Dear friends,

You might have heard that Hezbollah fighters in Syria have recently made some substantial progress against the Takfiris of IS/Daesh.  They have freed several villages and taken control of several key positions near the Syrian border.  I hope to get a full report about all this very soon.  But today I just wanted to share with you a photo sent to me by a Lebanese friend which depicts a Hezbollah fighter “saluting the Virgin Mary and holding the picture of Her which is dear to their hearts” as my friend put it (this fighter probably found that image either in a destroyed church or inside a Christian home).

One picture does say more than 100 words.  Enjoy!

Hezbollah fighter with an image of the Holy Theotokos

UPDATE: I got four more pictures from my friend:

Hezb and Theotokos 2Hezb and Theotokos 3image3image4Hezzie anb TheotokosHezzie and Christ