribed or Threatened and Not permitted to Plead the Fifth Amendment, is with a Julian Assange Pardon, and England Knows that either a Julian Assange Trial or for President Donald Trump to Pardon Julian Assange, and that either scenario will help the Democrats in 2020 Elections, and the Good and Decent American Voters Know that, and the Australian Vietnam Veterans Remember Napalm and Agent Orange that was used in the Vietnam War that America Engineered a Deliberate Lie of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and they along with Economic Sanctions are America’s Version of the Nazis’ Death Camps and Gas Chambers, and Hitler Realized that the Only Mistake he made in his Career as a War Criminal, was that he was Not American, and Julian Assange Published information that the Non Nazi American Whistleblowers sent to WikiLeaks, and he and WikiLeaks did Not hack Computers or commit Espionage of any type, and speaking of Computers and Servers and Espionage, then Americans Know of Hillary Clinton’s Secret Unofficial Clandestine Email Server, and how there is one Law for us, and another law for them.
If English Empire does Not want President Donald Trump to be the one to Pardon Julian Assange, then they Should Hope that the English Courts Reject that extradition request, using the Precedent of Espionage charges on Daniel Ellsberg being drop for Leaking the Pentagon Papers that dealt with America’s Criminal and Terrorist involvement in Vietnam, and these were Published in the New York Times, the Vietnam War caused the deaths tens of thousands of American soldiers and the deaths of millions of Vietnamese People.
The American Voters may think that they Should either elect a Democrat for President, or to have a different Republican Presidential Candidate in 2020, or stay home on Election Day.
America could be Reluctant to allow its Stalinist Show Trial, that would use a Kangaroo Court, along with its Carefully Crafted Fabricated Evidence and its False Witnesses who would be Bribed or Threatened and Not permitted to Plead the Fifth Amendment, to find Julian Assange Innocent, even though Everyone Knows that he is Innocent, and the Cunning, Devious, and Deceptive English Empire who wants the Democrats to win the 2020 Election Knows that.
This is because America would then have to Pay Compensation to Julian Assange, America would be Disgraced even More than it has Already Disgraced itself over how it has acted Shamefully regarding the Innocent Julian Assange.
There Could be some People who think that Perhaps the English Empire is Secretly Working with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo and possibly Others to Undermine the Trump Administration.
This might be what the American Voters will be Voting on, rather than on Proper Economic Management, because Good and Decent Americans Value America’s Reputation.
To his Credit, the Leader of British Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has said that Julian Assange is Innocent, and the British Labor Party will exploit the Julian Assange matter with the Good and Decent People of the United Kingdom to win the next British Election with the Issue of the Julian Assange Stalinist Show Trial, that would use a Kangaroo Court, and along with its Carefully Crafted Fabricated Evidence and its False Witnesses against Julian Assange, who would be Bribed or Threatened and Not permitted to Plead the Fifth Amendment, because the American Establishment wants to make America a Military Dictatorship, and England and the Democrats Also want that.
The British Labor Party would Not want Julian Assange to go before a Kangaroo Court in a Stalinist Show Trial, along with the Carefully Crafted Fabricated Evidence and its False Witnesses, Stalinist Show Trial, that would use a Kangaroo Court, and along with its Carefully Crafted Fabricated Evidence and its False Witnesses who would be Bribed or Threatened and Not permitted to Plead the Fifth Amendment, to Pervert the Course of Justice.
It Could be that the European Union will Campaign for the British Labor Party at the next Election, because of Julian Assange, because Jeremy Corbyn has said that Julian Assange is Innocent.
Most of the Members of the British Government Also Secretly want Britain to remain a Member of the European Union, and they may Deliberately try to lose the next British Election, even as Theresa May tried to lose the 2017 Election.
We Know that nearly 50 % of the Voters Voted to Remain in the European Union, and in the First Past the Post Voting System, it is unsure to Know how Many Seats the British Labor Party and the Liberal Democrats may obtain, if the British Labor Party does Not contest the Mutually Agreed Seats that are Allocated for the Liberal Democrats to Contest, and where the Liberal Democrats do Not contest the Mutually Agreed Seats that are Allocated for the Labor Party to Contest, and where that is based on a Fair Allocation of Seats that are Mutually Agreed to between those Parties, and that are based on Accurate Polling, if those Parties can have a Common Remain Policy, or a Common Brexit Lite Policy, and the British Conservative Party and the Brexit Party Could do the same, that is based on a Fair Allocation of Seats for those Parties, that would be based on Accurate Polling, if those Parties have a Common Brexit Policy, but Brexiteers would put more Trust in the Brexit Party than the British Conservative Party.
Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party does Not want Britain to remain in the European Union, and this is Why some Political Parties in Britain do Not want the Brexit Party to win the next British Election.
Many of the Members of the British Government Also want to remain in the European Union, Regardless of their Public statements regarding that.
We noticed this with Theresa May, and with David Cameron who Needed the UKIP Voters to Vote for his Party to win the 2015 Election, using the Promise of having the Brexit Referendum, because he did Not think that it would Win, but after it Did, David Cameron Resigned as Prime Minister, because he, like Theresa May Wanted Britain to be in the European Union.
Many in the British Government have been trying to walk Brexit backwards ever since then, and there are People who think that Theresa May called the 2017 Election, with the Hope that the British Labor Party would win that Election, so that the British Labor Party would be made to take All of the Blame for Betraying Brexit, and this is Regardless of what Theresa May Alleged that she only wanted that Unnecessary 2017 Election to give her a Mandate for Brexit, even though the Brexit Referendum Already was a Mandate for Brexit, and Theresa May was Actually Hoping that the British Labor Party would receive a Mandate to Reverse Brexit.
