Dear friends,

Your response to my recent report of difficulties has been overwhelming and I am immensely touched by it.  Not only did you pull me out from my immediate difficulties, but I now feel reasonably sure to be able to make ends meet until the end of the year.  As a result, I am canceling the “regular” Fall quarterly fund-raiser which, believe me, makes me even happier than you!  Thanks to you, I will now fully concentrate on my work: writing analyses and running the blog.  I wish I could write an individual thank you note to each one of you or, even better, sit down in person with you, give you a big hug, look you in the eye and simply say “thank you!”.  No matter what I write here it will never convey to you how grateful my family and I are for your support.  I am also deeply, deeply touched.  What a fantastic motivator to feel that I have the support of such a huge community!  This is a feeling which is hard to describe.

Friends, you are wonderful and I love you all!

Hugs to all,

The Saker