Dear friends,

Today I have decided to post a partial (90%) transcript of the video recently released by the ISIS Takfiris.  My main motive is that this video is constantly being removed by YouTube, Facebook and the rest of the social media.  I happen to believe that listening to our enemies is very important.  Listening to our most dangerous and evil enemies is vital.  Furthermore, how can I possibly expect people to fully understand and appreciate the huge differences existing between the various forms of traditional Islam and the Takfirism of the al-Qaeda crazies if you, the reader, cannot compare them.  I won’t bother posting the video itself since uploading it on the social media will only have it removed, while uploading it to our servers exposes us to all sorts of stupid (or deliberately provocative) accusations.  I don’t need that.

So I asked a friend to locate this video, translate it into English (again, 90% of it, small irrelevant parts have been omitted) and send me the transcript.  I am most grateful to this friend for his help.

I leave you with this text with the hope that it will contribute to form your own opinion about al-Baghdadi, the man whom both the USA and Russia declared dead, killed in an airstrike, and who is now apparently happily alive.  I will end with a question to all of you:

What do *YOU* make of this Bin-Laden v2 character?

[FYI – this is the conclusion of my (Arab and Muslim) interpreter: “A pathetic attempt to prove ISIS is still somewhat relevant“.  FWIW – I can only concur: the Russian campaign against ISIS has been devastatingly effective, hence their need to relocate to places like Sri Lanka and hence their need to try to prove that they are still up-and-running.]

Kind regards

The Saker

PS: in the near future I will post a video and transcript of a speech by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah in which he discusses ISIS and the rest of the Takfiris in some detail.  Hopefully, such an exercise in “compare and contrast” will contribute to the awareness that there is no such thing as a single, monolithic, Islam, the latter being at least as diverse as the world of (nominal) Christianity.

Praise be to God.
The battle against the Crusaders and their like will be long. The battle of Baghuz ended. In it, were fully displayed the monstrosity of the crusaders against the Islamic Ummah, and the courage and steadfastness of the Islamic Ummah. We frightened the hearts of the Crusaders, and it increased their hatred against the Islamic Ummah.
Praise be to God, your brothers who were true to their alleagance (to ISIS), and God chose them, among which your brothers who held the banner (names list of ISIS cadres & soldiers killed in Baghuz). These brothers were the cause of our steadfastness there, in spite of the small size of the area, the severe blockade imposed on it and the savage assault against them. Everywhere, they proved to the Crusaders & the whole world that they are determined to fight, and never leave any part of the Islamic land to the Crusaders before they are killed. They triumphed in the eyes of God, and need no praise from us (because they are in paradise). But the Islamic Ummah will never forget them.
Praise be to our brothers who made 92 (terror) operations in 8 countries. It proves the unity of the fighters, their determination, clear vision and understanding of what requires the battle, and of the reality they live.
We praise our brothers in Libya and their attack on the city of Fuqaha. May God reward them. They proved to the enemy that they can take the initiative, and that their battle against the enemy is one of bloodshed (long-time, patience). May they exhaust the enemy in all his capacities. The Jihad will stay until the Day of Resurrection.
God gave us the order to fight, not to win. May God grant us patience and success.
We accept the pledge of allegiance of our brothers in Burkina Faso and Mali, congratulate them and ask God to help them, and we exhort them to keep striking the Crusading France. They must know that the Muslims help, protect and avenge each other. It is like one and same body.
God guided some people in Khorasan, and they joined us. May they succeed.
I think you saw the news of Netanyahou elected as Head of State of the Jewish State. As well, the most important news was that the tyrant of Algeria and the tyrant of Soudan were overthrown. But sadly, until now, people did not understand why they took to the streets, and what they really want. Because a tyrant left and was replaced by another one, worse in crime and aggression against Muslims. We remind the peoples that the only way with these tyrants is the fight in the way of God. With this jihad, the tyrants disappear, and peoples reach dignity and honor. Nothing but sword can be of use against these tyrants. Peoples must resort to the ways of Islam to overthrow tyrants so that the only religion (on earth) is God’s.
Your brothers in Sri Lanka duly avenged our brothers in Baghuz by striking the Crusaders in their holy day. This is but a part of the vengeance awaiting the Crusaders. Gladly, Americans & Europeans also got killed there. We accept the pledge of allegiance of our Sri Lanka brothers. May they persevere and be accepted as martyrs, and keep on in this dignified way of martyrdom.
We praise the action of our brothers in the land of the Prophet (Saudi Arabia), in al-Zulfi, against the Al Saloul (derogatory word for Al Saoud). May this attack be followed by many others, and may this vile, tyrant regime perish.