The Cunning, Devious, and Deceptive English Empire Coordinated the extradition of Julian Assange to time it with the next American Presidential Election, because a less prosperous America would Benefit the English Empire.
This is because of increasing England’s ability to Dominate America as it did in the Colonial days, and that is Why England wants to extradite Julian Assange to America, even though Julian Assange is a Citizen of one of England’s Puppet Colonies in the Southern Hemisphere.
This is because he is one of Many Good and Decent Australians, who Know that he is Innocent, and this has Nothing to do with the English and American Justice System.
This is because No Justice System should say that Innocent People can be set up on False Charges and Corruptly declared to be guilty, because that is Not Justice, but it is Perverting the Course of Justice.
Many Australians are disappointed that their American Ally is treating a Good and Decent and Innocent Fellow Australian in the Unjust way that they are treating him, and they are disappointed that their Government is simply Following Orders from England, rather than Protecting their Innocent Citizens, such as Working to Bring Julian Home where he Belongs.
Welcome back! Stick around………
I like your comment and use of Capitals!
And I have one in preparation on anonymity……….
An interesting article about the dirty agenda behind the tar sands exploitation in Canada: https://www.globalresearch.ca/behind-scenes-elections-koch-oil-big-lies-ecocide-writ-large-canada/5680807
The author calls it an ‘ecocide’. He is not exaggerating, it is. I’m not particularly against mining and exploitation, but what happens there is close to insane.
I have dug up an old article with a lot of pictures taken. Just see for yourself what it looks like: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2078085/The-worlds-dirtiest-oil-Satellite-photos-relentless-expansion-Canadas-controversial-tar-sands-industry.html
Cheers, Rob
Recently an English lawyer, Polly Higgins, who had worked for years to make ecocide a crime against humanity on a par with genocide, died of cancer at 50. Rupert Murdoch is in his late eighties, but only the good die young. At least there is an outside chance that he, and scores of his Evil minions, may face justice one day for ecocidal hate propaganda and disinformation. I am opposed to capital punishment, but in Murdoch’s case….
There is a possibility to sign an international petition against 5G: https://www.globalresearch.ca/sign-the-international-appeal-to-stop-5g-on-earth-and-in-space/5680202
I have signed this too. I’ve read a lot of reliable studies that conclude that it is harmful, against *none* that proves otherwise.
Cheers, Rob
Iran has arrested a bunch of CIA spies:
“Based on the cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other countries in creating an ‘international organisation to counter American espionage’, we provided our partners with information that led to the disclosure and dismantling of a network of CIA officers, as well as detention and punishment of several spies in different countries”, the senior official said.
Rob, I read that … but, a few things. First they are not clear what they are talking about – these are the issues:
So, that is the first ‘tell’. If you talk to a 5G ‘person’, check if they know what they are talking about I would say.
Then, there is no evidence that 5th generation cellular standard has killed people or animals, or even confused them or even did anything to them. A lot of testimony that people are ‘sensitive’ to Radio Frequencies abound – a lot of testimony that cell phones cause brain cancer about, and so on. Even I turn of computers and routers at night, for a break from the electric cloud and the blue lights. Bear in mind, I don’t have or use even a microwave, so personally I am aware. Flicker rates on TV screens is just as bad. Ever seen a person turn on a TV and becoming mesmerized? If I fall asleep with my tablet (which happens more often than not), I feel sure I am more tired after the night’s sleep lol.
Then, you get peppered with these very same frequencies from the sun, each time you go into the sun. Then, I personally use a frequency generator for healing purposes in some cases. So, I am not only aware, I actually have good experience with generators of frequency.
Then, there is this issue that China is leading in this specific 5th generation standard. So, what is real and what is not. For the moment for me the jury is out in terms of how tremendously ‘harmful’ this standard is. It sucks for sure, because of density, but is it harmful? It is going to kill us? Or is the dust-up simply a propaganda to obtain new frequency ‘bands’ by those that want a piece of this technology?
So I am not disagreeing with you, but, not agreeing as well, because there are too many unanswered questions. There is a quasi-religion being built on the ‘oppose 5G camp’ looks like to me. It all makes me think of climate change and really, the ‘signal to noise’ ratio is overwhelming and it is as if a certain sub-section of the chattering classes want to ‘own’ this thing as their personal quest. All that makes me worried because I’m quite geek’ish and I really question what is going on.
I agree. Rightly or not there is mushrooming culture dead set against 5G, smart meters and transformers based on inaccurate empirical data and urban legends.
It’s easy to look at couple of pages of your smart meter manufacturer’s data sheet and gain much more real knowledge.
Popular term is “harmful frequencies” but frequency by definition is “events of certain occurrences per unit of time. If we apply this definition to electro-magnetic occurrence the various frequencies give broad results from buzzing sound in car stereo due to bad alternator to gamma radiation from various sources.
In not so distant past electro-magnetic spectrum on this planet was relatively clean lightly polluted by cosmic radiation spectrum, telluric currents and occasional Aurora borealis events. In present days there is unbelievable amount of wide ranging emission. To say that there is no measurable impact on Earth and it’s organisms would be blind ignorance.
To understand real impact of this new phenomena is beyond our human capacity as longer timeframe is needed to observe and understand. Elevated cancer rates and other maladies are manifesting already. There are many other nefarious thingies to be aware of, such results of rogue biosciences and nearly anything that alters life from how it was originally created.
