President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad slams Washington’s domestic policy saying the US has turned into a big prison for the American nation.

He made the remarks at a meeting with the leaders of US Muslim community on Tuesday.

Ahmadinejad criticized the offensive remarks made by Columbia University’s President Lee Bollinger adding, “They insult the guest they’ve invited and echoed statements of a terrorist group in their remarks. They knew their words would not affect me and just tried to prevent the university students from listening to new words. “

Ahmadinejad said the Holocaust was a pretext to occupy Palestine and displace millions of peoples, therefore its aspects should be studied. “They displaced the Palestinian nation under the pretext of the massacre of the Jews; if it is revealed that the Holocaust has nothing to do with the issue of Palestine and the figures in this regard are exaggerated, they will have nothing to say.”

“Resolutions are no longer of any use to counter Israel’s crimes and the approved resolutions are not implemented either. I’m sure that Americans are against those crimes and consider Palestinians to be right. “

He described discord between Shias and Sunnis in Iraq as a plot hatched by the enemies, which can be thwarted by unity.

Ahmadinejad called on all Muslims to strive for justice in the world adding, “We believe all religions have the same origin. Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the savior. “
FYI – here is a comparison of worldwide incarceration rates:

Incarcerations per 100,000 population (sample):

1014____Texas (in 1999) (governor George W. Bush)
1013____Louisiana (2001)
715_____United States of America (2001)
584_____Russian Federation
402_____South Africa
189_____Hong Kong (China)
178_____Czech Republic
177_____Greenland (Denmark)
161_____New Zealand
158_____El Salvador
142_____United Kingdom: England & Wales
125_____Republic of (South) Korea

-In the USA, Blacks and Hispanics make up 62 percent of the incarcerated population, though comprising only 25 percent of the national population;

-Between ten and fifteen percent of black men are incarcerated in twelve states (Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming);

-Black women are incarcerated at rates between ten and thirty-five times greater than the rates of white women in fifteen states (Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming); and

-Hispanic youth are incarcerated at rates seven to seventeen times greater than those of whites in Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, while the incarceration rate for black youth is between twelve and twenty-five times greater than those of whites in Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Massachusetts, Montana, and New Jersey.

(See the World Incarceration Website for more details)


In 2004 there were more than 800,000 full-time sworn law enforcement officers in the United States

Type of agency Number of agencies Number of full-time
sworn officers

Total 836,787
All State and local 17,876 731,903
Local police 12,766 446,974
Sheriff 3,067 175,018
Primary State 49 58,190
Special jurisdiction 1,481 49,398
Constable/Marshal 513 2,323
Federal* 104,884

Note: Special jurisdiction category includes both State-level and local-level agencies. Consolidated police-sheriffs are included under local police category. Agency counts exclude those operating on a part-time basis.
*Non-military federal officers authorized to carry firearms and make arrests.

(as far as I understand this does not include folks working in jails, prisons, penitentiaries, etc., though I am not sure about that)

All this adds up to a national rate of full-time law enforcement employees per 1,000 inhabitants of at 3.5 (in 2004) which also the highest in the world.

Lastly, remember the huge “security-intelligence complex” composed of the SIXTEEN official US intelligence and security agencies and the equally “huge private intelligence sector” and you really get a sense of how much a prison the USA has become.