By Batiushka for the Saker blog
It is often said that the systemic Western European superiority complex, a disease which consists of the self-justified domination and exploitation of the surrounding world, began with the First ‘Crusade’ (1096-1099). Technically, this is true, but before it there were other events which we may call ‘Pre-Crusades’. For example, there was the massacre by the barbarian Frankish leader Charlemagne of 4,500 Saxons at Verden in 782. This bloodbath was the foundation of Frankish Europe, which still survives as the core of the lies of the EU today. After the collapse of Charlemagne’s Europe and a period of consolidation, 200 years later there came the events of the earlier eleventh century which did exactly presage the First Crusade at its end. First, there was the Frankish ‘Reconquista’ Crusade which began to accelerate in the eleventh century in Iberia. Then came the ‘Norman’ (in fact they were the collective campaigns of all the Frankish-made scum of North-Western Europe) Crusades or Conquests in Sicily, Southern Italy and in England in 1066.
Like these ‘Pre-Crusades’, the genocidal ‘conquests’ of the First Crusade essentially took place inside Europe, or else close by in the Near East. These Viking-type raiding and trading military expeditions, led on horseback and operating from castles, were expanded into Western Europe (the Celtic lands invaded from the Frankish base in England) and into Eastern Europe (the Baltics and Russia). However, the revolution came with the export of this aggressive Eurocentric mentality to distant lands through the ‘Conquistadors’ (same word) in what we now call Latin America 500 years ago. They were the fruit of Columbus’ imperialist and capitalist venture of 1492 and were followed by da Gama’s money-seeking ventures to southern Africa and India in 1497. They triggered a global revolution because they led to the worldwide genocide and plunder of other peoples and the destruction of their civilisations. Clive of India, Rhodes of Africa, Clinton of Serbia, Bush of Iraq and Biden of the Ukraine were only the conquistadors of later times. However, today we are seeing the end of their Conquistador Civilisation.
Our Great Reset
Thus, now we come to the end of the vital crossroads year of 2022 and a revolution that happens only once every 500 years. What we had been waiting for over so many years is now here. The date of 24 February 2022 has already gone down in world history. With the incredibly aggressive refusal of Washington to allow the Kiev puppet regime to grant freedom to the people of the Donbass, Russia has been obliged to turn to Defence Plan B, to partial mobilisation and the demilitarisation and liberation of all of the Ukraine and even beyond, as the suicidal attitudes of the Western world will oblige it to do. A limited operation has had to be turned by Western aggression into a full-scale war and the US/West/NATO has deprived itself of peace and prosperity through its suicidal sanctions. It means the end of Western Conquistador Civilisation. Thus, we try to peer over the horizon into 2023 and beyond. What will come once the Ukrainian war is over?
Some who follow the Western reporting of the conflict may be surprised by these statements. However, that reporting has been a strange mixture of delusional fantasies/wishful thinking and straightforward propaganda, organised by Western secret services and PR agencies, omitting truth, logic and reality. Venal journalists have been ordered to report such nonsense from on high – otherwise, they would have lost their careers and their income. Such reporting has essentially been destined to try and keep Western peoples under control in the hardships they are facing as a result of the suicidal decisions of their US-controlled political elites.
The US elite is making use of the meagre resources of its NATO vassals (so-called ‘allies’), using as its battlefield the Ukraine and as its cannon fodder Ukrainians and mercenaries. But Russian victory is inevitable, even if delayed because the US is deliberately and suicidally making the Ukraine into its Second Vietnam. The Western elite wants to fight ‘to the last Ukrainian’. (“We don’t care how many Ukrainians will die. How many women, children, civilians and military. We don’t care. Ukraine cannot take the peace decision. The peace decision can only be taken in Washington. But for now we want to continue this war, we will fight to the last Ukrainian.” Former US Senator Richard Blake). Therefore, it is immorally supplying all sorts of lethal arms for hundreds of thousands more of these hoodwinked Slavs to die or to be maimed.
Even if some in NATO dare to send more tens of thousands of the ‘willing’ to be slaughtered in the Ukraine directly, and not pretending to be Ukrainians, as with the many, many thousands of mainly Polish mercenaries at present, many of them already killed, that victory is still inevitable. Given Western aggression and intransigeance, Russia has been preparing for a full-scale Continental war ever since 2014. Even if next year the Polish Army with its new 200,000 reservists armed to the teeth by the USA, attacks, Russia is ready. Although the prophecies of elders indicate May 2024 as the end of this ten-year long war (the US elite started it through its paid Ukrainian puppets in 2014), prophecies are always conditional on repentance and we should not try to predict exact details from them. Whatever happens, the next few years are going to see revolutionary transformations worldwide as a result of this war.
The New World Order
The most dramatic event after its defeat in the Ukraine will surely be the retreat of the USA, as it is expelled from Eurasia, a process which began in Vietnam and then continued in Iraq and Afghanistan. The nationalist Trump wanted to withdraw voluntarily, but he was not allowed to, therefore the humiliating US withdrawal will happen by force, as it did in Kabul. ‘Yanks, go home’, chants the whole world, including many in Western Europe, tired of US tyranny. In Eurasia the US now occupies only a few islands (Taiwan, Japan, Singapore), the tips of two peninsulas (Korea and Western Europe) and the seaboard edge Israel. It will have to leave all of these, except for the Non-Palestinian parts of Israel. Taiwan will naturally return to China, Japan will have to find its own way, reconciling itself to a reunited Korea and submitting itself to China economically. For Western Europe, see below.
Once home, the USA will have to lick its wounds and be deoligarchised by popular revolt. The dedollarisation of the world economy is already under way, with very serious consequences for the deindustrialised US economy. The American Empire will undergo deimperialisation, like the European Empires after 1945, and, if at all possible, have to find some sort of unity, identity and sovereignty in its highly polarised, highly indebted and highly fragilised situation. Outside the US, the world chants ‘Yanks, go home’, but inside the US, ordinary Americans chant: ‘Feds, go home’. It is the same thing. The swamp must be drained. The departure of the USA from Western Europe after its eighty-year long occupation will mean the end of the already much disarmed and futile NATO. The suicidal bankruptcy of the European countries will also lead to the end of NATO’s political and economic arm, the EU.
