On Sunday, February 14th, an English RT’s Senior Political correspondent Anissa Naouai interviewed Moty Cristal, a self proclaimed specialist on terrorism, an attorney, founder of Israel-based Nest Consulting LTD. On his twitter account Mr. Cristal names his fields of expertise as “Negotiator. Trains & consults worldwide on complex negotiations and crisis management. Political activist & designer of operational networks.”

Threats (S3E16) Published time: 14 Feb, 2016 07:38 Interview starts at (14:50)

Normally, I would treat this sort of interview as a self-advertisement, at the expense of Russia’s taxpayers. However, Mr. Cristal went way far from the beaten path of national security officers peddling their business. He presented an ethno-genesis theory for the modern jihad movement, only very slightly reflective of Lev Gumilev’s, and concluded that Islamo-fascism is unbeatable, as long as Islam exists, because Islam today is the same “age” Christianity was at the time of the Inquisition. He offered to examine the age of culture. He also implied that Islamo-fascism is a historical and logical development of Islam, and that’s why there are no methods to stop terrorism and to defeat it.

Drawing parallels between terrorism and religion, Moty Christal forgot to clarify what age Judaism was at the beginning of 20th century, when followers of this religion orchestrated the Red Terror in Russia after the anti-government coup, or “color revolution” in 1917.

Very recently, during the blunt attempt to take over the Schneersohn library, Israel and the Chabad-Lubavitch organizations had threatened Russia with prosecution, similar to the process over Hitler’s Germany, claiming that Soviet government was persecuting people of Jewish nationality. Since Germany has reduced to a trickle its enormous payments to the state of Israel and other Jewish organizations, they have decided to find another cash cow, and to milk the Russian people instead. I have very few doubts that if Russia had surrendered the Schneersohn collection to Chabad, it would then face claims of a holocaust of Jews in Soviet Russia.

In August 2010 a federal judge in Washington, Royce Lamberth, ruled that the Hasidim proved the legitimacy of their claims to the ancient Jewish books and manuscripts, opening a very curious precedent for treating ownership of arts and antiquities in accordance with their creators’ provenance and nationality. Say, British museums are packed to the brim with stolen art, manuscripts and artifacts. Using the decision of this court, the countries of origin should just immediately demand the return of all those treasures that were stolen from them by the British. First, the British so called “royal family” should return one the Russian Imperial crowns that was stolen from Russia, and that their queen is not ashamed to wear publicly.

The case of the Schneersohn library is relevant here, due to the message that President Putin conveyed at a meeting with representatives of the European Jewish Congress in September 2014:

“The decision to nationalize the Schneersohn library was made by the first Soviet government, members of which were Jews. There was about 80 to 85% of Jews in this government. However, it was them who, directed by false ideological considerations went to conduct repressions and arrests of many Orthodox Christians and followers of Judaism, and representatives of other religions, including Muslims. They combed up all.[meaning, they were repressing and arresting everybody in the country.] These ideological blunders and false ideology, thank God, have collapsed.”

What’s not in this video is a statement of fact that they collected an enormous amount of documents to substantiate his statement. Essentially, President Putin told to the representatives of the European Jewish Congress that it was Russia that might start the tribunal process on the account of the holocaust of Russians by the first Soviet government that was 80 to 85% Jewish, the rest were ethnic Ukrainians, militants from the Baltics, and also Georgians, and Polish militants.

Considering, that 90% of my family had perished during the Red Terror, and considering that my parents have never received any compensation for the death of their relatives neither from Jewish organizations, nor from Germany, I am in full support of such undertaking.

Notably, President Putin’s statement made the right impression, because claims for the return of the collection and other reparations had died out immediately. But not without some terror acts, like an arson at the library of the Russia’s Academy of Social Sciences INION in Moscow in February 2015, that destroyed a huge amount of documents pertaining to the holocaust and also to the history of Jews in Russia, and the Soviet Union.

Coming back to this very curious actor, Moty Cristal, who has been a professor of Professional Practice in Negotiation Dynamics at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo since 2011.

In one of his tweets, Mr. Cristal complains that his “client” “cynically inserted him into Hotel Ukraina in Moscow” with the view of the flags of the EU and Israel, and the view of Russia’s Parliament building. The same building that was targeted and burned during the US takeover of the Soviet government, with the direct participation of the Israeli security services.

What Israeli national security people are teaching Russian specialists, poisoning their minds with fallacies and recruiting future members of the Russian elite as Israeli secret services agents?

Are there any Russian Orthodox military or national secure officers teaching in the Technion, in Jerusalem University, in Haifa University?
What kind of views do theses “political activist” have towards Russia and it’s government?
I also would want a disclosure on what kind of “operational networks” this “political activist” designs in Russia and for whom? Who are his clients?

What propelled me to write this post, is not just a statement by Mr. Cristal that violent Islam follows in the footsteps of violent Christianly. The Islamo-fascism from its very beginning was socially-engineered and funded by the governments of the US and EU members and Israel. It’s useless to keep insisting that jihad is a historical process coming from the within of the Islam, when the US authorities openly admit that it was them who midwifed the terrorists into existence. “… the US and Turkey created ISIS, are arming and funding it to this very day, and are using the existence and atrocities of their own proxy forces.”

