What is even the point of committing on the number of violations by Kiev,24,one day,46,one day,72,one day,26 another day,then 48,52,etc,etc,etc.Its a total waste of breathe,just say ,”they still violate the ceasefire”.Abd then do something about it.If your waiting for the West to stop the nazis ,you’ll die of old age first.Get out there and destroy them,and then say “the junta forces violated the cease fire.We destroyed those forces.So now the violations have stopped”.
Agree. Uncle Bob. At some point I feel the NAF will be ‘let off the leash’ – might well not be til next year!!
BRICS Bank operational in April 2016 I read somewhere.
Watch how The IMF treats China in the next six months. Do they invite them to the top table or led by the U.S. choose to snub them?
I feel this is where the game is being played at the minute and neither Russia nor China want any ‘on the ground’ distractions sidetracking the AIIB/ NDB/BRICS Bank – or any of that.
Unfortunately, the waiting game must continue and Kiev must continue to rot from the inside.
Interestingly enough both articles use generals of equal rank, which obviously is meant to give them equal weight.
I liked this piece in Rozhin’s article, and I quote:
“… Так зачем Стрелков ходил к Карачуну? Или это байка?
Байка Кононова. 1 – откуда на тот момент командиру роты, обороняющему восток Славянска, знать что происходит на юге и где находится Стрелков?
2- в тот день я был у Стрелкова с утра и до 13 часов, он из штаба не выезжал. …”
In short what he says here is, that while Strielkov is accused of running away, Petrovskiy says he was with him until 13:00hrs, and it’s all Kurginian’s story.
Also, not to long ago Rozhin presented Strielkov’s ID book which stated his rank as a Colonel (nothing less). Obviously, he did that because there were many stories floating around, suggesting, that Strielkov was/is a fake pretending to be military.
I am not going to discuss the reason why would some parties like to diminish his value to Novorossian cause.
Q; https://www.youtube.com/user/crimeanfront/videos
R; The above video on crimeanfront produces a black screen, with audio.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8KxGSOaX-w shows me the above video correctly after an initial black screen while loading.
Lugansk border with Ukie forces is ebbing. The militia needs to punish some of this aggression.
What is even the point of committing on the number of violations by Kiev,24,one day,46,one day,72,one day,26 another day,then 48,52,etc,etc,etc.Its a total waste of breathe,just say ,”they still violate the ceasefire”.Abd then do something about it.If your waiting for the West to stop the nazis ,you’ll die of old age first.Get out there and destroy them,and then say “the junta forces violated the cease fire.We destroyed those forces.So now the violations have stopped”.
Agree. Uncle Bob. At some point I feel the NAF will be ‘let off the leash’ – might well not be til next year!!
BRICS Bank operational in April 2016 I read somewhere.
Watch how The IMF treats China in the next six months. Do they invite them to the top table or led by the U.S. choose to snub them?
I feel this is where the game is being played at the minute and neither Russia nor China want any ‘on the ground’ distractions sidetracking the AIIB/ NDB/BRICS Bank – or any of that.
Unfortunately, the waiting game must continue and Kiev must continue to rot from the inside.
Short rumble about Strelkov.
Forgive my side-step, I wonder why, but Slaviansk is back.
Few days back Fort Russ had an article:
where Kurginian’s man used Kononov (Lieutenant-General) to criticize Strielkov.
It did not take long and today CC (Rozhin) has an article on the same subject:
Interestingly enough both articles use generals of equal rank, which obviously is meant to give them equal weight.
I liked this piece in Rozhin’s article, and I quote:
“… Так зачем Стрелков ходил к Карачуну? Или это байка?
Байка Кононова. 1 – откуда на тот момент командиру роты, обороняющему восток Славянска, знать что происходит на юге и где находится Стрелков?
2- в тот день я был у Стрелкова с утра и до 13 часов, он из штаба не выезжал. …”
In short what he says here is, that while Strielkov is accused of running away, Petrovskiy says he was with him until 13:00hrs, and it’s all Kurginian’s story.
Also, not to long ago Rozhin presented Strielkov’s ID book which stated his rank as a Colonel (nothing less). Obviously, he did that because there were many stories floating around, suggesting, that Strielkov was/is a fake pretending to be military.
I am not going to discuss the reason why would some parties like to diminish his value to Novorossian cause.
He did not say Kurginian’s story, he said Kononov’s Story, hence this was certainly aimed at an interview in Fort Russ with Kononov.