This will mean the reconfiguration of the tip of the European peninsula and its resovereignisation, a process which has already begun in Hungary. In the Western Balkans, Camp Bondsteel, the second largest US base in the world, will be abandoned, and Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia will rearrange themselves in the post-American world, the world of long-awaited justice. The future of Europe is not thousands of miles across the Atlantic, but eastwards, next door, in its natural sources of energy, food, fertiliser and manufactures. Europe as a separate Continent is after all a pure fiction, an artificial construct which was created from and cut off from the Eurasian landmass for purely political reasons. Europe is about to learn this, as it returns to its roots, which Russia alone has kept. A Russian-led Europe provides the prospect of a unity of sovereign but confederal Northern Eurasia ‘from sea to shining sea’, in fact, from Reykjavik to Tokyo. It is the future, in which the USA is utterly irrelevant. Its ‘lies-based order’ of genocidal chaos is over.
Inside Russia itself the transformation has already begun, with treacherous members of the ‘creative class’ gone to their spiritual home in Israel, with Pugachova and Zelensky, as well as across the borders to Georgia and Finland. This cleansing process and the ensuing Re-Russification of Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus will go far. After the deviations of 200 years of Imperial Russia – and there were very serious deviations then – otherwise Tsar Nicholas II would not have wanted to return to pre-Imperial Russia, to ‘Rus’ and there would never have been 1917 – 75 years of Marxist Sovietisation and 30 corrupt years of the Americanisation and so oligarchisation, the transformation has far to go. There will be a great and radical refreshing and cleansing of national identity after this unheard-of period of decadence and corruption, which ultimately stretches back over 300 years. All Russian institutions, including the still Sovietised Church, together with its small branches founded by post-1917 emigres, will be transformed. The uncompromised Russian Church, freed from the moneychangers, will arise from the embarrassing ruins of the past. The past is over. The arrival of the future in 2022 has made it all so irrelevant.
The New Christian Order
As regards the current versions of Western Christianity, Protestantism (1517-2017) is largely a spent force within the Western world, its 500-year best before date is up. Just as it was launched by printing technology, it has been ended by internet technology. Puritanism preached ‘Hate the sin and especially hate the sinner’, now its just as aggressive descendant, Wokeism, preaches, ‘Love the sinner and especially love the sin’. In other words, all is permitted. The once full churches of Protestantism close down in their hundreds every year in the Western world. It was what it was, a moralising and White Supremacist blip in history, both for good, as in keeping promises, honesty, integrity and moral uprightness, and for bad, as in the ruthless and unsustainable exploitation of human and natural resources, including slavery, the obsession with money and saving money, as well as boring and iconoclastic philistinism caused by narrow-minded bigotry, and the tragic, rigid, literalist, moralising, unnatural and pharisaical repression of human nature, causing crass hypocrisy and misogyny, to the point of the slaughter of women as ‘witches’.
As for Roman Catholicism, throwing out the baby with the bathwater, it was taken over by the CIA in the early sixties to be used as a political battering ram against the USSR. And it too is also largely a spent force (1054-2054?) in the Western world. Covered-up pedophilia and the misogyny of compulsorily unmarried and frustrated clerics, some of them perverts, now exposed, are killing it off. Little wonder that some say that the present Pope is the last one. However, if Catholicism can be freed of American and European political stooges and cleansed of its inherent millennial secularism, it at least can return to roots (Protestantism as a schismatic, splintering protest opinion movement has in itself no roots to return to). Liberated from Rome, the people now called ‘Catholics’ can reflourish in new forms, especially in Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia, providing that Catholicism goes native, yet remains traditional, and the Global South’s clergy’s almost universal, but hypocritically concealed marriages can be recognised officially. This will mean Catholicism divesting itself of the secularist and corrupt Western Middle Ages and returning to the spirit of the pre-Roman Catholic Faith of first millennium Western Europe.
As regards the Non-Western, Orthodox Church, the 200 million in the at present fifteen local branches of the Orthodox Church, the Dewesternisation revolution will be just as radical. At present there is the 7%, the 14 million of the Greek Churches of Constantinople, Greece, Cyprus, Alexandria and Jerusalem. Once the US Establishment, which stands behind them all and meddles intensively in their affairs, has retreated, freedom will come to them at last. As for the Russian Church, the 70% or 140 million, just as for the 23% or 46 million of the other Non-Greek Churches, in Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Antioch, Macedonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Albania, the revolution will also necessarily be radical. They are all going to have to be freed from the Western disease of worldliness:
‘And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, and said to them: It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves’.
The whole Russian policy over the last twenty-two years to move towards a multipolar/polycentric world is now coming to fruition. The Big Four, Russian, China, India and Iran, are being joined by many countries from all Continents in the Global South in huge and powerful Non-Western organisations like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), the SCO (Shanghai Co-operation Organisation) and the EEU (Eurasian Economic Union), to form a new G20 to replace the failed American vassal one.
Now this multipolar/polycentric world, inherently anti-centralist, will be reflected in ramifications everywhere. The old and failed centralisation, which has always brought corruption in its wake, will gradually disappear and people may be seen for what they are. This is a warning to all tyrants and bullies, who have promoted artificial unions and institutions all over the world. Your secrets are being found out. Your time is up. We shall not die on our knees, but live on our feet. It is time for the Deimperialisation and the Resovereignisation of both whole countries and of individual souls.
1 January 2023
why do i keep seeing iran in the list of the big four is always a mystery to me. as an iranian i dont see any greatness in our technological and industrial capabilities. we may become powerfull if we survive the current protests, regime change and ecnomic maelstrom of our own making.
Iran is central to Eurasia and Eurasia is central to world domination by any global government. Iran and Ukraine are the two key components to any world leadership rule. Brzezinski presents Ukraine as the pivotal country for containing Russia. He says, “Ukraine is the critical state, insofar as Russia’s future evolution is concerned”. He says, “Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire”. This is another example of his skillful wording because Ukraine as part of a hostile military alliance does not only prevent a Russian “empire”; it presents a potential threat. Kyiv is less than 500 miles from Moscow and Ukraine was a major route of the Nazi invasion.
i dont have a doubt about the geopolitical value of Ukraine and iran. what i am saying is that iran by it self and under this govement fails to be the most powerful in its own region. additionaly its plauged by unbelievable number of faults and problems which now turned into a cancer inside iran, economic mismangment, worsening welfare, constant devaluation of our currency, decaying and sometimes incomplete infrastructure that is wasting alot of resources and making Iran incaple of competition in industry, but above all an atmosphere of cynism and distrust towards the goverment. especially in the current situation in Iran.
Russia and China as well as anyone with an IQ above room temperature would strongly disagree with your evaluation.
Iran isn’t just Iran, Iran is the nucleus of the Axis of Resistance, spread far and wide.