In last days everything will be poisoned.
To be prudently suspicious is a smart approach difficult to practice.
Just saying
My basic, stupid Irish understanding, of ‘thingies’ that change human cell structure (all living cell structure) was it being caused by the ‘micro wave xray band of the light spectrum’ which I believe cell phones and other devices work in the micro wave range. Hence the Faraday shield for Microwaves. Even radar technicians and people who work around similar devices get sick. Mounties used to get brain cancer, always in the same place. And only the guys who had ‘radar’ hooked on their window by their head, see one of those lately? Lab techs wear radiation badges for similar reasons, but it’s ok to stick a micro wave device by your ear, your bed, your work place, down your bra and your fine………….lol. Who needs to worry about population control, it’s underway. And yes, I know microwaves are all over the place, but limiting ones exposure to them is just smart. There are a few EU countries that ban underage kids from having cell phones.
Have you ever read Teslas account of his experiment with xrays. Read his paper on the dangers of xrays? He was the first to bring it forward. He was helping Rontgen by building the nessessary electrical components for the xray machine. Tesla in his own experiment with it, overexposed his hand. The skin on the hand turned black. It took six months for the hand to heal. So, what is too much exposure to micro waves, who gets to decided, the industry…………..ouch!
On a lighter note. If there’s billion$ to be made and a few million must die, well, the place is overpopulated anyway, win win all around, no?.
Thanks for pointing out Tesla’s “paper on the dangers of xrays?” I am well aware of xrays properties but I wasn’t aware of his story. Certain “radiations” can be detrimental to persons body and mind. Some airline companies issue their flight crews rad dosimeter (concealed) but frequent fliers have no clue and take accumulative zap of naturally occurring cosmic radiation at high elevation flights.
And yes, there is pattern of illness and exposures associated.
Most of invisible dangers are not publicly known and establishment isn’t keen to want us to know. What comes across as establishment’s genuine concern for well being of population is actually just another trick in a sleeve such workplace safety hysteria resulting in more control.
One has to learn on his own for his own sake and his close ones.
New use very high frequency electromagnetic waves becoming more common with new technologies far surpassing old clystrons in aspect of both speed and intensity not to mention physical size and power efficiency. For instance today’s technology of mobile phones is truly technological miracle, something I would not believe few decades ago. With that technology alone the health risk factor increases disproportionately.
In my opinion there is nowhere to run and nowhere to run, it’s only matter of time and this devil’s brew will produce more transparent freak show than men can handle and yet more will line up to receive it.
I am not trying to propagate laudatory doom and gloom but I am reading graph plotted from an exponential formula and there is not a single variable which would suggest this graph’s reversal.
In a mean time I’ll try to minimize my exposures without suffering much inconvenience and be happy.
Just saying
I’ve interpreted it as 5G cellular networks, amarynth.
You’re right about the high ‘signal to noise ratio’, but the speed and sturdiness to get it implemented gets me a little suspicious. I get a Roundup idea of Bayer/Monsanto.
In the pharmaceutical industry it takes up to 10 years to get a new medicine on the market, with long and many tests.
And even then, some have to be taken off the market afterwards.
Some caution could not be that bad.
Cheers, Rob
Really, mr. Pompeo is a gift that keeps on giving. Now he’s blaming Iran for assisting the (fundamentally Sunni) Taliban: https://www.juancole.com/2019/06/displays-hopless-ignorance.html
When even MSNBC debunks this, then it is serious.
Btw, I’ve stumbled upon this. In Australia there are many clones of Pompeo around: https://twitter.com/41Strange/status/1137125112824586240
(With my apologies to these funny creatures for the comparison ;-))
Cheers, Rob
Clones of Pompeo in Austfailia? Herds and herds of them, but generally with less charm. Don’t get between them and a buck, or a meat pie, either.
I get the sense I’ve been talking to a wall with my BSV Vineyard Crypto Hive Mind Project.
Dead silence from all but two of my 2-3 dozen email recipients of the first email and general stubborn misinterpretation from Moveable Feast Crypto-Objectors and Crypto-Abstainers.
That’s OK! It’s all good. IWth Email # 2 ……….I can now get past “price” and “asymmetric opportunity” which embarrasses people here more than the Esoteric and Wholly Unworkable Communal Sex Idea does…and explore the social evil or good….of The Crypto-Sphere. Because after just two emails…..I’m done! Unless someone asks a question, texts, or calls me!
Before I get there, I am not embarrassed by discussion of price…because …like Sex…it IS necessary…and practically unavoidable!
It just isn’t anywhere close to being sufficient. (Sorry, Dennis.)
My business partner was the first to respond …and very quickly! Sad! Because he’s already quite wealthy enough…(I wonder why???…..LOL) …..a serial entrepreneur. He got it right away…out of my first email…..not in the low fifties like most of my position….but he didn’t mess around or waste any time……..and his Bitcoin Satoshi Vision entry level…y’all may never see again.
My middle sister however, is not wealthy, nor poor. Nor nearly so quick. She’ll “look at it” when she gets back from the Galapagos.
Ok, we are now going Past Price and on to Greater Societal Purpose. Should you use BSV as a hedge or learning device you needn’t fear embarrassment. You’ll most probably NEVER see $52 or $102 BSV again….LOL. Without guilt or remorse you can pay 2…3….5 times or more than those rates…still not a mistake IMHO…but this is NOT investment advice …..or make a bigger mistake (IMHO…this is not investment advice and should not be conbstrued as such…! : Get none and learn nothing about it.
