
I want to share what I consider a very good and useful video discussing what happened during the now famous shootout in Kenosha.  I just want to add two things:

First, in my opinion, the single most important advice this video gives is this: don’t go somewhere you would not go without a gun with a gun.  Or don’t ever do what you would not do without a gun with a gun.

Second, some of you might recall an article of my about self-defense myths and choices for civilians.  I want to repeat here something I wrote in that past article: (red stress added)
What is the main difference between a civilian and a law enforcement officer?

It’s not the gun they carry, nor is it the quality of their training (cops are typically pretty bad shots). It is not the legal right to use deadly force, in self-defense civilians can do that (at least in those jurisdictions which allow civilians to carry a firearm to defend themselves). So what is it? It is the following crucial differences:

When cops hear gunshots they have to go and investigate/intervene whereas when civilians hear gunshots they have to take cover or run.

This is absolutely crucial: law enforcement officers have to enforce the law and protect everybody. Civilians only are allowed to protect themselves (or somebody under their protection) and only until the law enforcement forces show up. This is so important that I want to stress this again: civilians do not have the duty to arrest anybody (even in jurisdictions where so-called “citizens arrests” are legal). Civilians have no business chasing and arresting criminals, they don’t have to initiate a confrontation with gangs, thugs, hooligans, or petty criminals. Civilians do not enforce drug laws (neither should the cops, in my opinion, but that is another topic) and civilians do not make traffic stops. If you are a civilian and you see three thugs going down a one-way street while snorting cocaine and brandishing their guns, you should seek cover and get the hell out of there. Cops are duty bound to immediately intervene. That is a *HUGE* difference.

For civilians firearms are a stop-gap personal protection tool of last resort. It is only when everything else fails that you can produce your weapon and, if that also fails, use it.

Law enforcement officers and civilians live in totally different realities.

I will believe that failing to make this distinction is one of the three what get so much people in trouble (the other two being 1) not calling 911 first and 2) speaking to cops (*only* your lawyers should do that!).

Anyway, here is that video, I hope you find it useful.

The Saker
PS: this guy is not a cop, but former military. Very reasonable guy.
PPS: for whatever this is worth, I agree that BLM/Antifa are anti-US, they hate this country, but they are not Communists at all, even if they claim otherwise. Communism (Marxism-Leninism) is an objectively existing ideology, not a label to apply to any and all anti-US slogans or movements. BLM/Antifa thugs would be immediately jailed in both Cuba or China, irrespective of their ideological pretexts for violence.  My 2cts