Keeping Russia and Iran apart is US-NATO’s’-Israel’s greatest achievement to date. The Zionist and Neocon long term plan of suffocating Iran/Ally is Over. Iran survived the brutality and stood firm. Iran will flourish economically (150 Billion) in foreign investment and it will take it’s rightful place on the BRICS + Security Council, which in Zone B will not have a western UN deadbeat majority of declining powers.
Thank you for answering Yi-Ping so well. I would only add that we should be mindful of the severe damage wrought by the US in both Iran and the Ukraine. Decades of blockades, assassinations, and coups have not destroyed Iran. But then it doesn’t have a Jewish government.
Sounds a bit like you don’t support your Country who is fighting against the war mongering uS. In case you didn’t know your Country Iran is under unbelievable sanctions etc that make life tough for all Iranians. You post is a disappointment.
Control narrative troll, highly likely Ashkenazi whose only relation to Iran is the saffron in his mother’s Matzo Balls.
If the current political system in Iran were to be brought down, most likely by the US/Neocons working in the background, the country of Iran will be no more, à la the former Yugoslavia. What will ensue as result is the division of Iran into a number of smaller and much weaker vasal states, along ethnic and racial divides, run by the Neocons and their masters in the City of London, from behind. This may also be the method by which the political system gets taken down. I.e., a color revolution using violence à la the Ukraine 2014. Thus, the unrest that we have witnessed more recently, and even previously.
Think of the context. Iran has been under sanctions for almost a century and yet , not only it survived but it is a major player. Countties capitulate to the west suffering much less, Iran is doing great.
As an Indian iranian youth I see and meet seem to be totally deluded. They sallow the whole western propaganda about not just West but almost every other country and even about themselves.
I have had stupid arguments with Iranians on number of topics peaceful indian elections, India respects women and is so safe for women. We are so deprived it’s so mind boggling. Iranian men treat women so badly meanwhile bunch of iranian women gossiping on a picnic while men are slaving over stoves and barbecues cooking while their toddlers cling on to their trousers. So blind that they can’t see over at the other benches with South Asian men joking around drinking tea while their women cook and take care if children.
Wake up is my message. If anyone is giving you dumb pills stop them and develop some critical reasoning and thinking. And for gods sake stop the intellectual navel gazing look around the world and see it’s reality.
of course they do but as i said there is an atmosphere of extreme cynism in Iran where people are patheticly tricked into believing all sore of BS. but this BS is believed by many and that is dangerous plus its strengthend by our goverment’s incompetence and heavy economic pressure. it sort of reminds me of late USSR where people couldent believe anything the goverment said
You see Iran, because being part of the New World is not just a question of size, or any other objective measurement. You are seeing it because it has constructed a major Paradigm Shift, from an old, anachronistic one, to a new one, one which fits the new Dominant Paradigm constructed and enacted by Russia and China, and increasingly the other named nations.
This is what I wrote further down, but it explains your query also:
There is a name, the “collective West”, which is also the American Empire; America, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, the nations of the Atlantic Peninsula, generally known as “Europe”. They are all part of the Old World, in terms of Paradigms. They are the nations clinging to an anachronistic Paradigm, which was that life consisted of violent attack, invasion, and taking of value by force. They sailed the world from that Atlantic Peninsula and UK, and invaded, killing lawful inhabitants of lands they invaded. American “Indians”, Canadian “Indians; the Inca and Maya of the Andean Continent, the peoples of the Caribbean; nations of Africa, and the Pacific Orient, China, Vietnam, India and the Global South, killing, invading, killing, and taking, stealing, creating Poverty as they went. This was the Age of Empire;. these were Empires – not only the biggest, the AngloSaxon Empire of Britain then America, but France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain. They destroyed Ancient Peoples, of Russia via the Empire backed Revolution, and China also. But their day is gone, they are done. The People of Empire are clinging onto an old Paradigm. They talk of a New World Order, but they are Old World; old in belief and Paradigm and outlook. The New World is made of those nations the Old World destroyed, either partly or totally, and New World is led by Russia and China, with others slowly joining in. The new world has a new Paradigm, one of mutual respect, co-operation, non-interference in the sovereignty of neighbouring peoples, and it’s time has come. 2022 was the pivotal year when this became apparent, and now it will slowly solidify, grow and become rapidly more accepted as the Old World flies West with the Cranes. Even in Mayan history, the West was known as the Dark place from which Death came. It’s day is done. The sun rises in the East, and it’s from there the New World is beginning, the East and the North. Thank God for it – may it grow swiftly and the misery the world has known for 500 years be put to rest as soon as can be.
you are under-estimating your country and people who are playing a pivotal role in the creation of a new world, wake up and don’t be hookwinked by the satanic western narratives
Their drones seem to be pretty kickass.
I do not think there is a reason to demonize european civilization especially so far back in time.
As a Greek i have significant reasons to despise the crusades nevertheless i recognize that the original purpose at least was to help Romania against the muslims.
As for Iberia , what can i say? I am not displeased that it is not in muslim hands, besides the muslims conquered it violently too.
islamophobia mislead you… Muslims did not just conquer Iberia out of nothing..only if you knew, the christians in southern Iberia demanded Muslims on the other side of the sea to rescue them from the pagans who forced them to believe in the new pagan christianity….go do some research about it. Its not how you were taught.
“From your lips to God’s ears.”
Thank you
“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values of religion (to which few members of other civilizations were converted), but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do”. Samuel Phillips Huntington – The Clash of Civilizations, Chapter Two.
For Westerners, or anyone for that matter, to forget this fact, one would need to know of it in the first place. Few do and thus remained unsettled on matters that those the object of Western Enlightenment Interventionisms know far too well. So long as they do not complain or seek to act in their own interests.
China and Russia have the military power to act in their own interests. It is this that directly threatens the integrity, entirely false, of Washington’s Principle Enlightenment Paradigm – that The West exists as a force for good in the world. It is when the myths that civilizations tell themselves cease to be convincing is when they pass into decline.
The paramount task of Russia and China is to convince the Washington Elites that resorting to desperate measures or the threat – read nuclear weapons – is no longer credible.
Discussed here in lengthy, abstruse and eclectic prose across several essays that will leave the reader visibly aged, yet possibly far wiser although admittedly that is entirely speculative . . .
“superiority in applying organized violence”
Perhaps not “superiority”, but “willingness”. I present you an example:
In 1405, fleet of 200 Chinese ships under the Admiral Zheng He started a series of voyages. With 30,000 sailors and marines sailed from China, through Southeast Asia, India, Arabia to East Africa. They met many petty chiefdoms and tribes. Yet they did not conquer or colonise a SINGLE one, they only established diplomatic contact and trade routes.