Because this is exciting, this is EPIC!
Alright, let’s see if I can create any Crypto-Cognition or Crypto-Traction.
I know one thing: Crypto-Friction with Amarynth is a certainty!
Great! Where there’s fire….there’s the heat of passion!
And all of this Crypto-Intrigue and drama would make a REALLY Good Movie and Morality Play! So get your popcorn!
Let’s go to Ed The Serbian Socialist ….I hypothesize…because he has a video with “A Bosnian Joke”……..and I start by transcribing the last few minutes of his latest video, but watch it ALL if you want a scathing indictment of Deep State Crony-American Capitalism:
“Ooops… BCH hijackers have no money | Goals of people in BTC vs BCH vs BSV | Kleiman case Theory”
is the title of his latest:
Don’t be concerned, traditionalists. Ed is NOT gay. But Jimmy is. Don’t worry about it…Live and let live,,,for now..lol.
Now the end part I am transcribing for you begins at 21 min 20 sec:
“The accusation against Craig Wright (ME: in the Kleinman court case) is to try to force Craig to reveal all his BTC addresses. Even, like 3 years ago the Blockstream guys (Me:The Cabal Controllers of Bitcoin Core …BTC…the one at $9,343 today … who hijacked it ) were openly talking about blocking the funds of Satoshi Nakamoto, blocking all his BTC from any movement.
They were talking about this openly. You can check it out on Reddit. So, this is what they want: They want him to reveal ALL his addresses…in order to block these addresses….but guess what??
Craig (“I am Satoshi”) Wright has given a very honest open WARNING!—to everyone in BTC…and this will probably apply to Bitcoin Cash (BCH….BCH ABC) as well….that, at the time of the BTC half-ening in May 2020…he’s going to be selling his BTC, which is going to trigger an event, which Shem of the Bitcoin SV Channel calls “BIT-SQUEEZE”. He (Craig) will try to get out—but you won’t be able to—because Blockstream has limited the capacity…to 1 megabyte blocks (groups of transactions) …so you will be SQUEEZED into their 1 megabyte constraint…and guess who will be able to get out??
Only the rich people! Only the people who are able to pay a $1000 or a $500 fee for their transaction to go through. THEY will be able to sell. You WON’T be able to sell! All the little guys, the minions, the people who haven’t done any research, who don’t understand anything…the Little Guys who tried to make a little bit of money because they have been sold the lie that “BTC is Bitcoin, that it is going to “go to the moon”, that it is going to go to $100,000…or a million dollars, and so on………..is going to make them rich, able to buy a Lambo——it’s ALL Rubbish!
They are just putting a carrot in front of your face and dangling it….like this….so that you don’t pay any attention to where you’re walking, where the future is taking you, if you stay on that path, so, I recommend to you….once again!…Do the I.Q Test!
You have to understand that BTC has been hijacked! Also, BCH has been hijacked! Both of these are now sidechains of the Original Bitcoin …that have gone away from the original protocol.
The original Bitcoin Protocol was created to FIX the issues in society of a corrupt monetary system…and also other things—you can actually help expose the corruption of the State with it—as well as stop crime, you can eliminate money laundering, human trafficking, the clandestine funding of wars, of terrorism….because everything with the Real Bitcoin (BSV…the return to the Original Protocol) is now traceable.
(Real) Bitcoin is a System of Truth! And anyone who doesn’t want truth to be known …is someone who has things to hide…they are the real criminals, not Craig Wright!
Craig Wright is also called “Faketoshi”…This, again is just propaganda repeated by parrots and sock puppets on Twitter, on Reddit, and also on You Tube.
Go to You Tube, search “Bitcoin”, hit “Enter”…every single video is just full of charts, talking about price, about being traders, about wanna-be traders..
“Is it going up?”
“Is it going down?”
They don’t actually tell you ANYTHING about fundamentals, or about how things work, nothing about the things I’m telling you about…..
Bitcoin and Beyond Channel is a good channel to follow. The Bitcoin SV Channel is also a good channel to follow. And, quite frankly I can’t find anything else on You Tube that will actually give you the truthful, informative…facts, the critical thinking, independent thinking, like I do, because we (Ed’s married) are like lots of other people…99% of people…I didn’t create my channel to become richer, to make a living from it…I have a full-time job….I have a normal life…I’m not in this to get super-rich. I would say that if I get richer, yay! It’s nice, but it’s just a side-effect.
I am here to support the Original Bitcoin Protocol…which will actually make the world a better place!
BTC guys don’t care about that! They only care about “Moon” and “Lambo”. They don’t care what system they use …as long as they get more money, as long as they get richer. That’s ALL!
The BCH guys?? They want anarchy! They want to bring down The State. They want to collapse the whole society. They don’t want to pay any taxes…they want to get richer and be the ones in power!
So it’s like the Game of Thrones: One Shitty Guy wants to overthrow another Shitty Guy—- but once they get in power…they just repeat! That’s why they call it “Revolution”. It just revolves, from one fucker to another….. OK?? You don’t actually EVOLVE.
Real Bitcoin is a System of Truth that evolves—it FIXES things…it improves them.
BCH, BTC, Monero, Z Cash, Litecoin…all that garbage crap…they don’t do these things…
Alright, thanks for listening. See ya!”
Crypo’s best use to date has been its ability to get around gvt controls on giving away money, other than that its acceptance is so minimal so as to be irrelevant to the over all global economy.
