Dear friends,

Tomorrow I will be leaving for a two-weeks long trip. I will have my laptop with me and I will try to keep working on this blog, but I will probably have little time for that. I apologize in advance if I do not promptly respond to your comments and emails or if I fail to cover an important topic.

I have a suggestion though: you all can keep posting and talking with each other in the comments section below this post. Please feel free to post on any and all topics of interest to you. I might even try to find the time to participate in any discussion.

The big story in June was, of course, the attempt to steal the election in Iran. By that I, of course, mean the attempt by Rasfanjani to use the election to overthrow the Islamic Republic. It appears that they failed to achieve that either “by the ballot” or “by the bullet” and that their coup is now gradually fizzling out (Mousavi’s call for a general strike was totally ignored and, subsequently, rescinded).

Still, my contacts tell me that the situation is tense and that violence might resume. Please keep us all informed about developments in Iran by posting any information you might have in the comments section.

I should be back on the 20th of July.

Kind regards,

The Saker