In 1492, a fleet of 3 ships and maybe 100 men under Columbus started a series of voyages to the Americas. Immediately conquests and colonisation began.
Why the difference? Where the Chinese less powerful? Were they less able to project violence?
Another example, a quote from the former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir (paraphrased from memory):
“We have traded with the Chinese for two thousand years, yet the have never conquered or colonised us. But within 50 years of contact with the Europeans, they had already started taking our lands.”
Superiority or Willingness ?
Every Westerner knows about colonialism – we’re reminded of it every day by our globalist elites…
The question is do the Russians and Chinese reflect on the fact that they are yet to give up THEIR OWN imperial territories?
I want to go back to your earlier articles on Germany and the energy crisis. You had predicted that the shift to LNG will be very difficult. I read that they have already brought one regassification plant online.
Plus sone claims I see where in One single ship from US unloaded it’s LNG which constituted 6% of germanys LNG requirements..
Also the claim that it’s gas stores are 99% full and gas prices at retail level are no different from last year thanks to 200 billion euros subsidy.
So am I reading lots of misinformation or has Germany genuinely been able to ward off any overt crisis now for near future ie 2023.
You are reading lots of misinformation. Try finding a couple of reliable data points, and then put away your papers and think. To start, you could look at the 10-year chart:
What would be the effect on a household, a factory, or a supermarket?
The ‘Big Four’ are the only truly sovereign nations on Earth. Iran has proven to be one of the most powerful nations. It managed to withstand the incredibly obscene pressure from the Empire of the Satan for 40+ years. Even Russia, to my utmost regret, after the destruction of the USSR, abandoned Iran and silently supported the Satanic pressure and constant threats by Anglo-Saxons and Zionists.
The spirit of the people, the ability of the nation, to stick to its beliefs in the face of the Global Evil is MUCH MORE powerful than any bloody iphones / teslas / whatever tech-gadgetry trinkets that I suppose you consider to be a demonstration of “technological” capabilities.
I’d argue, in the line-up of the Big Four, Iran is #1, Russia is #2, China (yet to prove its ability and stamina to withstand the onslaught of the Satanic ‘West’) is a remote #3. As for India, I, personally think this country has not yet demonstrated its ability to be truly sovereign. The only (minor) sign of standing up for itself has been over the last 10 months when India, counter to orders from the Zionist Washington, continued to buy Russian oil. Compare this type of “rebellion” vs. 40 years of truly standing and withstanding alone by Iran!!!
I kneel in awe to what the Persian People have accomplished!!! They showed Russia (who was almost lost between 1991 and 2014) the way, IMHO. I personally think there are Big Three (Iran, Russia, and China – in that order) who will change the World.
this was intended to be a reply to OnePinguArmy’s post (the 1st post in the comments re “why Iran is included in the Big Four”). This is the first time posting on theSaker, I guess I did not press all the right buttons…
dont worry i found your comment. as per iran being strong, we dont have such a feeling in Iran. strong nations has good infrastructure and good welfare not just a good army. years of hallow and unfulfield promises, political partisanship, corruption, incompetence, mismangment , nepotism and lack of long term program made everyone of the so called “grey ” people ( those who are not at favor of the current system nor those who are fans) distrust the narrative and rhetoric of our leaders, that being said i hate the Western empire and its actions and idealogy more than anything else and by no mean i want a regime change. but i have no hope for improvement under this leadership.
@OnePinguArmy, hang in there. What you are describing as negatives, IMHO, material manifestations of the Satanic West trying to subdue Iran at all cost — France stealing Iran’s money and freezing assets, Yankees stealing Iran’s money and constantly threatening with killing its people, Zionists constantly killing Iran’s scientists and leaders.
When any country is under such a pressure and cannot develop its economy normally (trade is embargoed by the US/Satan, money is stolen, etc.) it is only logical that the country, like a Castle under siege, prepares itself for the Final Battle and invests primarily in its military. Think of the USSR in 1938-1941. After the Satanic ‘west’ got into bed with Hitler / Munich Agreement (after US, Brits, and Jews funded Hitler’s re-militarization for 5 years in 1933-1938), USSR in 1938-1941 invested ONLY in building up its military to prepare for the inevitable war. Iran has been in this situation not for 4 years, but for 40!
Now that FINALLY (!!!) Russia woke up from its delirious infatuation with the Satanic West and China is on the verge of that — Iran will have a lot of cash freed up from preparing to survive against the Global Satan and start spending more and more on infrastructure and development. Eurasia is finally coming together. Trade and prosperity for countries inside Eurasia. And building a CASTLE on its borders against the Satanic west to ensure security and no repetition of colonialization, hiltlerism, nazism, ukrainism, americanism, and any other rapacious atrocities the ‘civilized west’ has invented since their ‘Enlightenment’ to enslave humanity.
So, hang in there, I bet you will start seeing signs of improvement in the next few years! Unless the Great Satan launches the nuclear attack on Russia. And then, as Vladimir Putin said, “we will all go to Heaven, and the Satanic West will plunge into Hell”, where it belongs…
i. hope that this is their final attack on us, im well aware of those points you mentioned, but what i wrote in the comment section isnt just my personal feeling, its what most people around me feels. maybe im in a group of partisan and deluded people.
No this is not the final attack on Iran. There are more to come probably even more challenging.
In 1990 Russia went bankrupt, newly formed business with contacts in Europe and US raised money abroad brought mineral and other assets stole hundreds of billions of dollars and parked it in Europe while Russians by large starved, stores had empty shelves, people started growing their own food to survive. That they owned their homes was the only thing that saved them from being homelessness by millions. Look at Libya those protesters loved to rock the boat and thought they could fix the govt and be more free, richer. Try to Google what their conditions are.
Same with Ukraine. There too young people looking for comfort and earning and mainly ability to migrate easily to western Europe they formed the key support for the coup. They were sold dreams of deliverance and prosperity for themselves by escaping to other countries. They never thought who was behind those who were selling them those dreams?
Now they are devastated. Country completely destroyed all for greed. For easy way out of their troubles. You can’t shaft your own system and govt while outsiders wait to take advantage of you
This is the simple truth people in country after country are unable to grasp.
You can never ever win by weakening your government and system.
Same with lebanon, syria and a number of other countries
The vultures are just waiting to tear you open the moment you fall on the ground even before you die.
You Iranis don’t know what poverty is. I have many friends from Iran and many of my own friends have been to Iran.
Check out Venezuela which is just as well endowed with oil wealth and see how it is compared to Iran.