Since there is no longer anywhere to hide investment wise, one must choose, or make choices as to where to put money for ones own best purposes, those choices are unlimited.
Yes, and the initial principal use of the Internet, which we are on right now, Alabama, was pornography. I ask you: Has it found better uses since then?
Alabama, you are actually making Ed’s point, but perhaps without realizing it!
Dig deeper! Actually watch the entire video, for starters.
Can the real Bitcoin actually really fix anything that is wrong with all these “infinite choices” you describe? Most of which are rigged against all but the biggest players??
My next post on the subject will give you a little more to chew on.
Suggestion: Try to extract some nutritional value…before you spit it out…simply because you don’t recognize the taste………. as something familiar that you swallowed before, all your life.
It’s the same as in anything: Separate the wheat from the chaff, first.
You’ve described the chaff in crypto but don’t know what the wheat might be. Understandable, since most of the space IS chaff. But not all. HOW…did that happen? Why did it happen …just like with the US dollar and other currencies?
Just like in the realm of all ideas, both valid and not valid, Test..:.and differentiate..…….rather than just reacting with emotional prejudice, lumping valid kernels of ideas with massive mounds of chaff…and chucking it all …together and unsorted ….out of your mind, by habit.
Are you Dennis’ brother?? LOL
Unlimited choices? One has to have money to hide, that does not include the .0001%ers. Are we talking ‘off shore’ accounts as in Panama Papers, or under the bed, burried under the dog house type choice. Otherwise for the average, get up at 6, head off to work, slave all day, for so little pay, usury abused minions, there is no money to hide (that’s the one’s that have a job). Most people live just to get by. They are inflation stressed and tax tapped out. Many can’t afford to buy nutritional food opting instead for chemical enriched fast easy food requiring reheating after thawing. I know, some shit can be cooked from frozen, pity those.
He seems to be a big shot w/the money options so I gave my response. Yes the average Joe’s day is done, its never coming back, I dont really know what to tell you that wont get sensored, I concur w/what you said.
Your BSV effort is not ignored.
“Build it, they will come”
Sir, it seems there is some misunderstanding. It is not that you are ignored, but that critical opinions about your teachings are not allowed to appear in public. However, this is now a thing of the past, since you invited us speechless victims to speak out about you. For you said: “I’m done! Unless someone asks a question, texts, or calls me!”
Using this licence I ask you this one question:
*** Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? ***
That Gooogle is your friend. And Kim, too.
I think you have to understand that you have been hijacked! And this former cafe and its mission too. But here’s how to get it off your chest:
I would like to propose what best to do with your teachings which do not interest anybody here but unnerve and chase away the last good hearted. Because of the striking similarity in content and style your texts should be forwarded to good ole Kim, who has a wonderful mind shaping tool at his country’s southern border, in the form of the most advanced loudspeaker array of the planet. These informators are temporarily silent, but should be fired up again to distribute your thoughts RE MAMMOON BITS (BITES?) first throughout South East Asia and then through the Whole World. This will produce much more eager neophytes than all your appeals here which, you are right, are met with DEAd SIlence FRom ALL.
This so easily feasable unshakeable unity between you and Comrade Kim will then, indeed, soon be understood by everyone as a or THE System of Truth that evolves, improves and FIXES things… instead of only nauseating everybody to a point of no return behind this cafe’s doors.
Praying to your god for restoring your health (letting you go),
your friend and helper,
creeping think
what astounding and unexpected words do we have here from a creeping think, how wise and lofty in intent, how full of goodwill and kindness, and how to the point from a mere creeping thing…
good morrow good friend, and good tidings from a distant land,
This may be fake news or a diversion but it is part of the information/disinformation war against Iran
… thinking about The Persian Gulf …
Eternal Father Strong to Save
… any military conflict with Iran is going to have dramatic consequences.
Western world politicians have not thought this through and their mass-media promoting insane propaganda looks like the prelude toward war … or just pure BS … this mass-media has become a dangerous toy !
Iran is on high alert … fingers on triggers, keys and red buttons, and people do make mistakes.
Eternal Father Strong to Save …
( … there may be a lot of saving to do, before this year ends)
Eating for $100000. Sara Netanyahu will pay a ridiculous fine.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcogVzl7t14 – you can change the subtitles to English
– Евгений Шульц: In Israel, those in power are right. And the Jewish people who came to Israel as slaves paid taxes and will pay these. But if an ordinary citizen somewhere forgets to pay tax a couple of shekels, then this person immediately has to pay a hundred times more.
– Juri Z: What’s the problem? The father of the Israeli democracy pushes submarines for billions!
And then some hundred thousand!
– Vadim Darmin: Sara and Yair, this is a shame of the country.
– Samneo Samsam: Most of the eaten was returned through the a..s.
And what is $100,000 for the country of milk and honey? Dimon, you just have no luck.
– Iрина Хомик: Long live the Israeli court, the fairest court in the world!
– Olga Dmitriev: Well, the same everywhere … You steal a bicycle – you
will sit behind bars but if you steal a car of money – you will sit in the chair of the premiere …)))))
– אלה דהן איצקוב: as they said today on the radio. Sara’s lawyer did a good job.
On the eve of the elections, let the stupid people continue to vote for Bibi.
