Dear friends,

After giving it a lot of thought, I have had to take the very painful decision to cancel my trip to Russia.  There are several causes which contributed to this decision, but the main one is my health and current inability to embark upon such a trip.  Also, the planned dates (July) were probably not the best ones possible, so this trip is probably going to have to be postponed to a better date and, hopefully, better circumstances.  Finally, there is the fact that since I have no paid holidays of any kind, every day I don’t work at my daytime job means a day with no income, but still plenty of bills to pay.

I also ask for your understanding if I don’t reply to your email or rarely reply to comments.  To say that I suffer from severe exhaustion is an understatement, so absolutely need to pace myself.  My number one priority will be to produce at the very least one weekly analysis and to write shorter comments if/when developments require it.

I know that a lot of you expect me to comment upon the developing situation between the USA, Israel, Moscow, Syria and Iran.  I am aware of the tectonic shift resulting from these events and I will address them next week.   This week my analysis (to be posted tomorrow) will mainly focus on one particularly shocking aspect of the Skripal case, though I will mention the “bigger picture” too.

I have taken the decision to cancel this trip with a very heavy heart and I hope that the future will offer better circumstances.

Kind regards to all,

The Saker