Most of all check out your neighborhood right across. Iraq, Syria want to turn into them?
Don’t see what you don’t have see what you have that is better than many who are poorer than you.
US a mighty super power of unimaginable power just one small pin prick of no consequence ie 9/11 turned it into a veritable police state. They spent more than 3 Trillion on the consequences and are set to destroy themselves all Originating in that one small incident.
Imagine what Iran would have been if it went down the same path. I know most Iran is secretly see Saudi Arabia and think they could have been as comfortable as Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is more stifling society that Iran. It has same wealth with one fourth the population your conditions if you had allied with USA and sold your soul wouldn’t have been the same as Saudi Arabia financially.
So stop envying the conditions of others more comfortable than you look at how worse you could have become. Your conditions are unique to you. The world is not fair not are circumstances fair. Those are the conditions given to you. How you face those conditions is what makes you make the best of what you have. It takes multiple generations to overcome problems there are no shortcuts.
You need to build national character.
Corruption is business dealings is rife among most Iranis they don’t realise this. Too much justification of extreme greed in dealings is normalised by your society First correct that as a society you will have better results than cribbing about government
Now, now, Russia has literally been under attack since the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204. So Russia has like 800+ years in the fight against Satan, not just 40+ years like Iran. But yes, Russia is the bear, and bears need to hibernate every now and then, and are vulnerable during hibernation. So while Russia was a bit weak post 1991, Russia is now back up to nearly full strength again.
But I agree with OnePinguArmy in that he doesn’t “see any greatness in our [Iran’s] technological and industrial capabilities. we [Iran] may become powerfull if we survive the current protests, regime change and economic maelstrom of our own making”. He only forgot about the long term regional drought / water shortage in the Middle East which is not of Iran’s making. But Russia has got enough wheat so the people in Iran won’t starve.
Brother Batiushka’s lyrical writings remind of the messaging of the Chechen Khadyrov: so upbeat, heart-warming, historically satisfying. However both a little premature. Invariably will be proven right and are in tune with destiny and karma, but they see too far for most.
Thank you for an amazing essay, Batyushka! What a wonderful retrospective and a visionary essay!
I subscribe to every word of what you are predicting will happen to the earthly world. I do have only one exception with your predictions, which I wholeheartedly hope won’t come true.
And it concerns Europe.
When the World is finally free from the shackles of the Satanic West, led by Russia (and assisted by China and Iran), I hope Europe will be reduced to a poor, inconsequential backwater of the World. Why? Because it deserved it. With all its 500-year history of incessant genocide, rapacious colonialism, and, since 1945, obsequious obedience to their Satanic Master. People in Europe (and especially its “elites”) deserve to spend the next 500 years in abject poverty and suffering, to fully drink from that well that they (and their current Satanic Master across the Atlantic) imposed on the rest of the world.
They don’t deserve to simply “become sovereign” again. There is simply no divine justice in this sort of development. And divine justice towards the Satanic West the rest of the World is craving!
This is vengful thinking that leads to nothing good.
Why do you think the Elites now are about to throw the general European population into abject poverty ?
Why do you think Russia is doing what they can to prevent that from happening ?
Great response here. Wish more thought like you.
The type of thinking you refer to will bring nothing but more $hit, which then will lead to nothing but even more $hit.
Time to break the cycle and think the RF is doing just that.
Excellent reply, iR. The proper and fitting response to petty-minded and self-righteous vindictiveness is NOT more of the same, just in the other direction.
For the truly guilty, no mercy and no forgiveness. For everyone else, the opportunity to do better.
People in Europe have spent the past 500 years in abject poverty and suffering. Here’s a work of fiction that shows present reality for OFP in the UK:
Ken Loach – “I, Daniel Blake”
Rector, I have an inner chuckle reading this. The lineaments of de-imperialized US you sketch here are those our founders desired and attempted to put into institutional practice. We are an island nation, not a continental nation, and other nation’s affairs are none of our business unless they attack our communications inside the order of nations, to which we too belong. The same oceans which protect us prevent us from sustaining military operations on another continent. We have no need for conquest. We are refugees from imperialism, not natively perpetrators of it.
It’s our American responsibility to dethrone and banish low-minded ones who, like their forebears the Sicarii — cf. American Russian Lithuanian Emma Goldman – have cut their way to seize our powers of government in order to abort us and everyone else in sight. True anarchists: nothing they say is true and nothing they do is healthy.
Vladimir Putin — and especially “combined Vladimir Putin” — is a Paladin at work. I enjoy watching him and his troupe of competent officials. The Army of Titus indeed. Sicarii, you recall, jumped off a cliff at Herod’s redoubt rather than undergo mass crucifixion.
I thought thus article outstanding in its predictions for the future. More strength to your arm, Batiushka!
I would like to address two points brought up in the above comments. Firstly, I think Iran will once again become the great civilisation it clearly once was. It will receive necessary help from Russia and China in the coming years to do so.
Secondly, the underlying misogyny of the Abrahamic religions will have to be admitted, understood and overcome.
Nothing of substance to add other than I can see and agree with what you wrote. Always enjoy your articles. Hope you have a great new year. Same goes for the host and everyone else who is reading this article.
To call the Reconquista a “Frankish” effort make me doubt seriously about the history knowledge of the author about all the rest.
Spain was never Frankish, or Carolingian. It has its own history, pretty different from all the rest of Europe (remember the motto Europe ends in the Pyrenees?) and it’s probably one of the few places where crusaders were in the right side of history.
In [ЦРС] we quote the Church-Slavonic book ‘The Passion of the Christ’. As it happens, according to church tradition in order to capture Jerusalem the armies marched not from the WEST, but from the EAST. In other words, from Russia-Horde. — Fomenko
” They triggered a global revolution because they led to the worldwide genocide and plunder of other peoples and the destruction of their civilisations.”
There is nothing new about genocide and plunder of other people and destruction of their civilisation. It has happened in the world on an increasing level since the dawn of time, going from tribal- to national- to empire level.
The global revolution happened in naval technology, enabeling warfare and trade against inferior opponents.
The Anglo-Saxons from their naval fortresse have destroyed continental Europe twice in a century, and is now working on doing it for a third time before their power slips away as the rest of the world catches up and the game changes.
Thanks for an uplifting article, I wish most of it becomes reality going forward into 2023.