These are quite a remarkable articles in that some realism is creeping in to destroy the zionist concept of American “values: bombing the hell out of countries, destroying cities, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians:
In other words, younger Americans were the cohort most likely to oppose killing people in the name of combating human rights abuses. That doesn’t tell us that they don’t want the U.S. to be involved in the world, and it doesn’t tell us that they don’t want the government to be addressing these issues. It tells us that they are reluctant to endorse unleashing death and destruction on another country for the crimes of its government. Whatever the reason for that view, I think it is something that should be commended and encouraged. The fact that Brooks thinks this is something that should be attacked and criticized speaks volumes about the sort of “values” his foreign policy stands for.
Moreover, more good news: (I know drips and drabbles, but one always looks for optimism in this sea of zionist mindless war mongering:
Case in point:
Sometime in the last two years, American hegemony died. The age of U.S. dominance was a brief, heady era, about three decades marked by two moments, each a breakdown of sorts. It was born amid the collapse of the Berlin Wall, in 1989. The end, or really the beginning of the end, was another collapse, that of Iraq in 2003, and the slow unraveling since. But was the death of the United States’ extraordinary status a result of external causes, or did Washington accelerate its own demise through bad habits and bad behavior? That is a question that will be debated by historians for years to come. But at this point, we have enough time and perspective to make some preliminary observations.
Author Fareed Zakaria is an extreme neo con constantly arguing for interventions, latest in Venezuela, and is now crying and whining that the unipolar world is over. Some may recall that a year or so ago at the height of the russiagate hysteria, zakaria asked a stupid question of Putin about meddling or some such nonsense and Putin took him apart. Anyway, here he is in tears and all which along with brooks’ links in first article, reflects the zionists and zios….cons whining about the loss of American “values,” whatever they are.
Can I recommend Guyenot’s articles in Unz Review, particularly the latest, on the nature of Judaism and the Jewish elite? You will see that a New Purim inflicted on Iran is inevitable-if not now, then later. The other conclusion I draw from reading his articles is that the Zionazis will destroy themselves, and probably humanity as well.
Interesting if true: https://en.mehrnews.com/news/146600/Israel-UAE-intelligence-services-form-group-to-carry-out-sabotage
“According to a Yemeni website, an armed group has been formed by the Israeli Mossad in cooperation with intelligence services of some Persian Gulf countries to carry out sabotage attacks in the Sea of Oman and the Indian Ocean. ”
“According to a report by a Yemeni website dubbed ‘Al-Najm al-Thagheb’ on the last Thursday’s attacks on two oil tankers in the Sea of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz, after the US expressed its reluctance to engage in a military confrontation with Iran following the attacks on the oil tankers, the intelligence shows that Israelis and some Arab states in the Persian Gulf region are cooperating to launch a new world war.”
In the whole flush of speculations and accusations, actually it wouldn’t surprise me.
And I’m still wondering about alleged ‘Iranians’ securing a mine, in shiny life vests. Actually, I have a complete other impression of the gear explosive experts wears when securing or defusing an explosive. Or did I miss some technical development?
Cheers, Rob
“Is There a Global Refugee Crisis? Or Is Solidarity in Crisis?” – Filippo Grandi
Reports of how Russians are being attacked in Georgia and that Putin is ordering and evacuation of Russians from there. This happens after increased trade between Georgia and Russia and right after the U.S. Foreign Policy Advisor for Joe Biden & Director for Russia at the NSC, Michael Carpenter, posted this on his twitter:
“Just spent 3 days in Georgia. I’m not sure the gov fully understands the implications of its open door policy with Russia. With so many “tourists” (ehem FSB) & so much land being bought up by Russian businessmen, they may wake up one day and find not 20% but 100% occupied.”
We have heard of how the Corrupt English Justice System was Not allowed to consider an Extradition request for General Pinochet for Crimes against his own People.
We Know that it was England’s Fellow European Union Country of Spain who made that Extradition request.
It had Nothing to do with any Dispute over Spain’s Territory of Gibraltar, that England Stole from Spain, but to put Pinochet on Trial.
England and America have tried to steal Kosovo from Innocent Serbia and the Golan Heights from Innocent Syria, in the same way that they Stole The Philippines from Spain, and Islas Malvinas, also known as the Falkland Islands from Argentina.
Spain is one of Several European Union Countries who have Not recognized an independent Kosovo, while some European Union Countries have created a Rift among European Union Countries by following the Bad example of England and America.
Spain Only made that Legitimate Extradition request for Dictator General Pinochet, in order for him to stand trial for his Many Crimes against Humanity, that England and America were General Pinochet’s Partners in Crime, and they are Guilty of Crimes against Humanity in other Countries of the World at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_violations_in_Pinochet%27s_Chile /, and Ecuador has become America’s Puppet, because of Not defending the Innocent Julian Assange.
The Video where Thatcher Lies and tried to defend England’s and America’s Dictator Puppet is Titled: UK: MARGARET THATCHER AUGUSTO PINOCHET SPEECH at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7j3N5cCyf8 .
People have Contrasted this Corrupt apology for a Guilty General Pinochet to that of the Criminal, Unjust, and Shameful treatment that of the Innocent Julian Assange.
It comes as No surprise that Serbia was Innocent and Slandered and so was the then President of Serbia Slobodan Milosevic and other Serbs were Innocent and Slandered at https://www.globalresearch.ca/slobodan-milosevic-the-killing-of-an-innocent-man/5541534 , and at
https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/12/07/hague-tribunal-exonerates-slobodan-milosevic-again/ .
This is the Colonialist English Way, and the Imperialist American Way, and it is the Nazi Way to Slander, Wage War, and Steal Land, and it is England’s Way and America’s Way of saying Thank You to an Ally who fought against Nazi Germany at https://www.teslasociety.com/500.htm .