I find it uncanny that the Russia Today interview with Mr. Cristal coincided with the February 14th 2016 SANA News report on a seizure in Syria of a large amount of ammunition made in Israel. ” Earlier on Saturday, the Syrian government authorities, in cooperation with the popular committees, seized hundreds of U.S. and Israeli-made anti-tank mines loaded in a pickup in the western countryside of Sweida. The weapons were bound for the terrorists in eastern al-Badiya (desert). The arms and ammunition which were confiscated included 7 Israeli-made anti-tank rocket launchers, 62 shells, 128 RPG shells of different kinds, 43 120 mm mortar rounds, 42 82 mm mortar rounds and 100 23 mm machinegun bullets.”

I was also intrigued as to why Moty Cristal has never mentioned one of the most horrific terrorists attack in the past two years, the burning alive of over a hundred Russian people in Odessa by Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who weren’t Muslim fundamentalists.

Coincidentally, as if in response to the reports of the seizure of Israeli shipment of arms to the terrorists in Syria, a Ukrainian journalist Vladimir Kornilov
posted his research into the burning of people in Odessa on May 2nd, 2014.

“Immediately after the Odessa Khatyn, I reported on the curious Israelis who actively participated in the events of May 2.
If you remember, I have reported about the video that a British journalist recorded in the center of Odessa with the use of his Google glasses. In the video, we can see a group of English speaking foreigners in the midst of a crowd of Ukrainian Nazis. One of them says to the journalist that the group was directly participated in these events. (He states it openly on the video). Speaking in a fluent English he says that he is a citizen of Israel and the USA. Suddenly, he realizes that he is being recorded on video. He loses his mojo, his English suddenly “deteriorates” and he retreats. His hands are protected by rubber gloves, and his accomplices are holding some tubes, bottles, packages.

When I reported this video, I was suddenly attacked from different sides. At first, it was said that I made it up, and that there was no video with the Israeli in it. After I presented this video showing the guy who clearly calls himself a citizen of Israel, I got screamed at that this guy “just misspoke”, that he “blurted it out without thinking” and that most likely he was an Arab, and not a Jew. Even so, I have never said anything about his ethnicity.

Well, getting back to the subject. I just found some photos of this gentleman by the name Gonen Siboni. In first photo, he is in Odessa on may 2, 2014. And on the other three images. He is in 2008. Do you recognize the uniform he is wearing? Is it Palestinian or the IDF?

In anticipating of “so what?”, I just want to note: neither in my first post, nor today do I argue that this fighter of the IDF is guilty of something. It’s possible that he, being a medical student, happened to be in the crowd of murderous Nazis, and accidentally started to help the wounded. As he now claims. But, there are a number of legitimate questions. For example, why did they accidentally walk through Odessa with medical equipment, and wearing rubber gloves? How did they know in advance that someone will be killed and wounded? Or, why did this fighter suddenly forget English when he realized that he was being recorded?

Back, in May 2014, I had recommended to question these IDF soldiers, in order to clarify their role in the event. (I reiterate: Siboni voluntarily told to the British journalist that he was participating in this event!). At the very least, it was the Ukrainian SBU that make a statement that for the burning of Russians in Odessa some kind of strange chemicals were used. In this regard, it is legitimate to ask those Israelis what kind of substance was in their tubes and bottles, right? Do you think authorities have asked this question from this activist? Oh, I doubt!..
On May 7th, 2014 he had posted on his page in the social network vkontakte (Russian facebook): “Home!” (Presumably, was quickly evacuated to Israel). Since then he has been laying low. He’s silent to this day. Curious, isn’t it?..”

Odessa Hatyn Strange English speaking people

The victims of terror and their families deserve justice and swift revenge. If terrorist wannabes knew that revenge will come to them fast and furious, they would be less inclined to participate in activities like burning women, children and men alive in Odessa. There is an investigation conducted by Russia’s law enforcement. If Gonen Siboni is not a terrorist, he has nothing to hide. He should go to Moscow and talk to the investigators about what had happened in Odessa. If he had helped injured people, as he claims, those people should be alive and they should be able to confirm that he and other Israelis from his group helped them. He should reveal who were the other people in his group. Law enforcement should be able to question them also.

Since he is hiding and refuses to talk to law enforcement, it means that he lies and that he was killing people along with the Ukro- terrorists.

I don’t understand why we have to treat Islamo-terrorists differently from Ukro-terrorists and Judeo-terrorists? They all work for the same organizations.

I also beg to differ with Mr. Cristal, on the account of persistence of terror. What does it tell him when CIA Director John Brennan says that they knew about upcoming acts of terror in Paris?

If we see terrorism for what it is, the Western governments’ psy-ops to destabilize countries, then we will find the way to put an end to it.

In his interview to Anissa Naouai, Mr. Cristal talks about the comprehensive strategy of the fight with terrorism. He suggests that we have to go after the terrorists and physically kill them, we have to go after their leaders and physically kill them, we have to go after their money and bank accounts, and we have to go after the members of their families. He also says that we should only negotiate with terrorists to gain time to gather intelligence. There are no reasons why we would have any agreement with terrorists. This is what Israel does. Those are acceptable international practices.

This baldy claims to be a expert, maybe we should start following his recommendations?