” Venal journalists have been ordered to report such nonsense from on high – otherwise, they would have lost their careers and their income. Such reporting has essentially been destined to try and keep Western peoples under control in the hardships they are facing as a result of the suicidal decisions of their US-controlled political elites”
These Journalists call this a democracy. Every time I see them I want to throw my shoe through the TV and here is why:
I think that Emma Goldman said that if elections change anything, they would be outlawed. This is certainly true of Canadas and the USA. English writer G.K. Chesterton got it right when he said: “When the Founding Fathers talked about democracy they did indeed mean, doubtless, the government of the people, by the people, for the people. But they meant the government of the people they knew, by the people they knew, for the people they knew.”
In Canada, it’s the winner take all even though the winner in the election was voted in by less than 30% of the popular vote. In almost every policy proposed by parties other than the governing party the proposal will not see the light of day. This is not democracy, and in fact this is dictatorship of the minority where the opposition might as well not exist.
For democracy to exist parliamentarians must be seen as advocates for consensus where private and public interest must be seen as one. In a democracy cooperation would ensure that collective needs of the community would be placed ahead of partisanship. The only way to achieve this is through proportional representation. This way we will get rid of the dominant narrative, and the media that serves that narrative. This way we would also eliminate conflict, buffoonery, incompetence, corruption, and theft of public property that has characterized the parliamentary system for centuries that Trudeau defends.
In Trudeau’s Canada the CBC that he controls tells us that in our political democracy we are allowed to think and speak freely which supposedly guarantees citizens many individual rights…even when our attitudes, opinions and facts are contrary to the aims of powerful nations and most of its people. Individual rights repeated by the Prime Minister is a constant lie, also, repeated by the news readers who marginalize any opposite view.
The government propaganda outlet, the CBC, is parroted by CTV, Global and myriad of radio and TV stations who read from the same script and claim that we have representatives in government, a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and an independent Judiciary, which protects these rights but this is only true if you have a deep pocket, and connections. However, these institutions created by the government, that guarantee these rights are seldom accountable to the rule of law, due process, and independence because those who make the laws also enforce and interpret them. In most cases appointments to these institutions are undemocratic and rife with cronyism and nepotism.
For example, NATO is at war with Russia, thus since Canada is a member of NATO, Canada is at war with Russia. For the past 70 years its members including Canada were almost continually on one side of every issue even when war crimes were committed like in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Libya. We participate in UN unsanctioned wars and constantly violate the UN charter, which is also our law, but no one is ever accountable for these violations.
Our national media justifies our involvement using government produced evidence which is never verified. Declassified intelligence files expose the inconvenient truths of Canada’s complicity in war crimes after the fact but no one is accountable and the media lies are never questioned buy the ombudsman who like many other cronies is appointed by the government
I need to ask, must one be in favor of war in which NATO participates, and if one questions the government action, they risk the chance of being marginalized, silenced, unpublished and fired if in academic or government employment.
If one looks at any NATO country, it is evident that democracy is owned by the few, and the process is dominated by wealth to create more wealth for the few. This is the key method by which the inequality and injustices of our economic system are legitimated, and popular consent engineered by their media ownership who define this as democracy. Our economic system does not tolerate equal access to decision-making or truly open dissent. In fact, we prioritize profit-making above all social or environmental concerns or contribution to human progress. Nonetheless, we are persuaded to believe that our economic system is, or at least can be, democratic. Yes, it can be, only if compared to what it is and what it should be.
One of the fundamental elements of democracy is freedom of speech. They tell us we have freedom of speech but how can that be when others control the microphone? Editors and managers of TV outlets do not have freedom of speech either, as they are constrained by fear of losing their job, as well as the need to sell Ads.
In the private media the same control exists, the major television channels and radio outlets are in the hands of small influential groups or large and dominant ones like Google and Twitter that have the ear of the government whose narrative they promote as the only truth. The control is being challenged by the internet, and recent attempts through legislation have been made to bring the internet under government control which would mean under corporate control as must recently exposed with Twitter.
When every media outlet sings with one voice what are we to think? The only time they want to hear from us is when they ask for money or when we agree with them. Therefore, we use national security as an excuse to control the Media and to arrest whistle blowers who expose government lies, like Assange, Manning, Snowden, and many others.
Some measure democracy with a chirp and say we are more democratic than Cuba, or Russia or China. Certainly, we are more democratic than many nations, but our measure of democracy should be against what we have and what it should be. We are a long way from achieving political democracy but even farther away from achieving economic democracy.
The economy is dominated by corporations and at the same time the political process is dominated by the same corporations who establish rules (remember 39%) approve policy which in most cases channels wealth to the 1% that pays to elect the 39%. Every media outlet tells us about our political democracy but consistently ignore the fact that the media does not represent our point of view and in fact they speak for the dictatorship that owns them and tells them what to report. The media and its owners constantly ignore the economic policy and structure which is the fundamental element of democracy.
This singular unit of thought or likeness does not promote political diversity if it does not question the economic inequality organized by those who dominate policy, media, law, and by this the economy. To this end other nations must abide by our rules and if they refuse, we sanction them and if that fails, we invade them ant tell them it was done for their own good. Lack of standards in the media makes them complicit in war crimes and they are an instrument in aiding and abetting state terrorism.
For example, everything said and written about the conflict in Ukraine is written by us in the Global North who control the economic rules of the planet. Every expert on Russian history is their expert. Every military expert on warfare, are the losers from Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Middle East are their military experts. Nearly all the grandiose treatises on Ukraine are written by those from the past and present economic colonialist from America and Europe, which are almost all formed nations that armed the Nazis during WWII.
This same scenario that is being used by the media in Ukraine was used to breakup Yugoslavia. The established mythos of the Bosnian War is that Serb separatists, encouraged and directed by Slobodan Milošević and his acolytes in Belgrade, sought to forcibly seize Croat and Bosniak territory in service of creating an irredentist “Greater Serbia.” This is now attributed to Putin and Russia.
“This narrative was aggressively perpetuated by the mainstream media at the time, and further legitimized by the UN-created International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) once the conflict ended.” The western media at that time was complicit in protecting crimes against civilians by former Nazis like Izetbegovic and Croat diaspora and their paid lobbyists in the USA. This same media mentality is at play now in Ukraine that has enabled NATO war hawks to justify multiple military interventions and at the same time ignore Ukrainian Nazis crimes against their own people.
“However, a vast trove of intelligence cables sent by Canadian peacekeeping troops in Bosnia to Ottawa’s National Defence Headquarters, first published by Canada Declassified at the start of 2022”, exposes this Canadian government and Media narrative as cynical farce.
The farse that is Canadian Media obeys the narrative regardless of the death of many innocent people and jailed journalists who dared to tell the truth. The Canadian Media obeys the rules, when the rules are unjust; they want everything to fade into mist, and the truth to be erased by liars. CBC does not want to make sure that the erasure is forgotten, and most importantly the CBC wants the lie to become the truth. Let’s hope that some in the Media will have the courage to speak out and say we lied about Milosevic, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Serbia and we are lying now about Ukraine.