The Video of an American pilot speaking on the Serb General Draza Mihailovic and the Serbs is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YoQ4eCyxN4 , and even though I am a Citizen of one of England’s Puppet Colonies in the Southern Hemisphere, we Know that England, America and Germany and some of their NATO Puppets Willingly and Criminally Bombed and Slandered Serbia, and tried to blackmail the Serbian People to give up their History and their Sovereignty, even as the Germans did in1914, and 1941, and in 1999, and Many Europeans are Disappointed that Germany, has not as yet Revoked their recognition of Kosovo as an independent country, because Germany who Should have learned from the World Wars it has Inflicted on Europe.
We have seen how America placed Economic Sanctions on Russia who is America’s Ally who fought against Nazism in Europe.
America has Slandered Russia with the Lies that Russia interfered in America’s 2016 Election, and with the Lie that Candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 Election.
This is Obviously Ridiculous, because there are three ways to collude in an American Election, and they are to either provide Money to an Election Campaign, and No one is seriously suggesting that, and the Trump Campaign only spent half the Money that the Clinton campaign spent, and this proves that Money is Not necessarily the reason for winning an Election.
Another way for a Country to collude in an American Election, is to be the speechwriter of a Candidate or Candidates during the Election Campaign, and we Know that the Republicans won majorities in both Houses of Congress, and Only American Political Parties can Know how to obtain the Votes of Voters in their Many Constituencies, and the Republicans won the 2016 Election because of Hillary Clinton’s Espionage Crimes, and Anthony Weiner’s Inappropriate texting to a minor, and John Podesta’s Emails, and with Cheating Senator Sanders of his Rightful Entitlement of being the Legitimate Nominee for Presidential Candidate.
This Proves that Russia, or any other Country, could Not have the Republican Party’s speechwriter, and the third way for a Country to collude in an American Election is any combination of those methods.
This is Why Special Counsel Robert Mueller, found No evidence of any type of collusion between Russia and Candidate Donald Trump.
We Know that it has even been suggested that Russia interfered in the Brexit Referendum, but we Know that is a Lie.
The Real Reason for the Brexit Referendum was to Prevent Scotland from becoming an Independent Country, because the Scots do Not want a Hard Border with England if Britain leaves the European Union, and we Know that Britain can and has offered Scotland Much Sovereignty over its Marine Resources, if Britain leaves the European Union, and if Scotland does Not rejoin the European Union.
The Problem that Britain has with the Theresa May Deal, is that it allows Scotland to become an Independent Country, and to Remain in the European Union Customs Union, and to have No Hard Border with England, and England wants to Prevent Scotland from becoming an Independent Country.
Britain had the Brexit Referendum to Prevent Scotland from becoming an Independent Country, but England wants to keep this a Secret, and England is Hoping to obtain a Mutually Agreeable Brexit Deal, but Britain Will Reluctantly settle for a No deal Brexit to Preserve their Country.
I realized that I gave a link to a different Video than what I had wanted to mention in my other comment, and I give a commentary on what the WW 2 American Pilot said regarding his appreciation for the Chetniks who Rescued him and over 5 hundred American Pilots, and I have added another way that a Country can Interfere and Collude in an American Election, and what helped Donald Trump become President, and this is explained in this comment, and I sometimes refer to Britain as England, because Britain is a Euphemism for Greater England, and England is More Guilty than the other Confederated Countries of Britain.
We have seen how the President of France says that he wants to act as a mediator between Serbia and Serbia’s Province of Kosovo, and if that were true, then France Would Revoke its recognition of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo to act as a mediator at https://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2019&mm=07&dd=09&nav_id=106977 , and we Know that France Collaborated with Nazi Germany, and that Germany and France want to Rule and Dominate the European Continent, and England and America Will help them to break up Europe to make it easier for Germany and France to Dominate Europe, and England will allow Scotland and then Wales and then Northern Ireland to hold a Non Binding advisory referendums on their independence that England Would Rig to gain Majorities for those referendums.
Britain Would then give Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland More Autonomy and Much Sovereignty over their Marine Resources, in order to keep them in the United Kingdom, and in order to Encourage Separatist Movements on Coastal Regions of Europe, that would then Extend to landlocked Countries of Continental Europe, and Continental Europe Knows how Many Separatist Movements there are in Europe, and this is another Reason why Serbia will Not recognize its Province of Kosovo as an independent Country, and this is Why the European Union and the Continental European NATO Countries Should Revoke their recognition of independence of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo, and America Knows how to break up Countries using Slander, Sanctions, and Fake humanitarian crises and interventions, and this is Why the American military base called Camp Bondsteel is a Danger to the Majority of the Countries of European Union and Europe.
The Corrupt English Injustice System was Not allowed by England to consider an Extradition request for General Pinochet for the Crimes he Committed against his own People, because the Corrupt English Injustice System Would have Disgraced itself if they tried to defend Pinochet and deny that Extradition request.
That Vile and Putrid Dirty work was left to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to do that, and for which England Excels in the areas of Injustice and Slander.
England and America, by means of Piracy have tried to steal Serbia’s Province of Kosovo from Innocent Serbia, and the Golan Heights from Innocent Syria, in the way that they Stole Islas Malvinas or the Falkland Islands from Argentina, and the way they Stole The Philippines from Spain, and other Territory in the World.
