by Martin Arauxo and Manuel Miranda

HomoprideObama ambassadorial appointee and LGBT activist, James Wally Brewster has endeavored to promote alternative lifestyle values in the conservative Dominican Republic.

Ever since Ambassador Brewster (who donated heavily to Barak Obama) arrived in the D.R. he has been pushing against the traditional values of the majority, by openly and steadily attempting to steer the nation into accepting ultra liberal North American culture.

He took under his stewardship the various LGBT groups on the island nation and has now set up an exclusive LGBT chamber of commerce for them (in spanish).

Using the tremendous resources of the State Department, USA ambassador Brewster has coordinated with USAID to channel the not too shabby sum of one million dollars to this boutique chamber of commerce, but also to (and here’s the kicker) to any political candidates who are openly LGBT or support their agenda, this was all celebrated ironically on the so called Zero Discrimination day, sponsored by the UN .

USAID Director in the D.R. Alexandria Panehal, explicitly stated that this was to advance the “LGBT agenda”  (English) in the country by supporting candidates who back their roadmap.

Ambassador Brewster who is married to Bob Satawake (both wealthy Chicago businessmen) have continuously defied the country’s traditional culture by enforcing the LGBT agenda, the non-career diplomat has threatened to take away visas from those who also oppose his anti-corruption drives which involved further meddling of a foreign ambassador into the private affairs of a sovereign nation.


Evangelical leader Ezequiel Molina, protested that it is part of “USA’s desire to establish it’s empire and apply it to smaller countries”, here (in spanish).

Social commentator Rafael Ventura (in spanish), also railed against “the discriminatory nature towards heterosexuals” of an exclusive LGBT Chamber of commerce, cryptically stating at the end of his heated rant “that pretty soon if you are not LGBT they might even have you killed”.

Senators and congressmen also cautioned about the supposed desire to finance candidates who support the LGBT agenda, since this goes against the constitution of the country which forbids foreign financing for political candidates.


After a storm of criticsim erupted, the State Department put out a video stating that they do not financially support political candidates in foreign countries, this was done to attempt to quiet down the tempest aroused by this news.

However the plans for the exclusive LGBT chamber of commerce proceeds apace.

Dominican lawyer and political analyst Manuel Miranda provides the following viewpoint.

This is merely an excuse for USA to further ebb away at our sovereignty. The LGBT agenda is being pushed to counteract the continuous demographic growth in the 3rd world in the long run. It has already been achieved in Europe and North America. This also a way for the Democratic Party to in some way obtain more fresh donors and votes for their candidates. Now they are talking about financing Pro-Gay political parties, hogwash this is simply the purchase of political parties, they can now impose their legislators, ministers of cabinets, judges, diplomats and presidents. These will not only carry out their agenda, but will be game pieces that shall be used to further meddle in every other issue that regards our sovereignty. They will not only have an exclusive LGBT chamber of commerce  that responds directly to them but sympathizers who due to the indirect financing  by way of the political parties will also tow the line of Uncle Sam“.