Yes, we do have a few installed puppets in the present economic colonial world we call Globalization, who parrot their colonial masters and remain their Uncle Toms who long time ago surrendered their sovereignty to the World Bank and the IMF and remain the proverbial fakir and Sufi or a token dark skinned in the front row of our government. Every day we see a dark-skinned person as news readers and sellers of burgers. They, like the drunk jester, Boris Yeltsin allowed their nation to be pillaged under the banner of democracy. Now the dark skinned are reading the narrative for others that not too long ago the white skinned readers read about them.
The colonial north told us the lie that during the Age of Colonial carve up of Asia, Africa, Americas ad Southern Europe we were “cultur tragen” or culture carriers when we were nothing more than robber barons living off slavery and misery of others. Today this servitude and misery of others is the “bull ring” held by the Globalists. Our human rights and democracy have been rejected by Asia, Africa, the Americas as another form of slavery. We accept, the present-day connotations of democracy as political equality which is thoroughly unjustified since the majority does not sit at the table to make economic policy.
Some of you may agree that the mischief started by the uneducated media popularizers who at nauseum repeat misconceptions, false labels, and mispresented ideologies that even they know are false. Even some of the more intelligent writers have become prey to popular pressure.
The modern intellectuals do not lead the masses anymore, but follow them on Google, Facebook., Twitter and Instagram and subordinate their ideas and language to the demands of the market. As Musk revealed recently all these giant media outlets who want to hear from us only publish our views when we agree with their lies. The confusion has now reached nuclear option because the world political decision makers is dominated by idiots, while the masses are silenced. T. S. Eliot tells us at the end of his ‘The Hollow Men’: This is the way the world ends’; ‘not with a bang but a whimper.
The Bush gang’s war of Infinite Justice bounces back and bites the US in the ass.
Iran is to take care of the ‘Stans in the BRI…
The looting started 2000 years ago with the expedition of the army of Alexander the homosexual, who did not return from the misadventure.
So only the armies of Western nations have engaged in looting? What was the Murghal empire? Are Russia and China going to be giving up all the land they took in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries?
Russian victory is inevitable, it is said, but its fulfillment postponed indefinitely. We heard the same refrain during Iran Iraq war. Extrapolating, I predict a prolonged stalemate, with ebbs and flows, and eventually a peaceful settlement after both zides have been sufficiently exhausted. Please prove me wrong.
The kill ration is arouind 1:8 in Russias favor, they also have a better recovery rate for their wounded.
Overtime, the outcome is given. There are more Russians than Ukrainians.
again, the author is loosing his common sens : who is Rurik ?
how is that that Russian soil ends in the extreme-far east ? because those asiatical ethnies demanded a tzar for protection ? the USA have their far-west conquest just like Russia has hers (Russia is a female name ? in french, it is the case)
besides, Moscow is supposed to be the third Rome, and orthodox chrisitanism the true christianism….soooo, it makes of Russia a part of the western world.
it seems to me that some russians are so thrilled by their coming victory, that they starting to loose contact with reality.
Geopffrey, communist from Belgium
Athough many seems to think so, Christ was not a Westener.
I take offense at orthodoxy being labelled western and i am no follower these days.
I agree with the rest though.
Technically Russia did not treat the conquerd subjects with the same ferocity , after all they still exist , then again, the Turks use similar arguments against us Greeks.
“It is time for the Deimperialisation and the Resovereignisation of both whole countries”
I totally understand the opposition to Western neo-imperialism but might I just ask if Russia and China will be giving up the imperial territories they took in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries?
Will we see freedom for the Tibetans, Uyghurs and Inner Mongolians?
“the systemic Western European superiority complex” came from the scientific and industrial revolutions which made the modern world and paved the way for imperial expansion JUST LIKE ANY OTHER civilisation in human history.
This victim complex really is a bit gay.
There is a name, the “collective West”, which is also the American Empire; America, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, the nations of the Atlantic Peninsula, generally known as “Europe”.
They are all part of the Old World, in terms of Paradigms. They are the nations clinging to an anachronistic Paradigm, which was that life consisted of violent attack, invasion, and taking of value by force. They sailed the world from that Atlantic Peninsula and UK, and invaded, killing lawful inhabitants of lands they invaded. American “Indians”, Canadian “Indians; the Inca and Maya of the Andean Continent, the peoples of the Caribbean; nations of Africa, and the Pacific Orient, China, Vietnam, India and the Global South, killing, invading, killing, and taking, stealing, creating Poverty as they went.
This was the Age of Empire;. these were Empires – not only the biggest, the AngloSaxon Empire of Britain then America, but France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain. They destroyed Ancient Peoples, of Russia via the Empire backed Revolution, and China also.
But their day is gone, they are done. The People of Empire are clinging onto an old Paradigm. They talk of a New World Order, but they are Old World; old in belief and Paradigm and outlook.
The New World is made of those nations the Old World destroyed, either partly or totally, and New World is led by Russia and China, with others slowly joining in. The new world has a new Paradigm, one of mutual respect, co-operation, non-interference in the sovereignty of neighbouring peoples, and it’s time has come.
2022 was the pivotal year when this became apparent, and now it will slowly solidify, grow and become rapidly more accepted as the Old World flies West with the Cranes. Even in Mayan history, the West was known as the Dark place from which Death came. It’s day is done. The sun rises in the East, and it’s from there the New World is beginning, the East and the North.
Thank God for it – may it grow swiftly and the misery the world has known for 500 years be put to rest as soon as can be.
Whilst, I agree with most of this especially after the Foreward, I reread some of Batiushka’s earlier pieces, and came across this, which I think is a wonderful piece of analysis.
I am just learning here. I have an open mind. I don’t know what’s going to happen next.
” Rasputin on May 11, 2022 · at 6:34 am EST/EDT ”
“As regards the Non-Western, Orthodox Church, the 200 million in the at present fifteen local branches of the Orthodox Church, the Dewesternisation revolution will be just as radical. At present there is the 7%, the 14 million of the Greek Churches of Constantinople, Greece, Cyprus, Alexandria and Jerusalem. Once the US Establishment, which stands behind them all and meddles intensively in their affairs, has retreated, freedom will come to them at last. As for the Russian Church, the 70% or 140 million, just as for the 23% or 46 million of the other Non-Greek Churches, in Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Antioch, Macedonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Albania, the revolution will also necessarily be radical.”