The Video of an American pilot speaking on the Serb General Draza Mihailovic and the Serbs is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4LS0FLWaKI , and we can see that that American Pilot Knew his Government, and he Knew what was going on behind the Scenes, and how the Rescued American Pilots Tried to get some help to the Chetniks to Rescue more American and Allied Military Personal, and to fight the Nazi occupiers of Yugoslavia, and that it was England who Persuaded America Not to help the Chetniks.
This is because England did Not want the Chetniks to get a Reputation that was Better than they what they had Already Earned.
This is because England wanted Tito to be their Puppet in Yugoslavia, and Tito put Draza Mihailovic on a Stalinist Show Trial, and had him executed on the Slanderous False Charge that he was working for the Nazis.
America has Slandered Russia with the Lies that Russia interfered in America’s 2016 Election, and with the Lie that Candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 Election.
The Swamp Knows what Donald Trump said for Decades, before he was Elected as President, and what he said during the 2016 Election Campaign.
It is Obviously Ridiculous to Slanderously accuse any Country, Except for England of Interfering and Colluding in the 2016 American Election.
I say that because of the English Citizen, Christopher Steel and his dossier of Invented Slanderous Lies, and the actions of Alexander Downer the former Foreign Minister of Australia, who is of English Heritage, even though he is an Australian Citizen, and he Interfered and Colluded, in the 2016 American Election, because of setting up George Papadopoulos who can be considered to be England’s American Foreign Affairs Adversary, because of being the Trump Campaign’s Foreign Policy Advisor, and some People may ask how can an Australian Foreign Minister be Loyal to England, before he is Loyal to Australia, and the answer is that these things happen in the Colonies.
We see that these English People were trying to help the Clinton Campaign, and were Working for England, and therefore it is Reasonable to Suspect that England Colluded with Leading Democrats and with the Clinton Campaign.
We have heard of the Unbefitting, Unprofessional, and Undiplomatic comments made by England’s current Ambassador to America, Sir Kim Darroch, and these mentioned Incidents that we Are Aware of, and other incidents that we are Unaware of, gives the appearance that Colonialist England’s attitude is to Continue to Interfere in American Elections, in order to try to Dominate America as they Did during the Colonial Era.
There are only three ways to collude in an American Election, and they are to either provide Money to an Election Campaign, and No one is seriously suggesting that another Country gave Money to the Republicans, and the Trump Campaign only spent half the Money that the Clinton Campaign spent during the 2016 Election, and this Proves that Money is Not necessarily the reason for winning an Election.
Another way for a Country to collude in an American Election, is to be the speechwriter of a Candidate or Candidates during the Election Campaign, and we Know that the Republicans won Majorities in both Houses of Congress in the 2016 Election, and Only American Political Parties and the Elected Representatives who have read those Multitude of Letters from their own Constituents, can Know how to try obtain the Votes of Voters in their Many and Differing Constituencies.
That would mean that the Already Elected Republicans in both Houses of Congress would have had to collude with Russia to provide Russia with those letters, so that Russia could supposedly study them to become a speechwriter for the Republicans, and this would also mean that Russia would have had to have All of the Letters that were written by Constituents to Already Elected Democrats in order for Russia to be a competent speechwriter for the Republicans, and this would mean that the Democrats would have had to have colluded with Russia to help the Republicans, and so we see Why the notion that any Country Except for England, could have interfered in the 2016 Election is Illogical and Ludicrous, and this is Why former Director of the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is Thoroughly Experienced and is an Expert on how to Conduct Investigations of this type, Concluded that Russia did Not collude with the Trump Campaign in the 2016 Election.
This Proves that Russia, or any other Country, Except for England, could Not have been the Republican Party’s speechwriter, and the third way for a Country to collude in an American Election is to do what Christopher Steel, and Alexander Downer, and Sir Kim Darroch have done against America’s Democracy by Using Slander and Dirty Tricks as their Unprincipled Methods.
It is for these Logical Reasons that Special Counsel Robert Mueller, found that there was, and that there is No evidence of any type of collusion between Russia and Candidate Donald Trump.
The Republicans won the 2016 Election because of Hillary Clinton’s Espionage Crimes, and her Several Health Problems, that caused her to faint during the 11 September 2016 ceremony, that was only weeks away from the 2016 Election, as was the release of this Video on Hillary Clinton’s Illnesses at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr1IDQ2V1eM that , and then there was Anthony Weiner’s Inappropriate texting to a minor, along with John Podesta’s Emails at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podesta_emails , and Accounts of Jeffery Epstein at https://www.trunews.com/stream/report-manhattan-da-knew-epstein-was-a-pedophile-but-argued-for-courts-leniency , and allegations that Bill Clinton has been on Epstein’s Lolita Express and on Epstein’s Island, and the former American President has denied Knowing of the current Charges against Jeffrey Epstein, and that denial may be true, but it Shows that Bill Clinton Knew Jeffrey Epstein to such an Extent, that he had to make such a denial in the first place at https://dailycaller.com/2019/07/08/bill-clinton-statement-epstein/#disqus_thread , and there was the Clinton Foundation Controversy at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Foundation%E2%80%93State_Department_controversy , and then there was the Clinton Campaign Cheating Senator Sanders of his Entitlement of being the Legitimate Democratic Party Nominee for Presidential Candidate at https://www.newsweek.com/clinton-robbed-sanders-dnc-brazile-699421 , and this Alienated Many of the Democratic Party Voters in the 2916 Election.
These are Reasons Why there was No interference by Russia in the 2016 America Election, and Why there was No collusion between Russia and Candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 American Election, and Why Donald Trump was Legitimately Elected as President of America.