When I posted the translation of the Ukrainian Successors to Hitlerite Wehrmacht Rape and Murder in Saurovka  Message from Fyodor Berezin, Igor Strelkov’s Deputy” I knew that I was doing something risky which would raise some eyebrows and, sure enough, it did.  Here are two examples of such reactions:

Too far. Way too far.  Ukie Nazis cutting men to pieces alive, keeping women so they can rape them, killing each other and carelessly dumping bodies along with weapons, a female sniper with a bright new American automatic rifle (?)… This is the point when the source loses all credibility. Saker, I thought you were warning of that few days ago…
In order that credibility is maintained (as with Hezbollah!), a claim such as this should provide some proof. Videos or photos, explanations about this is known. If the Ukies are regularly returning to rape, that must mean they control this village, right? If so, how does the resistance know about this?

This is what I posted in reply:

Several of you have expressed very reasonable doubts about the veracity of this story and I for sure cannot confirm a single word in it. When anonymous read “Ukie Nazis cutting men to pieces alive, keeping women so they can rape them, killing each other and carelessly dumping bodies along with weapons, a female sniper with a bright new American automatic rifle (?)…” he/she concluded “Too far. Way too far.” This was also my initial thought. Then however, I remembered that “peaceful civilians, including women and old men, beat up, gassed and burned to a crisp while the Nazi crowd sang joyful songs. The few who tried to jump from windows were shot and beat to death after their fall. At least one pregnant woman was choked to death with a telephone cord”. Is that not also a case of far, too far? Except that it happened in Odessa, in front of literally thousands of witnesses. So let me ask you this:

a) what are these guys capable of when there are no witnesses?
b) should I de-facto censor this testimony from the combat area on the grounds that there is no proof or that such atrocities are far, too far?

You tell me. Honestly! I am asking for advice here.

Maybe that guy made it all up and maybe he is a clumsy propagandist. As far as I can tell, he is Strelkov’s deputy and I know that Strelkov does not always get it right (his claim about the Ukie unit destroyed by his forces goes against all the witnesses of the case). So that does not reassure me. So what do I do?

Shall I pass on the message “as is” or should I block it on grounds of “too far”?

If there had been only ONE witness in Odessa – would it have not bee “too far”?

You tell me.

Then, having thought about it, I decided that this is too important an question to leave at the bottom of a long thread.  This is why I am re-posting it here.  And let me re-phrase it this way:

First, I personally have no doubts whatsoever about the Ukie death squads’ capacity for vicious atrocities unthinkable to a sane human being.  I need no further confirmation for myself.  Second, I have no way of verifying most of the info which I get from Novorossia and Banderastan.  Third, this is your blog – you, the reader – and you should have a say in how it is run because this blog is here to serve you, not me.  So – what do you want me to do the next time when I get such a report?

I shall be waiting for your advice with great anticipation and gratitude.

Coming back to the issue of the kind of people who are in power in Banderastan, I leave you with a report by The Truthseeker which touches exactly on this issue.

Kind regards and many thanks,

The Saker