First of all, why not even a mention of the “Non-Greek Church” in Armenia? About 9,000,000 Orthodox Christians worldwide, largely “dewesternized” though dealing with the effects of Armenia’s 2018 so-called velvet revolution.
Second of all, relatedly, note the Armenian connection between Indo-European Iran and Georgia. Both Iran and Russia seem interested in maintaining that connection, at the expense of Turkey and its gruesome dreams. Coincidence?
This author’s writings contain the breath and broad sweep of Divine Spirit. There are few writers of this nature about today, and for that reason, it’s great to have you at Saker. Please keep on delivering your gems!
Typically I enjoy your articles but this statement is over the top:
“They were the fruit of Columbus’ imperialist and capitalist venture of 1492.”
Imperialist? He did not know a whole continent was in his way to get to India. Capitalist? Yes, if finding an alternate route to India meets that classification. You sound like the “Indians” in Oklahoma that I know. I ask every one of them why do they call you Indians? Not a single one could answer. I told them, because Columbus thought he had landed in India! It didn’t matter, they were told by their tribal leaders he was an imperialst pig and they’re going to stick with it. Henry the Navigator, Columbus, and other navigators were simply the GEEKS of their time. The American continents were going to be discovered, it was just a matter of time. Hell, the Portuguese traders kept tacking further and further to the West to get around the horn such that they were darn near to South America and didn’t know it. The Venetian Oligarchs shifted their operations West to Amsterdam and London after the League of Cambria because they could see the handwritting on the wall. It was all just a matter of time.
You write as if Columbus deserves universal acceptance of conquest and murder in the name of progress. The robbery and death in the Americas, Africa and Assia was sold by the robbers as a civilizing process, by culture carriers. They passed laws , which were interperted in the courts, taught in the schools and protected by mass media which continues to this day. “The cruel policy initiated by Columbus and pursued by his successors resulted in complete genocide.” not only in the Americas but everwhere the European set foot. Its not what the natives were told by their tribal leaders its what the colonizers washed out of them to make them obedient
Father, you (rightly, I believe) source this current evil to the Franks in your opening paragraph. You then insinuate that it has operated from various systems through the centuries. Where I have a problem is you conclude that it has reached the end of the line with the demise of the USA. With this I disagree. I fear that Europe (if anything of it survives the next few years) and Russia will not get off so easy. While this is likely the greatest setback this evil has experienced, it will not die in the USA. It is my opinion that the USA is merely its latest implement of destruction. Scarily, we are in the “use it or lose it” phase of USA tool life.
I believe that you will agree, that ultimately, the source of this evil is demonic. Hence, mankind is stuck with it until Christ returns. However, I believe that this evil is based in a more tangible entity. It is my suspicion that the Franks were successful in their intrigues with the Pope.
As for the Roman Catholic church, I don’t think that it has a future. When the masses believed in God, it was a useful people-management system. With the successful delivery of Scientism, it has been discarded.
Thank you for your writings.
Catholic Church continues to have a future as long as the ones who pay the indulgences cry when one of their Hitlerjugend pope dies and the youth in the West is encouraged to imitate the Hitler Youth haircuts. Young boys are encouraged to cut their hair in the Hitler Youth style and their parents and barbers have no idea what that haircut represented. Similarly, most people in the West have no idea who was Hitler’s Pope, Bandera, or Pavelic so they imitate evil due to ignorance.
@ Bill
“successful delivery of Scientism”
It’s interesting you know Bill that when it comes to climate change scientists ‘don’t understand certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up now and then.”
Know why that is? Because they completely ignore the enormous amount of teaching within the Bible concerning climate change as a form of Divine Communication which is what we are experiencing. Here a primer for you…
There is a reason why we find the words:
It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of a Living God.”
Good luck, Bill!
@ Bill
“successful delivery of Scientism”
I love the movie “Sunshine” you know the one where a team of astronauts / scientists travel out to the sun in the hopes of saving the earth from a dying sun. Best scene is where the scientist starts freaking out about screwing up the mission by saying “I can’t do a thousand calculations in my head, I just can’t” lol
If your not into Hollywood try this instead:
In San Diego, I talked with Captain Eddy. He had been with the expedition in the Marshall Islands on November 1, 1952, when America exploded her first hydrogen bomb. In a sober voice, Captain Eddy said, “No one could visualize the awfulness of that sight unless he were there in person.” Two hundred miles above the Pacific, the mighty hydrogen bomb was detonated. The blast lighted up thousands of miles of Pacific sky. At Auckland, New Zealand, 3,800 miles away from the scene of the blast, New Zealanders said the ocean showed a reflection that was blood red. “The scientists present at the scene were dreadfully shaken,” said Eddy. “They thought they had set the heavens aflame with a chain reaction of exploding atoms that would surely go around the world.” On returning from his mission, Captain Eddy asked to be transferred to another department of service and was given a position in the field of seismology, studying earthquakes back in the South Pacific.
Ah, science and their continuing gambling with our poor planet? Whats next damage the sun? than what? Oppss sorry about that?
and hey?
Time stamp 31. That did it for Călin Georgescu didn’t it? To learn about the people of the Marshall Islands and how before the arrival of the atomic testing were a people oblivious to such things as doctors and medicine with an average life span of 180 years old. A people now reduced to the life spans of barely 40 years and a tuna fishing industry wiped out!! That they UN buried his report speaks volumes does it not Ann? Yes, the truth needs burying alright. I remember watching the video how the military arrived and told the islanders about what they were going to do. How the land would be poisoned etc and those people not understanding it completely. What the military couldn’t show them the picture reels of the New Mexico testing?
@ Bill
“it was a useful people-management system.”
Unfortunately, there is another management system arriving that will see everyone receiving a type of QR Code in ones hand or forehead without which one will not be able to buy or sell. Colonel Edward House:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.
They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Yeah get it “social insurance” just another scam from our glorious bankers and note well the words:
“Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.”
Which can be read from a very old book written by a great man on the Island of Patmos Revelation 13~!!!!!
You going to take the red pill or blue? Make sure its the correct decision otherwise by, by, one will drink from God’s wrath for it!!!!
Bankers love science lol, giving them the key to everything, a people management system, computerization!
Thank you Batiushka.
“Clive of India, Rhodes of Africa, Clinton of Serbia, Bush of Iraq and Biden of the Ukraine were only the conquistadors of later times. However, today we are seeing the end of their Conquistador Civilisation.”
The only thing is we need many more thinkers, authors, writers and activists with the ability to connect the dots as you have done in your well written article.